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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 3 24 1
(a) Is it a fact that the government intends to provide ownership rights to the poor people living in Katchi Abadies in the province; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Katchi Abadis
Sindh 3 24 1
The number and size of Katchi Abadies in Karachi which are on land not owned by the Sindh Government?
Starred Katchi Abadis
Sindh 3 24 1
District-wise number of Katchi Abadies exist in the province during 2010 to 2013?
Starred Katchi Abadis
Sindh 3 24 1
Number of Katchi Abadies regularized in the province during 2010 to 2013?
Starred Katchi Abadis
Sindh 3 24 1
(a) Is it a fact that builders are violating laws and building high rise buildings in Katchi Abadies; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the reasons thereof along with action taken against them?
Starred Katchi Abadis
Sindh 3 24 1
Number of posts filled in Katchi Abadies department on urban quota during 01-01-2008 to 15-03-2013 along with name, post, BPS and domicile of each employee?
Starred Katchi Abadis
Sindh 3 24 1
Name/number of Goths as have been regularized in Tapo Manghopir and Songal along with areas in acres they covered?
Starred Katchi Abadis

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