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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 5 37 7
Will the Minister for Special Education be pleased to state:- Number of colleges/functional centers in the province catering to special education students
Starred Special Education
Sindh 5 37 7
Will the Minister for Special Education be pleased to state:- Plans of the department to improve access to special education in the rural areas of the province?
Starred Special Education
Sindh 5 37 7
Will the Minister for Special Education be pleased to state:- Yearly detail of foreign aid received to run special children institutions with name of countries and head under which the same spent?
Starred Special Education
Sindh 5 37 7
Will the Minister for Special Education be pleased to state:- Total number of vehicles in special education institutions in the province alongwith number of vehicles in working/non-working condition and steps taken by the Government to repair the same?
Starred Special Education
Sindh 5 37 7
Will the Minister for Special Education be pleased to state:- Name, number, designation and domicile of ghost teachers and employees found in Special Education Institutions of the province?
Starred Special Education

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