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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Balochistan 1 5 4
Details of Junior Clerk and grade 4 labor in livestock institution from 2017 to 2018
Starred Ministry of Livestock
Balochistan 1 5 4
Details of superintendents pointed in dairy form
Starred Ministry of Animals
Balochistan 1 5 4
Is it true that in between 2013 and 1018, the registration of livestock companies has been made?
Starred Ministry of Livestock
Balochistan 1 5 4
Details of milk producing and milk not producing cow in year between 2013 to 2018
Starred Ministry of Livestock
Balochistan 1 5 4
Details of contract given to food firms for livestock in year 2013 to 2018
Starred Ministry of Livestock
Balochistan 1 5 4
Detail of Labor hired from 1 to 15 in year 2016-2018
Starred Interior
Balochistan 1 5 4
Details of management officers in interior institutions
Starred Interior
Balochistan 1 5 4
Details of editor, sub-editor, junior clerk and grade 4 labors
Starred Finance
Balochistan 1 5 4
Details of appointed labor in ministry of finance
Starred Finance

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