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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Balochistan 4 50 1
How many ambulances have been provided to BHUs of Distict Washak during 2018-2020? Please provide details in this regard of each BHU.
Starred Health
Balochistan 4 50 1
What steps have been taken for repair of dialysis machines in District Headquarters Hospital Pishin?
Starred Health
Balochistan 4 50 1
How much expenses incurred on polio drive during January to March 2021?
Starred health
Balochistan 4 50 1
Starred Food
Balochistan 4 50 1
Starred Food
Balochistan 4 50 1
Starred Food
Balochistan 4 50 1
Starred Health
Balochistan 4 50 1
Starred Health

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