Home / Motion under Rule 204

Motion under Rule 204

This rule is used by motion to appoint a Special Committee of the Senate which shall have such composition and functions as may be specified in the motion.

AssemblyParliamentary YearSession No.Sitting No.Name of RepresentativeMotionStatus
Balochistan 5 63 4 Khalil, BAP
The house adopted a motion allowing the use of Balochistan Chamber for the golden jubilee ce...lebrations of the Senate of Pakistan.Read More
National 5 50 3 Romina Khurshid Alam, PML-N
As Per Rule 51 i.e. Allotment of time for the transaction of business - If there is no sitti...ng on Tuesday, Private members business shall have precedence on the next working day. Read More
Senate 20 334 1 Saadia Abbasi, IND
The House may authorize the Honourable Chairman Senate to appoint a Parliamentary Caucus on ...Water Resources in the country, comprising of the members of the Senate of Pakistan and the Minister for Water Resources as ex-officio member. The Honourable Chairman Senate may also be authorized to make nominations from the Senate to the Caucus and make changes in its composition as and when required. The Senate Secretariat shall provide Secretarial support to the Caucus.Read More
Taken Up
Senate 20 334 1 Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP
The House may authorize the Honourable Chairman Senate to constitute a Special Committee of ...the House to look into the issue of Pakistani migrant workers who are working overseas, repatriated or intend to go abroad and to coordinate with all stake holders for one window facilitation for both the employer and employee to streamline easy access to training resources and the process of verification of skills. The Honourable Chairman Senate may also be authorized to make nominations for the said Committee and also to make changes in its composition as and when required.Read More
Not Taken Up
Senate 20 326 3 Mohammad Ishaq Dar, PML-N
Further addresses on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Senate of Pakist...anRead More
Senate 20 326 2 Mohammad Ishaq Dar, PML-N
Further addresses on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Senate of Pakist...anRead More
Debate Underway
Senate 20 326 1 Mohammad Ishaq Dar, PML-N
The House may be converted into Committee of the Whole from time to time during the Special ...Commemorative Session for addresses by the honourable guests. Read More
Senate 20 325 1 Mohammad Ishaq Dar, PML-N
Under Rule 263 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that t...he requirement of Rule 41 of the said Rules regarding question hour be dispensed with for 15th and 16th February, 2023. (Moved by Shahadat Awan)Read More
Senate 20 321 5 Shahadat Awan, PPPP
Composition of Members for Parliamentary Committee of law reforms.
Senate 20 318 2 Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani , PPPP
Authorizing the Chairman Senate to make nominations to the Parliamentary Committee constitut...ed to evaluate shortcomings of previous elections and make recommendations for the electoral reforms to ensure that elections are held in a free, fair and transparent manner. The Chairman may also be authorized to make changes in the nominations, as and when required.Read More
Showing 1 to 10 of 33 entries

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