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Private Motion

This section provides details of Private Motions forwarded through a question put by the Speaker on a motion moved by a member. A member who wishes to move a motion shall give, to the Secretary, in the case of a substantive motion, at least seven clear days’ and in the case of an amendment, at least two clear days’ notice in writing.

Assembly Parliamentary Year Term Session No. Siiting No. Name of Representative Private Motion Status
Assembly Parliamentary Year Term Session No. Sitting No. Name of Representative Private Motion Status
National 1 5 16 5 Syed Naveed Qamar, PPPP
Syed Naveed Qamar, MNA moved the following motion which was adopted by the House:- “that all the Standing Committees of the National Assembly be elected and the Honourable Speaker be authorized to nominate Members to the Standing Committees, on the recommendations of Parliamentary Party Heads, respectively. The Honourable Speaker may make such changes in the composition of the Standing Committees, as and when he may deem fit.”
National 1 5 16 5 Syed Naveed Qamar, PPPP
Syed Naveed Qamar, MNA moved the following motion which was adopted by the House:- “that in order to promote friendly relations between Parliamentarians of Pakistan and elected representatives of foreign democratic Assemblies, this House authorize Honourable Speaker to constitute Parliamentary Friendship Groups with democratic Assemblies and make changes in such groups as and when so required.”
National 1 4 16 7 Muhammad Aurangzeb, PML-N
Minister for Finance and Revenue to move under sub-rule (3) of Rule 201 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2007 that the Tax Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024, as introduced in the National Assembly, be considered without waiting report of the Committee.
Taken Up
National 1 7 16 2 Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N
Bill to amend the State-Owned Enterprises (Governance and Operations) Act, 2023 [The State-Owned Enterprises (Governance and Operations) (Amendment) Bill, 2024], as passed by the Senate and reported by the Standing Committee, be taken into consideration at once under clause (1) of Article 70 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
National 1 9 16 6 Khawaja Sheraz Mahmood, SIC
Chairman Standing Committee on Science and Technology to move that the delay in the presentation of the report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to amend the National University of Technology Act, 2018 [The National University of Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2024], till today be condoned.
National 1 11 16 1 Azim-ud-Din Zahid, SIC
To move that the delay in the presentation of the report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to establish the International Examination Board [The International Examination Board Bill, 2024], till today be condoned. (Moved by Rana Muhammad Qasim Noon, MNA)
Not Taken Up
National 1 11 16 5 Shazia Marri, PPPP
That under rule 288 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2007 that the requirements of rules 51, 55, 57 and 158 of the said Rules in respect of Ballot of Private Members’ Resolutions, Orders of the Day and Notice of resolution for today may be suspended in order to take up a resolution
Taken Up
National 1 11 16 6 Azim-ud-Din Zahid, SIC
That the delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to establish the International Examination Board [The International Examination Board Bill, 2024], till today be condoned. (Moved by Rana Muhammad Qasim Noon, MNA)
National 1 11 16 6 Azim-ud-Din Zahid, SIC
To move that the delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to provide for the establishment of the South City Institute of Health Education [The South City Institute of Health Education Bill, 2024], till today be condoned.
Taken Up
National 1 11 16 6 Azim-ud-Din Zahid, SIC
To move that the delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to establish the Nexus International University of Health Emerging Sciences and Technologies, Islamabad [The Nexus International University of Health Emerging Sciences and Technologies, Islamabad Bill, 2024], till today be condoned.
Taken Up
National 1 11 16 6 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
To move that the delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the High Courts (Establishment) Order, 1970 (P.O.8 of 1970) [The High Courts (Establishment) (Amendment) Bill, 2024], till today be condoned. (Moved by Mr. Sohail Sultan, MNA)
Taken Up
National 1 12 16 2 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
That the delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 27), till today be condoned
Not Taken Up
National 1 12 16 2 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 51, 59, 106), till today, be condoned
Not Taken Up
National 1 12 16 2 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 177, 193, 208), till today be condoned
Not Taken Up
National 1 12 16 2 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 184), till today be condoned
Not Taken Up
National 1 12 16 2 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to repeal the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 (V of 2003) [The Contempt of Court (Repeal) Bill, 2024], till today be condoned.
Not Taken Up
National 1 12 16 3 Hina rabbani Khar, PPPP
Delay in presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to give effect to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction, 1972 [The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (Implementation) Bill, 2024], till today be condoned.
National 1 12 16 7 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 27), till today be condoned
Taken Up
National 1 12 16 7 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 51, 59, 106), till today be condoned.
Taken Up
National 1 12 16 7 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 177, 193, 208), till today be condoned.
Taken Up
National 1 12 16 7 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 184), till today be condoned.
Taken Up
National 1 12 16 7 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
The delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to repeal the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003 (V of 2003) [The Contempt of Court (Repeal) Bill, 2024], till today be condoned.
Taken Up
National 2 12 16 8 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
That delay in presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 [The Civil Courts (Amendment) Bill, 2024], till today be condoned.
Taken Up
National 2 12 16 8 Raja Khurram Shahzad Nawaz, PML-N
That delay in presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Pakistan Coast Guards Act, 1973 [The Pakistan Coast Guards (Amendment) Bill, 2024], till today be condoned
Taken Up
National 2 12 16 8 Raja Khurram Shahzad Nawaz, PML-N
That delay in presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 [The Pakistan Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2024], till today be condoned.
Taken Up
National 1 13 16 2 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
That the delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 9-A), till today be condoned
National 1 13 16 2 Chaudhry Mehmood Bashir Virk, PML-N
That the delay in the presentation of report of the Standing Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024] (Article 198), till today be condoned.

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