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Questions details of Sitara Ayaz | 1072( 1 question asked )
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 13 238 2
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the amount spent on maintenance of Sagri Feeder, sub division Rawat, during the last three years with year-wise breakup; (b) the number of persons posted in the said feeder; and (c) the amount paid to the said persons as TA, Da and overtime allowance since July 2014 with month-wise breakup?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 13 238 7
Will the Minister Incharge of the Capital Administration and Development Division be pleased to state: (a) the quota allocated for disabled persons in Government services; and (b) the details of appointments made in the Government Departments against the said quota during the last financial year?
Starred Capital Administration and Development Division
Senate 13 238 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the amount spent on maintenance of Sagri Feeder, sub division Rawat, during the last three years with year-wise breakup; (b) the number of persons posted in the said feeder; and (c) the amount paid to the said persons as TA, DA and overtime allowance since July 2014 with month-wise breakup?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 13 238 9
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of rehabilitations centers for drug addicts in the country; and (b) whether any survey has been conducted regarding functioning of the said centers, if not the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 13 242 2
Will the Minister Incharge of the Capital Administration and Development Division be pleased to state: (a) the details of registered and un-registered housing schemes launched in Islamabad; (b) whether any action has been taken against un-registered and illegal housing schemes in Islamabad, if not, the reasons thereof; (c) whether any action has been taken against illegal land developers, contractors and government officials responsible for the said illegal schemes, if so, the details thereof; and (d) the details of recent action taken by CDA in Ghori Town, Islamabad?
Starred Capital Administration and Development Division
Senate 13 242 5
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that railways land in front of Hayatabad Karkhana Market, Peshawar, has been allotted for construction of shops, if so, the details thereof; and (b) the criteria adopted for allotment of the said land?
Starred Railways
Senate 14 247 7
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state whether the National Commission on the Status of Women is still functioning under the Federal Government, if so, the name, designation and grade of its present head?
Starred Human Rights
Senate 14 248 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the main responsibilities of the Directorate of Civil Defence under the administrative control of the Ministry of Interior and Narcotics Control?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 248 3
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the number of persons working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with designation-wise breakup; and (b) the number of persons working in Pakistan Embassies/Missions abroad with designation-wise and Mission-wise breakup?
Starred Foreign Affairs
Senate 14 248 3
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Urea is being used in the agriculture sector of the country; (b) whether it is also a fact that the use of Urea is banned in FATA, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred National Food Security and Research
Senate 14 248 3
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state whether Pakistan export DAP Urea to Afghanistan, if so, the procedure laid down for the same
Starred National Food Security and Research
Senate 14 248 7
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state whether the National Commission on the Status of Women is still functioning under the Federal Government, if so, the name, designation and grade of its present head?
Starred Human Rights
Senate 14 252 3
Will the Minister Incharge of the Aviation Division be pleased to state the main functions / responsibilities of MET office?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 14 252 4
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether it is a fact that electric transformers purchased and planned to be installed in district Swabi have not been installed, if so, the reasons thereof indicating also the action taken so far in this regard?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 14 252 4
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether it is a fact that transmission line from Grid station Sagri to village Kurzada Jheerain is in a dilapidated condition, if so, the time by which the same will be replaced?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 14 253 2
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state the details of treaties signed by the present Government with foreign countries for the export of labour / manpower?
Starred Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
Senate 14 253 2
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the names, designations and date of posting of the persons presently working in the Consulate General of Pakistan in Dubai indicating also the nature of duties assigned to each of them?
Starred Foreign Affairs
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the CNICs of a large number of Pakhtuns belonging to Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA have been blocked by NADRA, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 4
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state the names, designations and date of appointment of the persons working on contract and daily wages basis in the Utility Stores Corporation?
Starred Industries & Production
Senate 14 259 4
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the details of appointments of Class IV made in the Tarbela Dam from 2014 to 2016 with Province wise (quota wise) break up?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state the number of cases of harassment of women at work place forwarded by the Federal Ombudsman to the President's Cell of harassment at work place for decision during the last three years indicating also the number of cases decided out of the same so far?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 15 266 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that rate of crimes against women is high / on the rise, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 15 266 5
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Universities in the country are not following the Act of Women Harassment at Workplace?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
Senate 15 266 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the mechanism devised for collecting tax on loading of mobile phone cards in the country?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 267 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that rate of crimes against women is high / on the rise, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 15 267 8
Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the National Information Technology Board (NITB) has been conducting basic I.T. training course for Assistants, UDCs and Lower Division Clerks working in the Federal Government departments since 2016, if so, the number of such trainings conducted so far indicating also the number of persons enrolled and trained in each of the same?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
Senate 15 267 8
Will the Minister Incharge of the Establishment Division be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that basic I.T. training course being conducted by the National Information Technology Board (NITB) is mandatory for promotion in next grade for the Assistants, UDCs and Lower Division Clerks working in the Federal Government departments; (b) whether it is also a fact that the said training is not mandatory for the promotion of employees working in grade 16, if so, the reasons thereof; (c) whether it is further a fact that cases of promotion of a number of the said employees are pending due to non-conducting of that training on regular basis, if so, the reasons thereof; and (d) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to arrange the said training for those employees well before the processing of their cases for promotion?
Starred Establishment Division
Senate 15 267 10
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that rate of crimes against women is high / on the rise, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 15 269 7
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that rate of crimes against women is high / on the rise, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 16 281 4
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the names and details of posting of the officers from the Foreign Service Group/career diplomats who have been posted as Ambassadors in the foreign countries at present?
Starred Foreign Affairs
Senate 16 285 6
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Government has stopped the minting of coins like 5, 10, 25 and 50 paisas, if so, the reasons for fixing the prices of petroleum and other commodities in paisas in addition to rupees?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 17 288 1
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the number of transgender persons and the persons with disabilities registered with NADRA at present; and (b) the steps being taken by the NADRA to ensure maximum registration of the said persons?
Starred Interior
Senate 17 288 8
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the number of Government buildings in the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) which have facilities to make them easily accessible for persons with disabilities; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to provide for the said facilities in all Government buildings in the ICT to make them accessible for persons with disabilities?
Starred Interior
Senate 17 295 7
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the number of Government buildings in the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) which have facilities to make them easily accessible for persons with disabilities; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to provide for the said facilities in all Government buildings in the ICT to make them accessible for persons with disabilities?
Starred Interior
Senate 16 287 6
minting of coins like 5, 10, 25 and 50 paisas
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs

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