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Questions details of Abdul Qadir Patel | 2706( 1 question asked )
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 1 13 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the zone-wise illegal construction, which has been legalized in the last 5 five years in Islamabad or is being proposed to be regularized; (b) the zone-wise such illegal construction/structure, which has not been regularized in the said period; (c) whether it is equal to failure of CDA and abetting the illegal construction while it was being built; and (d) if the answer is affirmative, what steps are being taken to make CDA accountable for its failure to stop illegal construction in Islamabad?
Starred Interior
National 1 13 6
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government has taken steps to improve and ensure the accountability of various sports federations in the country for better and effective utilization of resources; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) if not, the reasons therefor?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 2 14 1
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the additional revenue, in terms of billions rupees, which has been generated through electricity bills as a result of uninterrupted electricity supply to consumers in the financial year 2018-19; (b) total additional megawatts, which have been added in the system by the incumbent Government alongwith details of its projects, which have been initiated and made operational; (c) the volume of theft of electricity both in terms of number of units and value thereof alongwith the most theft prone areas; (d) whether the Government has assessed reasons behind such theft, particularly with reference to fault in transmission system; if so, the details thereof; and (e) what steps are being taken to fix the menace of electricity theft?
Starred Energy
National 2 16 1
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government has taken notice of negative impact of increasing rate of interest on different sectors of the country and matters ancillary thereto; if so, the details thereof; (b) the steps being taken by the Government to tackle such impact on aforesaid sectors; and (c) is there any proposal under consideration of the Government to reduce the rate of interest in order to promote business activities in the country?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 2 16 1
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether State Bank of Pakistan being a regulator has taken notice of mal practice of Meezan Bank, Ltd. Kallar Syedan Branch, District Rawalpindi, in which bank first lure the people to invest in their scheme, and promise handsome periodic profit of its different schemes and later people are looted from their hard earn money on the pretext of losses in such schemes; if so, the details thereof; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government/SBP to hold the aforesaid bank accountable upon advertising false claim of profit of such schemes?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 2 16 2
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state whether the Government has taken steps to improve and ensure the accountability of various sports federations in the country for better and effective utilization of resources; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons therefor?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 2 17 1
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that two nuclear power plants are situated in the constituency NA-248 and the Government earns millions of rupees from them every year; (b) if so, whether the Government has taken notice that despite earning millions of rupees every year, the authorities concerned do not spend the amount of their profit for the welfare of the residents of the constituency; (c) if so, the details thereof; and (d) what steps are being taken by the Government to pursue such entities to reserve due funds for the welfare of the resident of the area in the field of health and education, etc?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 2 17 2
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that pension of beneficiaries of EOBI has not been increased in recent years; if so, the reasons thereof; (b) the plan of the incumbent Government to increase the pension of beneficiaries of EOBI expeditiously; and (c) what steps are being taken to formulate a comprehensive policy to increase the pension of EOBI beneficiaries together with the increase which is made in budget for Government employees?
Starred Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
National 2 17 2
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.53 replied on 8-11-2019 and to state: (a) when the Ministry requested to Federal Audit to conduct forensic audit of Sports Federations; (b) whether the Federal Audit responded to the request of Ministry; if so, the details thereof; (c) the dates upon which, the draft audit reports in respect of Pakistan Hockey Federation, Pakistan Tennis Federation and Volleyball Federation of Pakistan have been received alongwith findings of such audit; and (d) what steps are being taken to finalize the reports of such audit at an earliest?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 2 17 3
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:(a) whether relevant authorities of Ministry conducted any study to determine magnitude of accidents on Motorways and Highways and identify reasons behind increasing trend of accidents on Motorways and Highways; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; (b) the steps being taken to reduce the ratio of accidents on Highways and Motorways; and (c) the steps being taken to setup Rescue Centres at Motorways and Highways at a prudent distance?
Starred Communication
National 2 17 3
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether the concerned authorities of Power Division and NEPRA have taken notice of electrocution of dozens of innocent citizens recently; if so, the details thereof; (b) whether the concerned electricity provider or Federal Government has financially compensated the killed and injured citizens in such incidents of electrocution; if so, the details thereof; and if not, the reasons thereof; (c) time by which, each of above will be financially compensated; and (d) what steps are being taken to improve infrastructure particularly with reference to ensure safety of people?
Starred Energy
National 2 17 3
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the details of Pakistani Immigrants alongwith their name, parentage and native city of each in Pakistan in custody of Croatian authorities at present alongwith health conditions of each; (b) whether authorities concerned of the Pakistan made any contact with the authorities of Croatia and such immigrants in order to provide medical, legal and financial assistance to them as per international laws and conventions; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to bring back such immigrants to Pakistan expeditiously?
Unstarred Foreign Affairs
National 2 17 4
Will the Minister for Maritime Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that country’s first deep-water container terminal the Hutchison Ports Pakistan and Karachi Port Trust are situated in the Constituency NA-248, and earn billions of rupees every year; (b) if so, whether the Federal Government has taken notice that despite earning billions of rupees every year the aforesaid entities do not spend single penny for the welfare of the residents of the constituency under corporate social responsibility; (c) if so, whats steps are being taken by the Government to pursue such entities to reserve due funds under the head of corporate social responsibility for the welfare of the residents of the area in the field of health and education etc?
Starred Maritime Affairs
National 2 17 4
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that contingent paid employees of the Utility Stores Corporation (USC) have not been paid minimum limit of salary, as announced by the Government; if so, the reasons thereof alongwith steps being taken to ensure payment of minimum salary to aforesaid employees; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to place services of aforesaid employees on permanent basis; if so, when if not, why?
Unstarred Industries & Production
National 2 17 6
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that buses, which were purchased recently for Schools/Colleges, under Federal Directorate of Education, have not been provided to respective Schools/Colleges; (b) whether it is also a fact that aforesaid buses have been rotting, where they were parked due to absence of proper safety measures; (c) if the answers to above is in affirmative, the reasons for not providing the aforesaid buses to schools/Colleges and who is responsible of such delay; and (d) what steps are being taken to provide aforesaid buses to concerned schools/colleges at an earliest?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 2 17 7
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) the details of different taxes/duties, etc. with any nomenclature thereof imposed in Finance Act, 2019 on essential kitchen/edible items; (b) the rationale behind such taxes and duties; and (c) the steps being taken to remove such taxes/duties at the earliest?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 2 18 1
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.53 replied on 8-11-2019 and to state: (a) when the Ministry requested to Federal Audit to conduct forensic audit of Sports Federations; (b) whether the Federal Audit responded to the request of Ministry; if so, the details thereof; (c) the dates upon which, the draft audit reports in respect of Pakistan Hockey Federation, Pakistan Tennis Federation and Volleyball Federation of Pakistan have been received alongwith findings of such audit; and (d) what steps are being taken to finalize the reports of such audit at an earliest?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 2 18 1
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the road in front of Fast University, H-9, Islamabad is in dilapidated condition due to pits; and (b) whether any amount has been allocated for the construction of said road in current budget; if so, the details alongwith the time by which it would be repaired?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 18 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether the concerned authorities of Power Division and NEPRA have taken notice of electrocution of dozens of innocent citizens recently; if so, the details thereof; (b) whether the concerned electricity provider or Federal Government has financially compensated the killed and injured citizens in such incidents of electrocution; if so, the details thereof; and if not, the reasons thereof; (c) time by which, each of above will be financially compensated; and (d) what steps are being taken to improve infrastructure particularly with reference to ensure safety of people?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 18 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that 50 KVA Transformer in Village Lunda Gali Budral, Tehsil Uggi, District Mansehra is out of order and causing difficulties to the people of the area; and (b) whether there is any proposal to install a new transformer; if so, the time by which new transformer will be installed alongwith the details?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 18 4
Will the Minister for Maritime Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan National Shipping Corporation has purchased two new ships and the process of purchasing of a third one is about to complete; (b) the detail of these ships including their make, date of manufacturing and the operational life; (c) whether aforesaid ships have been purchased through agent or through direct payment alongwith the names of such agents with details; (d) the procedure adopted therefor; and (e) the details of the procedure of transfer of money and the commission of the agents?
Starred Maritime Affairs
National 2 18 4
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to refer to the Un-starred Question No.47 replied on 09-12-2019 and to state: (a) whether it is a fact that daily wages employees of the Utility Stores Corporation (USC) have not been paid minimum limit of salary, as announced by the Government; if so, the reasons thereof alongwith steps being taken to ensure payment of minimum salary to aforesaid employees; (b) the names, father’s names and designations alongwith date of first appointment of daily wages employees who have been working in District Mansehra; and (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to place services of aforesaid employees on permanent basis; if so, when if not, why?
Unstarred Industries & Production
National 2 18 7
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the details of funds out of Export Development Fund which has been spent on the welfare of fishermen and to promote fisheries and export thereof during the last five years?
Starred Commerce
National 2 18 7
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that National Bank does not issue ATM to those pensioners who make signature in Urdu; (b) whether it is also a fact that said pensioners have to draw their pensions through Cheque; if so, the arrangement made to pay pension to those who are unable to go to Bank; and (c) the time by which the ATM will be issued to those pensioners who make signature in Urdu; if not, the reasons therefor?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 2 18 9
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether the concerned authorities of Power Division and NEPRA have taken notice of electrocution of dozens of innocent citizens recently; if so, the details thereof; (b) whether the concerned electricity provider or Federal Government has financially compensated the killed and injured 6 citizens in such incidents of electrocution; if so, the details thereof; and if not, the reasons thereof; (c) time by which, each of above will be financially compensated; and (d) what steps are being taken to improve infrastructure particularly with reference to ensure safety of people?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 18 9
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that 50 KVA Transformer in Village Lunda Gali Budral, Tehsil Uggi, District Mansehra is out of order and causing difficulties to the people of the area; and (b) whether there is any proposal to install a new transformer; if so, the time by which new transformer will be installed alongwith the details?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 18 11
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to refer to the Un-starred Question No.47 replied on 09-12-2019 and to state: (a) whether it is a fact that daily wages employees of the Utility Stores Corporation (USC) have not been paid minimum limit of salary, as announced by the Government; if so, the reasons thereof alongwith steps being taken to ensure payment of minimum salary to aforesaid employees; (b) the names, father’s names and designations alongwith date of first appointment of daily wages employees who have been working in District Mansehra; and (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to place services of aforesaid employees on permanent basis; if so, when if not, why?
Unstarred Industries & Production
National 2 19 6
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.53 replied on 8-11-2019 and to state: (a) when the Ministry requested to Federal Audit to conduct forensic audit of Sports Federations; (b) whether the Federal Audit responded to the request of Ministry; if so, the details thereof; (c) the dates upon which, the draft audit reports in respect of Pakistan Hockey Federation, Pakistan Tennis Federation and Volleyball Federation of Pakistan have been received alongwith findings of such audit; and (d) what steps are being taken to finalize the reports of such audit at an earliest?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 2 19 6
Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether the Anti-Narcotics Force has traced out most effective areas of drugs addicts in different cities of the country in order to cut the supply chain of different narcotics substances in such areas, and made the responsible accountable; if so, the details thereof; and (b) what steps are being taken by the Government to formulate a comprehensive strategy with the collaboration of other law enforcement agencies and stakeholders to eliminate such heinous trade of narcotics?
Starred Narcotics Control
National 2 19 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the road in front of Fast University, H-9, Islamabad is in dilapidated condition due to pits; and (b) whether any amount has been allocated for the construction of said road in current budget; if so, the details alongwith the time by which it would be repaired?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 19 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that demarcation symbols in form of rocks placed on the road from Golra Mor to Sector I-14, Islamabad are now displaced/removed; if so, the reasons thereof; (b) whether it is also a fact that massive encroachment has been made on such road; (c) if so, the steps being taken by the CDA to install signs of demarcation and to remove encroachments made on aforesaid road?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether the concerned authorities of Power Division and NEPRA have taken notice of electrocution of dozens of innocent citizens recently; if so, the details thereof (b) whether the concerned electricity provider or Federal Government has financially compensated the killed and injured citizens in such incidents of electrocution; if so, the details thereof; and if not, the reasons thereof; (c) time by which, each of above will be financially compensated; and (d) what steps are being taken to improve infrastructure particularly with reference to ensure safety of people?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that according to the International Renewable Energy Agency’s Report, namely, Renewable Readiness Assessment, thousands of villages in Pakistan do not have access to electricity; if so, the estimated population, which do not have access to electricity at present; and (b) the year-wise road-map of the Government for electrification of this rural population?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government or National Commission on Human Rights has taken notice that large number of persons remain in jails for years without a final decision of court of law; (b) if so, is there any data compiled of such inmates; if so, the details thereof; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to address such issue expeditiously?
Starred Human Rights
National 2 19 10
Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division be pleased to state: (a) constituency-wise number of applicants, who belongs to different districts of Karachi have been entertained by Pakistan Baitul Mall (PBM) since August 1, 2018; (b) number of applications, which have been disposed of by granting due assistance/support to applicants and number of applications which are pending at present alongwith reasons thereof; (c) whether it is a fact that applications of those residents who opted temporary residence in Karachi in their CNIC; if so the justification thereof; and (d) what steps are being taken to dispose of pending applications and extend maximum support to the poorest of the poor?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 2 19 10
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the consistent decline in passing percentage of the Central Superior Services exam has pointed out the fact that education system of the country is outdated, hence it is not capable to face the challenges posed by the fastpaced world; (b) if so, whether the Ministry, HEC or nay other department on behalf of Federal Government has conducted an assessment to determine the real causes of declining educational system particularly with reference to declining passing percentage of CSS; if so, the details thereof; and (c) what corrective steps are being taken to keep abreast of the education system of the country with the fast-paced of the world?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 2 19 12
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the road in front of Fast University, H-9, Islamabad is in dilapidated condition due to pits; and (b) whether any amount has been allocated for the construction of said road in current budget; if so, the details alongwith the time by which it would be repaired?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 20 1
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that according to the International Renewable Energy Agency’s Report, namely, Renewable Readiness Assessment, thousands of villages in Pakistan do not have access to electricity; if so, the estimated population, which do not have access to electricity at present; and (b) the year-wise road-map of the Government for electrification of this rural population?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 20 1
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the details of incentives, including subsidizing electricity tariff and provision of uninterrupted electricity being given to the industrial sector of the country; (b) whether the Government has taken notice that such incentives have not been passed to the industries by the Karachi Electric (KE); if so, the reasons thereof; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to pursue the KE to extend such incentives to the industries?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 20 3
Will the Minister for Maritime Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that different charges are charged by the authorities of ports to residents of the coastal areas of Karachi to commute in or out to sea or traveling between different icelands either for the purpose of fishing or otherwise; if so, the justification thereof; (b) details of all such charges with any nomenclature, alongwith year-wise collection of each since the imposition of each charge; (c) the purpose of utilization of such charges; (d) is there any proposal under consideration to rationalize the imposition of such charges; if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Maritime Affairs
National 2 20 3
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that fake and nameless medicines have recovered from different medical stores, including Shaheen Chemist and D-Watson in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, recently; if so, the detail thereof alongwith action, taken against each of above store; (b) whether despite taking such action against each of above medical store, is it justifiable to let such stores continue to operate; if so, the relevant rules, which permit them to operate despite doing dishonest practice and playing with the lives of the people just to make some more money; and (c) what steps are being taken to eliminate sale of fake and nameless medicines and make those medical outlets accountable, if they involve themselves in such malafides and create awareness among the general public to keep away from purchasing such medicines?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 27 1
Starred Interior
National 3 27 1
Unstarred Interior
National 3 27 1
Unstarred Interior
National 3 27 1
Unstarred Interior
National 3 27 2
Starred Communication
National 3 27 5
Starred Establishment Division
National 3 27 4
Starred Industries & Production
National 3 27 4
Starred Maritime Affairs
National 3 27 7
Starred Interior
National 3 27 7
Unstarred Interior
National 3 27 7
Unstarred Interior
National 3 27 7
Unstarred Interior
National 3 28 8
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) whether, Ministry or Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has taken notice that large number of people languishing in jails as their appeals are pending in respective appellate forums; (b) if so, the province and jail-wise number of such persons, who have been languishing in jails upon pendency of their appeals in respective appellate forums for the last three years or more; and (c) what steps are being taken by Government to formulate a comprehensive policy with collaboration of Provincial Governments to pay fines of such persons and ensure their release from jails?
Starred Human Rights
National 3 28 8
(a) whether relevant authorities of Ministry conducted any study to determine magnitude of accidents on Motorways and Highways and identified reasons behind increasing trend of accidents; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; (b) steps being taken by the Government to reduce the ratio of accidents on Highways and Motorways; and (c) steps being taken to set up Rescue Centers on Motorways and Highways at a prudent appropriate distance?
Starred Communication
National 3 28 8
(a) the details of improvements, which were required to make in transmission system by Karachi Electricity (KE), as per agreement of privatization; (b) whether or not such improvements were made by KE; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (c) whether or not KE held accountably; if it could not make due improvements in their system?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 28 7
(a) when Ministry had requested to Federal audit for conducting a forensic audit of Sports Federations; (b) whether the Federal audit responded the request of Ministry; if so, the details thereof; (c) the date upon which, the draft audit report in respect of Pakistan Hockey Federation, Pakistan Tennis Federation, and Volleyball Federation of Pakistan has been received along with findings of such audit; and (d) what steps are being taken to finalize such an audit at the earliest?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 3 28 7
(a) whether CDA being a custodian of Government accommodations in Sector F-6/1, Islamabad has taken notice of deteriorating conditions, which demands to carry out maintenance work of different nature including control of roof seepage, whitewash, maintenance of doors, windows and other amenities on urgent basis of Government accommodation in the aforesaid sector and in particular H. No.57/5-D, St. No.37 and H. No.49/5-D, St. No.39, Sector F-6/1, Islamabad; if so, details thereof; and (b) what steps are being taken to carry out maintenance of Government accommodation in aforesaid sector and in particular aforesaid houses at an earliest?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 28 7
(a) whether CDA, being a custodian of Government accommodations in Sector G-6 and G-7, Islamabad has taken notice of continuous seepage of Government accommodation in the aforesaid Sector and in particular H. No.23/3-C, St. No.78, Sector G-7/1, H. No.169-B, St. No.23, Sector G-6/1-2, H. No.197-B, St. No.17, Sector G-6/2 and H. No.111-A, Sector G-7/3-4, Islamabad since long; and (b) what steps are being taken for the maintenance of Government accommodation in aforesaid sectors and in particular for the aforesaid houses at an earliest?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 28 7
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to the Un-Starred Question No.18 replied on 07-02-2020 and to state: (a) steps being taken by CDA to ensure its writ after serving legal notices to encroachments made by the persons, which are in shape of mechanic shops and others after recent demolition reflecting that CDA owns 110 feet wide road from Golra Mor to Sector I-14, Islamabad; and (b) time period required by CDA for construction of 110 feet wide road?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 28 2
(a) the number of inquiries conducted in the Multan Circle in the past three years alongwith details of accused persons, allegations/charge sheet against each authority designation of authority sanctioned inquiry and the officer who conducted the inquiry and proposed the penalty in inquiry report; (b) detail of review/appeals in each of the afore mentioned case and procedure adopted to dispose them of; (c) detail of remissions granted in punishment/penalties in the last three years and reason thereto; and (d) apart from imposing penalties against guilty persons, what other steps have been taken to improve service delivery/quality?
Starred Railways
National 3 28 2
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that during the past three years low rank employees have been penalized/proceeded excessively by the railway authorities against each one, particularly in Multan Circle to cover up the negligence of high-ups; and (b) what steps are being taken by the Government to protect the low grade employees being victimized due to the inefficiency of their seniors officers?
Unstarred Railways
National 3 29 2
(a) whether it is a fact that Government allowed a Chinese company to conduct vaccine trial on a human in the country; (b) whether it is was limited to a trial or an agreement is executed to obtain a vaccine in return; if so, the details of the agreement; (c) in addition to the Covid-19 vaccine gifted by China, whether others companies have been contacted for obtaining the vaccine; (d) if so, quantity and at what price of the said companies will provide this vaccine to Pakistan; and (e) details of persons inoculated with the vaccine, gifted by China, alongwith date of first and second dose of vaccination to each of above person?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 29 5
(a) whether Prime Minister of Pakistan intends to take an initiative to grant three years age relaxation to all citizen irrespective of sex, cast, creed or race for jobs in the institutions of Government, on the extreme compassionate grounds, considering the increasing ratio or rate of unemployment in the country; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 2 22 1
(a) constituency-wise number of applicants, who belongs to different districts of Karachi have been entertained by Pakistan Baitul Mall (PBM) since August 1, 2018; (b) number of applications, which have been disposed of by granting due assistance/support to applicants and number of applications which are pending at present alongwith reasons thereof; (c) whether it is a fact that PBM does not entertain applications of those residents who opted temporary residence in Karachi in their CNIC; if so the justification thereof; and (d) what steps are being taken to dispose of pending applications and extend maximum support to the poorest of the poor?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 2 23 6
(a) whether it is a fact that the road in front of Fast University, H-9, Islamabad is in dilapidated condition due to pits; and (b) whether any amount has been allocated for the construction of said road in current budget; if so, the details alongwith the time by which it would be repaired?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 23 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether CDA being a custodian of Government accommodations in Sector F-6/1, Islamabad has taken notice of deteriorating conditions, which demands to carry out maintenance work of different nature including control of roof seepage, whitewash, maintenance of doors, windows and other amenities on urgent basis of Government accommodation in the aforesaid sector and in particular H. No.57/5-D, St. No.37 and H. No.49/5-D, St. No.39, Sector F-6/1, Islamabad; if so, details thereof; and (b) what steps are being taken to carry out maintenance of Government accommodation in aforesaid sector and in particular aforesaid houses at an earliest?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 23 14
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the details of incentives, including subsidizing electricity tariff and provision of uninterrupted electricity being given to the industrial sector of the country; (b) whether the Government has taken notice that such incentives have not been passed to the industries by the Karachi Electric (KE); if so, the reasons thereof; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to pursue the KE to extend such incentives to the industries?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 23 12
(a) whether it is a fact that the road in front of Fast University, H-9, Islamabad is in dilapidated condition due to pits; and (b) whether any amount has been allocated for the construction of said road in current budget; if so, the details alongwith the time by which it would be repaired?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 23 12
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether CDA being a custodian of Government accommodations in Sector F-6/1, Islamabad has taken notice of deteriorating conditions, which demands to carry out maintenance work of different nature including control of roof seepage, whitewash, maintenance of doors, windows, and other amenities on an urgent basis of Government accommodation in the aforesaid sector and in particular H. No.57/5-D, St. No.37 and H. No.49/5-D, St. No.39, Sector F-6/1, Islamabad; if so, details thereof; and (b) what steps are being taken to carry out maintenance of Government accommodation in the aforesaid sector and in particular aforesaid houses at the earliest?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 23 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: the details of incentives, including subsidizing electricity tariff and provision of uninterrupted electricity being given to the industrial sector of the country; (b) whether the Government has taken notice that such incentives have not been passed to the industries by the Karachi Electric (KE); if so, the reasons thereof; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to pursue the KE to extend such incentives to the industries?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 31 1
(a) the details of improvements, which were required to make in transmission system by Karachi Electricity (KE), as per agreement of privatization; (b) whether or not such improvements were made by KE; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (c) whether or not KE held accountable; if it could not make due improvements in their system?
Starred Energy [Power Division]
National 3 31 1
(a) the ratio of losses of all nature of power sector as on June 30, 2018 and at present alongwith change occurred or found therein since the inception of present Government; (b) if such losses have increased during the aforesaid period, the reasons thereof; (c) what steps are being taken to reduce such losses; (d) if such losses have decreased during the aforesaid period, the reasons for not extending such benefit to public at large by reducing the electricity tariff?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 31 2
(a) whether it is a fact that a specific amount is charged to every passenger under the head of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of Pakistan Diamer-Bhasha and Mohamand Dams Fund by Pakistan Railways; (b) if so, the detail of total collection made by the Pakistan Railways under the aforesaid fund since its establishment to till now; (c) the amount, which has been deposited in the actual account of the fund so far; (d) the law, which authorizes to Pakistan Railways to collect a special amount from passengers under the aforesaid head; (e) the authority, who approved such collection from passengers; and (f) if such collection is being made without any legal authority, then what corrective measures are being taken in this regard?
Starred Railways
National 3 31 3
(a) whether Prime Minister of Pakistan intends to take an initiative to grant three years age relaxation to all citizen irrespective of sex, cast, creed or race for jobs in the institutions of Government, on the extreme compassionate grounds, considering the increasing ratio or rate of unemployment in the country; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Establishment Division
National 3 31 3
(a) whether it is a fact that thousands of posts of different cadres in Federal Administrative institutions have been abolished recently; if so, the departments-wise details thereof alongwith reasons or justification to abolish such posts in each departments; (b) whether abolishing of such posts increase the already rising trend of unemployment in the country: (c) the details of stance of Government on the reports of discontinuation of pensions and benefits ancillary thereto for Government employees; if so, the reasons thereof; and (d) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government on both of the counts?
Starred Establishment Division
National 3 31 3
(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal does not grant educational scholarships/stipends to those deserving students who study in any campus of Virtual University; if so, the reasons thereof; (b) whether is there any proposal under consideration of the Government to include students of Universities like Virtual University for grant of educational scholarship/stipend by Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal; if so, the details thereof; and (c) the time by which it will be started; if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 3 31 4
(a) the nature of complaint, which was launched through Pakistan Citizen Portal on May 10, 2019 vide Code No. IS1005192635213 alongwith latest status thereof; and (b) time by which such complaint will be finalized and appropriate action will be taken against responsible?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 3 31 4
(a) whether it is a fact that the consumers of cellular phone companies are paying 12.5% advance income tax and 17% Federal Excise Duty on Telecom Services; (b) if so, whether the withholding tax on telecom services is significantly higher in comparison to some of Pakistan’s other sectors; (c) whether further the 5% WHT is charged on airline tickets and 1% WHT is levied on property transfer; (d) whether it is also a fact that income of majority of the population of the country is below to the minimum taxable threshold, consequently, the deducted amount of WHT is neither claim nor adjusted against a consumer’ s tax liability for a year, as they do not file tax returns; (e) if so, what steps are being taken by the Government to abolish such advance tax on cellular phone consumers at an earliest?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 33 3
(a) whether it is a fact that prices of plots, which are being allotted to bonafied employees of Government in Bhara Kahu, Green Enclave, Islamabad has been increased; if so, the justification thereof; (b) the bench-mark, upon which new rate/price is being set/fixed; (c) whether it is also a fact that due to inordinate delay to execute the project its cost has been increased and now FGEHA shifting the burden of its inefficiencies to allottees; (d) if so, the reasons to transfer such burden to employees; (e) whether it is further a fact that the amount of registration which was deposited by each employee at the time of registration could not include in overall deposit of an employee; if so, the reasons thereof; and (f) what corrective measure, are being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Housing & Works
National 3 33 3
(a) whether Ministry has taken notice that Health Card, which was even provided by the Federal Government or Provincial Governments has not been entertained in letter and spirit by public and private sector hospital; if so, the details thereof; and (b) what steps are being taken by the a policy maker institution, i.e. PMDC and other regulatory authorities in this regard?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 33 4
(a) the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad (BISE) advertised the number of posts for recruitment in the January, 2021; (b) the said posts were allocated, a per provincial quota policy, to the Federating units including Sindh and Balochistan; (c) a number of employees, mostly ex-Chairman’s relatives/ favourites, have already been working on contract/contingent/ temporary against the said posts for some period or time; (d) a number of local employees have also been recruited in BISE against Sindh and Balochistan quota on the basis of fake domicile certificates; (e) whether the advertisement as mentioned in part (a) has been cancelled or is likely to be cancelled under the pressure/influence of the above two categories of employees, as per part (c) and (d) as above; (f) if the answers to part (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) above are in affirmative, the reasons thereof; (g) if it is No, then what is present status of the recruitment process so far?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 3 33 6
(a) whether CDA, being a custodian of Government accommodations in Sector G-6 and G-7, Islamabad has taken notice of continuous seepage of Government accommodation in the aforesaid Sector and in particular H. No.23/3-C, St. No.78, Sector G-7/1, H. No.169-B, St. No.23, Sector G-6/1-2, H. No.197-B, St. No.17, Sector G-6/2 and H. No.111-A, Sector G-7/3-4, Islamabad since long; and (b) what steps are being taken for the maintenance of Government accommodation in aforesaid sectors and in particular for the aforesaid houses at an earliest?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 33 6
(a) steps being taken by CDA to ensure its writ after serving legal notices to encroachments made by the persons, which are in shape of mechanic shops and others after recent demolition reflecting that CDA owns 110 feet wide road from Golra Mor to Sector I-14, Islamabad; and (b) time period required by CDA for construction of 110 feet wide road?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 35 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the consumers of cellular phone companies are paying advance income tax and Federal Excise Duty on Telecom Services; (b) if so, withholding tax on telecom services is significantly higher in comparison to some of Pakistan’s other sectors WHT is charged on airline tickets and WHT is levied on property transfer; (c) whether it is also a fact that income of majority of the population of the country is below to minimum taxable threshold, consequently, the deducted amount of WHT is neither claimed nor adjusted against a consumer’s tax liability for a year, as they do not file tax returns; and (d) if so, what steps are being taken by the Government to abolish such advance tax on cellular phone consumers at an earliest?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 35 6
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the details of improvements, which were required to make in transmission system by Karachi Electricity (KE), as per agreement of privatization; (b) whether or not such improvements were made by KE; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (c) whether or not KE held accountable; if it could not make due improvements in their system?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 35 6
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the ratio of losses of all nature of power sector as on June 30, 2018 and at present alongwith change occurred or found therein since the inception of present Government; (b) if such losses have increased during the aforesaid period, the reasons thereof; (c) what steps are being taken to reduce such losses; (d) if such losses have decreased during the aforesaid period, the reasons for not extending such benefit to public at large by reducing the electricity tariff
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 35 6
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) whether is there any mechanism has been provided by the Government to ensure the accountability of National Accountability Bureau (NAB); if so, the details thereof; (b) if not, who will and how the NAB would be accountable?
Starred Law and Justice
National 3 35 6
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Government has changed its visa policy for foreigners, recently, and allowed residents of several countries to get visa on arrival at airports; if so, the details thereof; (b) whether assessment was made before making changes in visa regime or policy; (c) if so, the details thereof alongwith stage and date-wise discussion of each stage of the new visa regime discussed at appropriate forum; (d) whether such visa regime is reciprocal; if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereof; and (e) what steps are being taken by the Government to make visa regime of foreign country simple/easy to Pakistan?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 3 35 6
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the average per kilometer rate of toll tax as on May, 2018 and at present; (b) the increase made in toll tax since May, 2018 alongwith reasons thereof; (c) the yearly increase made since May, 2018 in overall collection of toll tax due to aforesaid increase in rate; (d) whether it is a fact that aforesaid increase in the rate of toll tax is major contribution to increase revenue; (e) if so, what else other the incumbent Government has done or taken steps with regard to increase the revenue except increasing the said rates of toll tax; and (f) what steps are being taken by the Government to rationalize the rate of toll tax?
Starred Communication
National 3 35 7
Will the Minister for Maritime Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the criteria for the appointment of members in the Board of Karachi Port Trust (KPT); (b) the details of members, who have been appointed in the tenure of incumbent Government, in the board alongwith qualification and experience of each in the field of Maritime; (c) whether aforesaid members meet the requisite criteria; (d) the details of perks and privileges of all kind, being received by each member from KPT; and (e) the details of other appointments, made in KPT in the tenure of incumbent Government and whether such appointments have been made by observing all the codal formalities?
Starred Maritime Affairs
National 3 35 7
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a specific amount is charged to every passenger under the head of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of Pakistan Diamer-Bhasha and Mohmand Dams Fund by Pakistan Railways; (b) if so, the total amount which has been collected by Pakistan Railways under the aforesaid fund since its establishment till the filing of the answer of instant question; (c) the amount, which has been deposited to the actual account of the fund so far; (d) the law, which authorizes to Pakistan Railways to collect a special amount from passengers under the aforesaid head; (e) the authority, who approved such collection from passengers; and (f) if such collection of amount is being made without any legal authority, what corrective measures are being taken in this regard?
Starred Railways
National 3 35 7
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the details of doctors who are working in the Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad on deputation basis from other hospitals; and (b) reasons of appointments on deputation in each case?
Unstarred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 35 8
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) whether, the Government has taken notice of limited number of public sector educational institutions of almost all disciplines in the country, consequently, a large number of students are compelled to leave their studies; (b) whether any data of students of each discipline has been compiled, who leave their studies just because of not getting admission of their required discipline; if so, the details thereof; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to establish more public sectors educational institutions to cater maximum number of students in higher education?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 3 35 11
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Government has changed its visa policy for foreigners, recently, and allowed residents of several countries to get visa on arrival at airports; if so, the details thereof; (b) whether assessment was made before making changes in visa regime or policy; (c) if so, the details thereof alongwith stage and date-wise discussion of each stage of the new visa regime discussed at appropriate forum; (d) whether such visa regime is reciprocal; if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereof; and (e) what steps are being taken by the Government to make visa regime of foreign country simple/easy to Pakistan?
Starred Interior
National 3 35 12
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the details of improvements, which were required to make in transmission system by Karachi Electricity (KE), as per agreement of privatization; (b) whether or not such improvements were made by KE; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (c) whether or not KE held accountable; if it could not make due improvements in their system?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 35 12
Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state: 28 (a) what are the names of Pakistan’s research institutions, which deal in applied chemistry and drug discovery, of whom patents have been registered in USA; (b) whether such patents have been or being used in new products either abroad or in the country; and (c) the details of new drugs which have actually been discovered by using commercialization of such patents or being used by any pharmaceutical company in abroad or at local levels in the country presently?
Starred Science and Technology
National 3 35 14
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the details of doctors who are working in the Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad on deputation basis from other hospitals; and (b) reasons of appointments on deputation in each case?
Unstarred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 35 15
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) the prescribed teacher student ratio for a permission to start a Ph.D programme in public and private sectors Universities; (b) whether such ratio is being implemented in letter and spirit at present in both of above sectors Universities; (c) whether it is a fact that hundreds of Ph.D scholars in the country are jobless at present; (d) whereas both public and private sectors universities are running short of qualified staff; (e) if so, the university-wise details of shortage of such academic staff and total number of Ph.D scalars whom record is with HEC are jobless at present; (f) if so, whether the Government or HEC has taken notice of such un-employed of Ph.D scholars; if so, the details thereof; and (g) what corrective measures are being taken to fulfill prescribed teacher student ratio in aforesaid universities by giving opportunities of jobs to such jobless Ph.D scholars?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 4 36 1
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that as per provisions of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 a person who produces a certificate from the Commissioner mentioned there in that his income during the tax year is exempted from tax, advance tax of different nature shall not be collected from him; (b) if so, whether Government has failed to enable majority of the population of the country’s people having their income below the minimum taxable threshold to get such certificate from Commission, consequently, billions of rupees of withholding tax is being collected from cellular mobile phone users; (c) if so, what steps are being taken by the Government to facilitate the poorest persons to get such exemption certificates alongwith details of persons, who have already got such exemption certificates during the last three years?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 4 36 2
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Federal Government has made increase in budget for Government employees; and (b) what steps are being taken by the Government to formulate a comprehensive policy to increase the pension of Employees Old-Age Benefits to the beneficiaries through EOBI together with the increase?
Starred Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
National 4 36 2
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Federal Government has made increase in budget for Government employees; and (b) what steps are being taken by the Government to formulate a comprehensive policy to increase the pension of Employees Old-Age Benefits to the beneficiaries through EOBI together with the increase?
Starred Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
National 4 36 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Chairman, Board of Directors of Utility Stores Corporation (USC) sent a letter to the Director General, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) regarding alleged corrupt practices of current Managing Director of USC; (b) if so, what are the contents and nature of such letter; (c) whether any inquiry has been initiated to proble the above matter; if so, the details thereof; and (d) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Interior
National 4 36 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the roads constructed some months ago in Sector I-14, Islamabad, by incurring billions of rupees out of the public money are in dilapidated condition i.e. have faced immense wear and tear; (b) if so, the details of comprehensive steps taken by the Federal Government in this regard?
Unstarred Interior
National 4 36 4
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) whether the educational credentials have been verified from the respective educational institutions of each appointee in National Accountability Bureau (NAB), who is working in the bureau at present; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) whether is there any discrepancy found in such process of verification; (d) if so, the details thereof alongwith the corrective measures taken to hold responsible accountable?
Starred Law and Justice
National 4 36 4
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a number of Pakistanis are detained in Saudi jails; (b) if yes complete detail with their names nature of crime and sentences announced to each of them; 54 (c) is there any proposal under consideration by the Government to shift them from Saudi jails to Pakistani jails; (d) if yes the time by which, number of prisoners going to be shifted with their names detention period completed in Saudi jails and remaining period to be completed in Pakistan jails complete detail; and (e) whether is there any proposal under consideration by the Government to get them released from Saudi jails who were involved in minor crimes by paying their compensation to Saudi Government/authorities?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 4 36 4
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a number of Pakistanis are detained in Saudi jails; (b) if yes complete detail with their names nature of crime and sentences announced to each of them; 54 (c) is there any proposal under consideration by the Government to shift them from Saudi jails to Pakistani jails; (d) if yes the time by which, number of prisoners going to be shifted with their names detention period completed in Saudi jails and remaining period to be completed in Pakistan jails complete detail; and (e) whether is there any proposal under consideration by the Government to get them released from Saudi jails who were involved in minor crimes by paying their compensation to Saudi Government/authorities?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 4 36 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Meter Refernce No.13122311247200R of GEPCO Sub-division Wazirabad-I alongwith others was charged an amount of arrears of Rs. 4311.78 in the bill of June, 2021; (b) if so, the basis of charging such arrears alongwith any notification/directive/authorization for effecting the said arrears; (c) whether electricity meters in particular against the aforesaid reference number alongwith others were tested for any malfunction during the months of May, June and July, 2021 was tested; (d) if so, the details of findings of such inspection report duly verified by the competent authority; (e) whether the consumer was notified about any possible malfunction in the meter; if so, the details thereof; and (f) if not, the reasons to penalize consumers unjustly alongwith what steps are being taken by the Government to hold the responsible accountable?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 36 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to refer to Un-Starred Question No.18, replied on 22-01-2021 and to state: (a) whether it is a fact that despite assuring this August House to install a up-graded transformer at Patoyoun, Tehsil Jam Nawaz Ali, District Sanghar by the end of October, 2020, concerned authorities have failed to do so; (b) if so, the reasons thereof; (c) if not, such failure of authorities concerned is tantamount to breach the privilege of the Assembly; (d) if so, what steps are being taken by the Government to install a transformer at said village and hold accountable those failed to install it within given time?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 36 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to refer to Un-Starred Question No.18, replied on 22-01-2021 and to state: (a) whether it is a fact that despite assuring this August House to install a up-graded transformer at Patoyoun, Tehsil Jam Nawaz Ali, District Sanghar by the end of October, 2020, concerned authorities have failed to do so; (b) if so, the reasons thereof; (c) if not, such failure of authorities concerned is tantamount to breach the privilege of the Assembly; (d) if so, what steps are being taken by the Government to install a transformer at said village and hold accountable those failed to install it within given time?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 36 5
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that allotment of Government accommodation is made, in relaxation of the rules/out of turn, against the seniority of officers BS-19, 20 and 21 mentioned in the General Waiting List (GWL); if so, the details thereof; (b) the details of the officers (BS-20 and 21), who despite being junior in seniority in the GWL, have been issued allotment since 2020 till date; (c) the detail of the accommodations which have been allotted to the officers BS-19, 20 and 21 in the years 2020 and 2021, out of turn/against the seniority number reflected in GWL list; (d) whether it is a fact that GWL apparently reflects some kind of manipulation/tampering e.g. entries like creating No.49-A after the No.49; if so, the reasons thereof and what action is being taken against the responsible; and (e) whether it is also a fact that GWL is not updated on monthly basis, prima facie, to cover tampering/manipulation and by the time by which such list will be updated?
Starred Housing & Works
National 4 36 7
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that ERRA, which was established to rehabilitate earthquake hit areas in 2005, has been made dysfunctional; (b) whether it is also a fact that employees either have been or being removed from their services; if so, the reasons thereof; (c) if such authority was to be made dysfunctional, why did not Government make efforts to place the services of employees in other Government’s departments in previous years; (d) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to accommodate such employees in other Government’s departments keeping in view of their years of services in ERRA, and their inability to apply afresh for Government jobs due to their over-age scenario; (e) if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (f) whether ERRA has completed its work for which it was established?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 4 37 3
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: a) whether it is a fact that electricity is not available to Al-Qasmia Colony, UC, Kolachi, Tehsil Mehar District Dadu, Despite the submission of application by the inhabitants of such colony the demand notices are not issued; (b) whether it is a fact that in all the neighboring colonies electricity facility is available but the afore said colony is deprived of such facility; and (c) the time by which electricity will be provided to Al-Qasmia Colony Mehar?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 37 3
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the details of the audits paras against the Pak Missions abroad during the last three years and the action taken in this regard?
Unstarred Foreign Affairs
National 4 37 4
Will the Minister for Maritime Affairs be pleased to state:(a) whether it is a fact that several deep sea fishing trawlers were imported from China under an agreement and Letter of Intent(LOI) issued by the Fishermen’s Cooperative Society (FCS); if so, whether the FCS was authorized to do so; if not, reasons for ignoring such an agreement; (b) since the Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) of less than 100 tons is the mandate of the Provincial Government and no formal LOI has been issued by the competent authority in this regard, how is the process of import through Mercantile Marine Department (MMD) through Customs/temporary Registration continuing; (c) why MMD did not verify the GRT of these ships; (d) whether it is a fact that Purse Seiners/Trawling vessels are not included in the national fishing policy in vogue; (e) if so, how MMD has facilitated the import process by issuing them temporary certificates; and (f) whether it is also a fact that the provisional registration of these vessels has already been canceled by MMD, then why they are still here?
Starred Maritime Affairs
National 4 37 4
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the details of different testing agencies hired by the Ministry for appointments, in the respective Ministry as attached departments organizations, names of the CE of Directors their CNIC number alongwith registration numbers where they are registered during the last eight years?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 4 37 5
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state: (a) the shortcomings, which have been witnessed at New Islamabad International Airport, since it was made operational; (b) whether such shortcomings are result of planning and execution of the project; if such shortcoming are result of planning and execution of the project; (c) if so, whether the firms that were involved to plan and execute the project, have been made accountable; (d) if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (e) what corrective measures have been taken by the Government to fix such shortcomings expeditiously?
Starred Aviation Division
National 4 37 5
Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Universal Service Fund (USF) is utilized in backward areas; (b) if so, the details of province-wise USF utilized in particular Sindh, Tahrparkar during the last four years?
Unstarred Information Technology and Telecommunication
National 4 37 6
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:(a) the details of payments made under Group Insurance Scheme for Officers of the Corporation; and (b) certified updated copies of the following approved service regulations for employees of State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan (1) State Life Employees General Regulations, 1972 (2) State Life Employees Service Regulations, 1973 (3) State Life Employees Pension Regulations, 1986 (4) State Life Employees Medical Attendance Regulations, 1973 (5) State Life Insurance Corporation Employee’s Contributory Provident Fund 1975 (6) Group Insurance Scheme for the Officers of the State Life Insurance Corporation?
Starred Commerce
National 4 37 6
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state:(a) the detail of increasing rate of interest on the ongoing schemes for the common man, including granting loans for various programs that have been initiated by the incumbent Government; (b) whether the increasing rate of interest has negatively affected such programs; (c) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to deal with the such effects?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 4 37 6
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives be pleased to state the details of the Mega Projects sanctioned and completed during the last four years period-wise details thereof?
Unstarred Planning, Development and Special Initiatives
National 4 38 2
whether it is a fact that the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has allegedly developed a culture that does not ensure accountability and the persons are appointed to various roles/posts in the PCB at huge financial incentives and they have left the PCB at their discretion, neither the specific goals are set out for their performance in PCB; (b) whether it is also a fact that if the PCB forms a committee for any kind of accountability within its domain, it is basically toothless and their officials are also taking huge financial incentives from the PCB; resultantly, neither such committees can produce thoughtful investigative reports, nor any concept of accountability is provided for such committees; (c) if so, whether such situation has been assessed to provide the accountability mechanism; and 13 (d) what steps are being taken by the Government to introduce the concept of accountability in the PCB make the meritorious targeted-based appointments and if an appointee cannot justify his failures hold him/her accountable under the provided law and to take action against him/her?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 4 38 2
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan earns huge amount of money through seafood exports with the efforts of fishermen but the hard work of fishermen is not being recognized; (b) whether Government intends to consider a proposal to include millions of fishermen in the ongoing schemes of EOBI; (c) if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; (d) whether currently there is an impediment for inclusion of fishermen in EOBI’s ongoing schemes; (e) whether is there any proposal under consideration of the Government to relax such laws to include fishermen in EOBI: (f) if so, the details thereof; and; if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
National 4 40 6
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) year-wise amount of subsidy declared by the Federal Government to K-Electric for the customers since the formation of the current Government; (b) whether it is a fact that the Government has not transferred the promised amount of subsidy to the consumers of K-Electric despite its commitment; if so, the reasons thereof; (c) whether it is not injustice to the consumers of K-Electric; and (d) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to compensate K-Electric customers for such subsidies at an earliest?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 40 6
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) what steps have been taken by the Government to minimize the menace of circular debt of power sector since its inception; (b) whether it is a fact that despite tall claims of the incumbent Government and its functionaries of power sector, the volume of circular debt has now been rapidly increasing; (c) if so, the average volume of per-month increase made/observed in circular debt as on May, 2018, and at present; (d) whether it is a fact that such increase in circular debt shows poor governance of the incumbent Government in power sector; (e) if so, what corrective measures are being taken by the Government in power sector to control its circular debt and hold accountable those who failed to deliver in power sector?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 40 9
Will the Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division be pleased to state: (a) the Establishment Division has reviewed the appointments made by the departments administered by the Federal Government in the Management Positions Scale, commonly known as MP Scale, specifically to determine; (b) whether the said department needs to make such appointments or not; (c) if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; (d) the Division has taken the notice of the fact that some departments have not implemented the guidelines of Government policy regarding appointments in MP scales or have relaxed one or more provisions of such policy in recent years; if so, the details thereof; and (e) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Establishment Division
National 4 39 1
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether CDA, has taken notice that several Government partially constructed infrastructures have been decaying, which were either originally planned to construct for those departments that have been devolved to provinces after 18th Constitutional Amendment or merged into another Federal Government Department; (b) if so, the details of such constructions alongwith cost incurred upon each building/infrastructure; and (c) whether is there any proposal under consideration of the Government to takeover such partially constructed infrastructures and make them beneficial for the Government
Starred Interior
National 4 39 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) how much additional burden has been imposed on the consumers annually by increasing the electricity rates since the formation of the present Government to improve the power sector of the country; (b) whether additional collection improved the overall performance of the power sector; if so, the details of such improvement; (c) whether the Ministry has taken notice of the fact that despite the additional burden on consumers, the overall performance of the power sector has not been improved; if so, the details thereof; (d) if the Government claims that the overall system is improving then reason for increasing electricity prices on regular basis?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 39 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) year-wise amount of subsidy declared by the Federal Government to K-Electric for the customers since the formation of the current Government; (b) whether it is a fact that the Government has not transferred the promised amount of subsidy to the consumers of KElectric despite its commitment; if so, the reasons thereof; (c) whether it is not injustice to the consumers of K-Electric; and (d) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to compensate K-Electric customers for such subsidies at an earliest?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 39 2
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) what is the total number of fishermen imprisoned in Indian jails; (b) the details of fishermen who have died in Indian jails during the last three years; (c) whether the Government has taken notice of the fact that Indian authorities take more than two to three months to repatriate the dead bodies of fishermen which causes their disfigurement; if so, the details thereof; and (d) what steps are being taken by the Government to bring such fishermen back to Pakistan and to persuade the neighboring country to not only take care of the captured fishermen and if someone dies in its jails also send back their bodies timely with dignity?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 4 39 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that despite depositing of demand notices of Rs.25000/- to get connection of natural gas on urgent basis the subsequent demand notice of Rs.6000/- is not being issued by the authorities concerned against the Account ID 4695293369 dated 26-10-2021 and Account ID 44986914156 dated 30-11-2020; (b) if so, the reasons thereof; and (c) what steps are being taken to do the needful at an earliest?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 4 39 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the Constituency-wise details of the tenders issued by Pakistan Public Works Department since the formation of the present Government which has enabled it to carry out various development works in Karachi under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Achievement Program (SAP), PSDP or any other development fund; (b) the actual cost, funds reserved and released for each project during the aforesaid years; (c) which authority proposed these projects to Pak. PWD for tendering and executions; (d) details of persons, who were part of such authority; (e) whether the Ministry, being a decision-making forum at the Federal level, has taken notice of the fact that constituencies belonging to opposition parties have been neglected for funds during the said years; if so, the details thereof; and (f) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to allocate such funds to each constituency on equal basis?
Starred Housing & Works
National 4 39 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the details of different testing agencies hired by the Ministry for appointments, in the respective Ministry as attached departments organizations, names of the CE of Directors their CNIC number alongwith registration numbers where they are registered during the last eight years?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 4 39 4
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) whether the Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) has take notice of the fact that neither the guardian/parent is allowed to accompany the student at the time of re-checking of the papers, if any student applies for it nor re-checking is done in true sense, as only recounting of numbers is done and whether or not the question was numbered correctly is ignored; if so, the justification thereof including the impediment to changing such a policy; (b) if not, the reasons thereof and is there a proposal under consideration to address aforesaid issues in IBCC in order of their redressal at an earliest?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 4 39 4
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) has the Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC), the Federal decision-making body for liaising between all the Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education and Coordinating all policies in this regard, taken note of the fact that different boards have adopted different polices during the year, 2021 to give students an opportunity to improve their marks through special examinations; if so, the details thereof; (b) has the IBCC also taken notice of the fact that due to lack of accountability of the board officials and examiners, the papers of the first year students of various boards of the year 2021 have not been properly checked that is tantamount to ruining the future of hundreds of students; if so, the details thereof; (c) have IBCC made the boards accountable in this regard; if so, the details thereof; and (d) what corrective steps are being taken, in this regard?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 4 39 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that despite millions of dollars in loans and other grants, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has failed to upgrade its obsolete and outdated information technology equipment and related software in the last three years, as a result, cyber-attacks have become a regular feature on the FBR’s website; (b) if so, the annual details of actual loans and other grants received by the FBR during the last three years and the exact amount used for each purpose; (c) whether it slao a fact that the FBR has allegedly used some of the above loans to pay bonus to its employees; (d) failure prove the incompetence of both the Government and FBR; and (e) what steps are being taken to upgrade the entire FBR IT system and to hold accountable those involved in delaying such up-gradation or misusing the above loans?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 4 39 5
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives be pleased to state the details of the Mega Projects sanctioned and completed during the last four years period-wise details thereof?
Unstarred Planning, Development and Special Initiatives
National 4 39 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether CDA, has taken notice that several Government partially constructed infrastructures have been decaying, which were either originally planned to construct for those departments that have been devolved to provinces after 18th Constitutional Amendment or merged into another Federal Government Department; (b) if so, the details of such constructions alongwith cost incurred upon each building/infrastructure; and (c) whether is there any proposal under consideration of the Government to takeover such partially constructed infrastructures and make them beneficial for the Government?
Starred Interior
National 4 39 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Ministry has launched a webportal/ system of complaints through website of Ministry and other-wise; (b) if so, which law authorized to launch such Web-Portal or system of complaints; (c) the nature of complaints which are being dealt through the said Portal/system; (d) number of complaints which have been received through such system and for particularly whistleable; and (e) what action has been taken on each of the above complaint so far?
Starred Interior
National 3 32 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Board of NADRA is incomplete at present and yet Government has not taken steps for such appointment in the Board of the NADRA for the last two years as per law; if so, the justification thereof; (b) the time by which appointments will be made to complete the board; (c) whether it is also a fact that despite being incomplete Board, NADRA is signing different contracts and making purchase, without prior approval of the board members; (d) if so, whether the signing of such contracts and making purchase is illegal and against the law; and (e) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government, in this regard?
Starred Interior
National 3 32 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether relevant authorities have taken the notice of the number of unsolicited calls which are made fraudulently to the people to rob common man in general on different counts; (b) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the authorities thereto; (c) whether it is fact that relevant authorities have failed to apprehend owners of such SIMs which are used in such unsolicited calls; and (d) whether this is possible to use such SIMs for such calls after conducting biometric verification; and (e) what steps are being taken to make the responsible and users of such SIMs accountable in true spirit of Prevention of Electronic Crimes under the PEC Act, 2016, and play proactive role to stop such menace forthwith?
Starred Interior
National 3 32 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether CDA, being a custodian of Government accommodations in Sector G-6 and G-7, Islamabad has taken notice of continuous seepage of Government accommodation in the aforesaid Sector and in particular H. No.23/3-C, St. No.78, Sector G-7/1, H. No.169-B, St. No.23, Sector G-6/1-2, H. No.197-B, St. No.17, Sector G-6/2 and H. No.111-A, Sector G-7/3-4, Islamabad since long; and (b) what steps are being taken for the maintenance of Government accommodation in aforesaid sectors and in particular for the aforesaid houses at an earliest?
Starred Interior
National 3 32 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to the Un-Starred Question No.18 replied on 07-02-2020 and to state: (a) steps being taken by CDA to ensure its writ after serving legal notices to encroachments made by the persons, which are in shape of mechanic shops and others after recent demolition reflecting that CDA owns 110 feet wide road from Golra Mor to Sector I-14, Islamabad; and (b) time period required by CDA for construction of 110 feet wide road?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 33 1
Will rhe Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (c) rhe details of improvements, which were required to make in rransmission system by Karachi Electricity (KE), as per agreement of privatization; (b) whether or not such improvements were made hy KE; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof,: and (f.) whether or not KE held accountable; if it could not make due improvements in their system?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 33 1
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the ratio of losses of' all nature of power sector as on June 30, 2018 and at present alongwith change occurred o rfound therein since the inception o_f present Government; (h) !(such losses have increased during the aforesaid period, the reasons thereof; (c) what steps are being taken to reduce such losses; (d) if such losses have decreased during the aforesaid period, the reasons for, not extending such benefit to public at large by reducing the electricity tariff!
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 33 1
Will the Minister of Human Rights he pleased to state: (a) whether Ministry has taken a notice of reports of different Foreign Institutions and Government:\· Departments regarding pathelic condition of human rights in the country: (b) if so; Ihe details thereof and (c) what corrective measure.<; are being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Human Rights
National 3 33 1
Will the Minister for Law and Justice (Je pleased to state: (a) whether is there any mechanism has been provided by the ·Covernment 10 ensure the accountability of National Accountability Bureau (lv'AB); if so, the details thereof; (b) If not who will and how the NAB would be accountable?
Starred Law and Justice
National 3 33 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that thousands of posts of different cadres in Federal Administrative institutions have been abolished recently; if so, the departments-wise details thereof along-with reasons or justification to abolish such posts in each departments; (b) whether abolishing of such posts increase the already rising trend of un-employment in the country: (c) the details of stance of Government on the reports of discontinuation of pensions and benefits ancillary thereto for Government employees; if so, the reasons thereof; and (d) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government on both of the counts?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 4 36 6
Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal is granting Scholarships to deserving needy students studying in public sector Universities; (b) if yes, the number of students who received the above, amount of scholarship granted to each student and the name of University concerned; (c) whether it is also a fact that many students studying in Virtual University either they are deprived of or their cases are pending since long; and (d) if yes, the reasons of un-necessary delay and the detail of action taken against the responsible?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 4 36 8
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that ERRA, which was established to rehabilitate earthquake hit areas in 2005, has been made dysfunctional; (b) whether it is also a fact that employees either have been or being removed from their services; if so, the reasons thereof; (c) if such authority was to be made dysfunctional, why did not Government make efforts to place the services of employees in other Government’s departments in previous years; (d) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to accommodate such employees in other Government’s departments keeping in view of their years of services in ERRA, and their inability to apply afresh for Government jobs due to their over-age scenario; (e) if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (f) whether ERRA has completed its work for which it was established?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 4 36 9
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to the Un-Starred Question No.57 replied on 28-05-2021 and to state: (a) whether CDA held final hearing of all illegal occupants of 110 feet road from Golra Mor to Sector I-14, Islamabad; (b) if so, the details thereof; if not, what was the final date of hearing the occupants alongwith the reasons of delay; (c) whether the responsibles were held accountable for delay in performing the official duty; and (d) the steps being taken by the Government to vacate the Government land from the illegal occupants, for removing encroachments thereon and to construct 110 feet road from Golra Mor to Sector I-14, Islamabad as soon as possible?
Unstarred Interior
National 4 38 8
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) the detail of increasing rate of interest on the ongoing schemes for the common man, including granting loans for various programs that have been initiated by the incumbent Government; (b) whether the increasing rate of interest has negatively affected such programs; (c) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to deal with the such effects?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 4 38 8
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state: (a) the export quota of Tuna fish at present; (b) whether quota of Tuna fish has been increased or decreased in the last three years; if yes, details thereof; (c) the details of value and volume of export of Tuna Fish during the last three years; (d) what is the potential of the country to export Tuna Fish in a year and what are the reasons for not achieving such potential; and (e) what efforts have been made by the Federal Government to secure the Pakistan Tuna Fish Quota within our Exclusive Economic Zone, and also at high sea from Indian Ocean Tuna Commission by collaborating with all stakeholders?
Starred Commerce
National 4 38 8
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives be pleased to state the details of the Mega Projects sanctioned and completed during the last four years period-wise details thereof?
Unstarred Planning, Development and Special Initiatives
National 4 38 6
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state: (a) the shortcomings, which have been witnessed at New Islamabad International Airport, since it was made operational; (b) whether such shortcomings are result of planning and execution of the project; if such shortcoming are result of planning and execution of the project; (c) if so, whether the firms that were involved to plan and execute the project, have been made accountable; (d) if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (e) what corrective measures have been taken by the Government to fix such shortcomings expeditiously?
Starred Aviation Division
National 4 38 6
Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) despite the completion of all Codal formalities has failed to reimburse the outstanding dues to designated hospitals which have been providing various medical treatment to deserving patients; if so, the reasons thereof; (b) since how long each case is pending in PBM; (c) whether the competent authorities have taken the notice of reports that the concerned officials dealing with such matters in PBM are allegedly soliciting bribes from hospitals to clear/reimburse such outstanding dues of such hospitals and are delaying the reimbursement to them is evidence to substantiate such allegations; (d) whether it is also a fact that PBM has not renewed the contracts for dialysis with various hospitals; (e) if so, the number of hospitals that have been authorized to do so during the last 3 years and PBM are not currently renewing their contracts; and (f) what corrective measure are being taken by the Government to clear outstanding dues of aforesaid hospitals and renew contracts and hold responsible accountable all those who obstruct the process and which is also tantamount to obstructing the treatment of the poorest?
Starred Aviation Division
National 4 38 5
Will the Minister for Maritime Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that several deep sea fishing trawlers were imported from China under an agreement and Letter of Intent (LOI) issued by the Fishermen’s Cooperative Society (FCS); 7 if so, whether the FCS was authorized to do so; if not, reasons for ignoring such an agreement; (b) since the Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) of less than 100 tons is the mandate of the Provincial Government and no formal LOI has been issued by the competent authority in this regard, how is the process of import through Mercantile Marine Department (MMD) through Customs/temporary Registration continuing; (c) why MMD did not verify the GRT of these ships; (d) whether it is a fact that Purse Seiners/Trawling vessels are not included in the national fishing policy in vogue; (e) if so, how MMD has facilitated the import process by issuing them temporary certificates; and (f) whether it is also a fact that the provisional registration of these vessels has already been canceled by MMD, then why they are still here?
Starred Maritime Affairs
National 4 38 5
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: 39 (a) as per profit and loss (P and L ) of the years 2019-20 and 2020-21 net sales of Utility Stores Corporation (USC) alongwith details of cost of goods sold for the above period; (b) how much was gross margin alongwith details of its percentage to the net sales alongwith total expenses and what was its percentage to sales; (c) what was selling and distribution cost and percentage to sale; and (d) what was total net profit/loss of USC and its percentage to sales?
Starred Industries & Production
National 4 38 5
Will the Minister for Maritime Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Government has failed to develop consensus among the stakeholders to initiate a unanimous deep sea fishing policy and hold matters ancillary thereto in abeyance for the last three years small scale fishermen are currently facing severe hardships; (b) whether the Government has taken notice of reports which indicates that different mafias are allegedly investing a lot of money to delay deep sea policy in the country; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons for such delay thereof; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to develop consensus among all stakeholders to frame a unanimous deep sea fishing policy that protects the rights of not only all stakeholders but most importantly of the small fishermen?
Starred Maritime Affairs
National 4 38 5
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the details of different testing agencies hired by the Ministry for appointments, in the respective Ministry as attached departments organizations, names of the CE of Directors their CNIC number alongwith registration numbers where they are registered during the last eight years?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 4 38 5
ill the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that in the year 2011 National Fertilizer Marketing Limited has filled approximately 400 posts and later on services of only few were regularized; (b) if so, why this discrimination has been made; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to regularize the services of rest of employees at an earliest
Unstarred Industries & Production
National 4 38 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that electricity is not available to AlQasmia Colony, UC, Kolachi, Tehsil Mehar District Dadu, Despite the submission of application by the inhabitants of such colony the demand notices are not issued; (b) whether it is a fact that in all the neighboring colonies electricity facility is available but the aforesaid colony is deprived of such facility; and (c) the time by which electricity will be provided to Al-Qasmia Colony Mehar?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 38 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) how much additional burden has been imposed on the consumers annually by increasing the electricity rates since the formation of the present Government to improve the power sector of the country; (b) whether additional collection improved the overall performance of the power sector; if so, the details of such improvement; (c) whether the Ministry has taken notice of the fact that despite the additional burden on consumers, the overall performance 50 of the power sector has not been improved; if so, the details thereof; (d) if the Government claims that the overall system is improving then reason for increasing electricity prices on regular basis?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 38 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) year-wise amount of subsidy declared by the Federal Government to K-Electric for the customers since the formation of the current Government; (b) whether it is a fact that the Government has not transferred the promised amount of subsidy to the consumers of K-Electric despite its commitment; if so, the reasons thereof; (c) whether it is not injustice to the consumers of K Electric; and (d) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to compensate K Electric customers for such subsidies at an earliest?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 41 1
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether the State Bank of Pakistan, as a regulator, taken notice of the fact that despite earning billions of rupees from customers every year, commercial banks operating in the country receive money for their various services such as ATM card charges, fees for the issuance of various devices, and even fee is charged for making transactions through ATM machines; if so, the details thereof; (b) whether it is a fact that such a recovery is not only tantamount to deprive of consumers their legitimate share of their deposits but also an injustice to consumers who contribute to the prosperity of these financial institutions; (c) if the answers to part (a) and (b) are in the affirmative, then what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to make commercial banks obligated to introduce free customer-centric services as soon as possible; and (d) time by which free customer-centric services will be provided?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 41 1
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that despite the exemption of income tax on income from the salary of a full time researcher, AGPR is not extending such exemption to researchers of the National Assembly Secretariat merely on the basis of the name of their post such as Assistant/Deputy Director (Research); if so, the justification thereof; (b) whether the AGPR has sought the opinion of the Ministry of Finance or FBR on this matter; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; (c) whether it is also a fact that AGPR is not giving such exemptions to researchers solely on the basis of the name of their posts constitute a violation of not only the Income Tax Ordinance 2001, but also the National Assembly Employees Act 2018 which empowers the Secretariat to name any such post as deem appropriate; (d) if so, what corrective measures are being taken by the Government in this regard?
Unstarred Finance and Revenue
National 4 41 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether CDA, has taken notice that several Government partially constructed infrastructures have been decaying,which were either originally planned to construct for those departments that have been devolved to provinces after 18th Constitutional Amendment or merged into another Federal Government Department; (b) if so, the details of such constructions along with cost incurred upon each building/infrastructure; and (c) whether is there any proposal under consideration of the Government to takeover such partially constructed infrastructures and make them beneficial for the Government?
Starred Interior
National 4 41 2
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan which remained once the leader in Hockey and Squash has now reached the lowest level and its performance in such sports is getting worse with each passing day; (b) if so, whether the Government has identified such a decline in sports in recent years; if so, the details thereof; (c) whether it is also a fact that alleged nepotism and outdated techniques not only make it difficult to find the best talent but also hinder the development of talented players despite investing heavily in such sports; (d) if so, what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to bring such sports in line with latest/modern requirements and techniques, including introducing the concept of accountability for failures of hocky federation and their functionaries thereof?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 4 41 2
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state: (a) number of employees who are currently working in the PCB whom their posts were advertised and other related process was duly completed and those whom posts neither advertised nor all other formalities were completed;(b) whether it is a fact that the PCB has not advertised their management and team specific posts which gives the impression that the PCB management has made a practice of appointing its selected persons to such lucrative positions in recent years; if so, the justification thereof; (c) whether the performance-based audit has been conducted of each appointee in recent years and assessed that whether there was an urgent need of appointment of each of above; (d) if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and (e) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to rationalize the appointments in PCB?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 4 41 3
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.54 replied on 17-01-2022 and to state: (a) the procedures adopted by the Federal Government to transfer an amount of subsidy to K-Electric with the actual annual amount, which has been transferred to K-Electric as compared to the pledged amount thereof during the last three years; (b) whether this amount has been adjusted directly in consumer bills, or transferred to K-Electric; (c) whether the amount of subsidy already transferred to KElectric has been specifically audited to determine, whether the amount of subsidy has actually been passed on to consumers; (d) if any discrepancy have been found in the transfer of such subsidy to consumers in recent years; and (e) what corrective measures are being taken to fix them?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 41 4
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) details the time limit for handing over the vehicle to customers after booking according to existing automotive policy; (b) the Government has taken notice of the fact that various auto manufacturers and their dealers have failed to deliver the booked vehicles to the consumers within the stipulated time; if so, the details thereof and details of those auto manufacturers who have been held accountable for such acts during the last three years; (c) whether there is any mechanism in the current policy to compensate the customer for the advance deposit at the time of booking; if in case an auto manufacturer fails to deliver the booked vehicle to the customer within the stipulated time; if so, the details thereof; if not, reasons thereof; and (d) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to end the exploitation of cars manufacturers, protect the rights of consumers and ensure timely delivery of vehicles to consumers?
Starred Industries and Production
National 3 29 7
whether, Ministry or Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has taken notice that large number of people languishing in jails as their appeals are pending in respective appellate forums; (b) if so, the province and jail-wise number of such persons, who have been languishing in jails upon pendency of their appeals in respective appellate forums for the last three years or more; and (c) what steps are being taken by Government to formulate a comprehensive policy with collaboration of Provincial Governments to pay fines of such persons and ensure their release from jails?
Starred Interior
National 3 29 7
(a) whether it is a fact NADRA does not have an alternative mechanism to get thumb and fingers prints of those citizens, whose thump and fingers prints cannot be registered in the system due to different medical reasons; if so, the reasons thereof; (b) whether it is also a fact that due to non-availability of such alternative mechanism, large number of citizens have been facing hardships/difficulties to register themselves for availing different facilities, which include opening of a bank account, acquiring passport, verification at airports and obtaining mobile SIMS etc.; (c) if the answers to part (a) and (b) above are in affirmative, then what steps are being taken by the Government to introduce an alternative mechanism for thumb and fingers verification for those citizens, who are helpless and can not register themselves due to such medical reasons?
Starred Interior
National 3 29 7
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the role of Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) to arrange training programs for such athletes, who have either qualified or intend to qualify for Olympics; (b) whether PSB have played such role for upcoming Olympics; if yes, details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; (c) the details of funds, reserved, released and utilized for the same since the inception of incumbent Government; (d) whether it is a fact that funds were either lapsed or surrendered which were actually reserved for athletes trainings by PSB during the last two years; if so, the reasons thereof; (e) the annual development and non-development budget of PSB of the last two financial years and details of re-appropriation made therein in such years; (f) what steps are being taken by the Government to make PSB proactive for trainings of athletes and whether accountability of PSB is made on account on its failure in this regard; (g) if so, details thereof; if not, reasons thereof?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 3 29 7
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether CDA, being a custodian of Government accommodations in Sector G-6 and G-7, Islamabad has taken notice of continuous seepage of Government accommodation in the aforesaid Sector and in particular H. No. 23/3-C, St. No. 78, Sector G-7/1, H. No. 169-B, St. No. 23, Sector G-6/1-2, H. No. 197-B, St. No. 17, Sector G-6/2 and H. No. 111-A, Sector G-7/3-4, Islamabad since long; and (b) what steps are being taken for the maintenance of Government accommodation in aforesaid sectors and in particular for the aforesaid houses at an earliest?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 29 7
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to the Un-Starred Question No. 18 replied on 07-02-2020 and to state: (a) steps being taken by CDA to ensure its writ after serving legal notices to encroachments made by the persons, which are in shape of mechanic shops and others after recent demolition reflecting that CDA owns 110 feet wide road from Golra Mor to Sector I-14, Islamabad; and (b) time period required by CDA for construction of 110 feet wide road?
Unstarred Interior
National 4 41 5
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) details the time limit for handing over the vehicle to customers after booking according to existing automotive policy; (b) the Government has taken notice of the fact that various auto manufacturers and their dealers have failed to deliver the booked vehicles to the consumers within the stipulated time; if so, the details thereof and details of those auto manufacturers who have been held accountable for such acts during the last three years; (c) whether there is any mechanism in the current policy to compensate the customer for the advance deposit at the time of booking; if in case an auto manufacturer fails to deliver the booked vehicle to the customer within the stipulated time; if so, the details thereof; if not, reasons thereof; and (d) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to end the exploitation of cars manufacturers, protect the rights of consumers and ensure timely delivery of vehicles to consumers?
Starred Industries & Production

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