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Questions details of James Iqbal | 3397( 1 question asked )
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 2 14 1
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state the quantity-wise names of metals which have so far been discovered from the Saindak Project?
Starred Energy
National 2 14 1
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state the total income earned from the SAINDAK Project, so far?
Starred Energy
National 2 14 4
Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division be pleased to state the total number of persons who were given financial assistance or Wheel Chairs by the Regional Office, Multan, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal so far?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 2 14 4
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state the educational institutions of Islamabad which do not have coasters/buses for students transportation?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 2 14 4
Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division be pleased to state: (a) whether Regional Offices of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal are also being established in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province just like in Multan, Punjab; and (b) if so, the locations thereof and the time by which these will be established?
Unstarred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 2 16 1
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state the new steps being taken by the Government to increase exports to Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in the next financial year?
Starred Commerce and Textile
National 2 16 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total number of new plants planted in Islamabad during the recent tree-plantation drive alongwith the locations thereof?
Starred Interior
National 2 16 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the names of persons whom the licences of bear and liquior have been issued in Islamabad Capital Territory; and (b) the details of revenue earned therefrom?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 16 4
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: 15 (a) the names of medicines prices whereof have been increased so far by the present Government; and (b) the percentage of increase made therein alongwith reasons thereof?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 2 16 5
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state the names and locations of Government universities in the country at present?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 2 17 1
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state whether the value of foreign exchange reserves in Pakistan is satisfactory at present?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 2 17 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total number of new residential sectors launched by CDA in Islamabad since the start of present Government till date?
Starred Interior
National 2 17 4
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the names of medicines prices whereof have been increased so far by the present Government; and (b) the percentage of increase made therein alongwith reasons thereof?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 2 17 4
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state the number of new automobile manufacturing units set up in the country during present Government regime, so far?
Starred Industries & Production
National 2 17 4
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the total number of medicines manufacturing companies throughout the country including Islamabad at present?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 2 17 6
Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to state the new steps taken by the Government so far for freedom of journalism in the country?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
National 2 17 7
Will the Minister for Privatization be pleased to state the names of institutions being privatized by the present Government and as to when these will be privatized?
Starred Privatization
National 2 18 1
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total number of new residential sectors launched by CDA in Islamabad since the start of present Government till date?
Starred Interior
National 2 18 1
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise amount received by NADRA under the fees of Computerized National Identity Cards till date during last three financial years; and (b) the total amount spent on the salaries including perks and privileges of NADRA employees during the said period?
Starred Interior
National 2 18 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) the names of countries included in TAPI Gas Project; (b) the reasons for delay in its completion; and (c) as to when it would be completed?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 18 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state the quantum of electricity being generated and utilized at present?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 18 4
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state whether the mechanism of quality control of pharmaceutical companies is satisfactory and whether the work force available at present can ensure quality control of medicines produced and marketed in the country?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 2 18 4
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether the land has been acquired to establish Cancer Hospital in Islamabad; (b) if so, where and how much?
Unstarred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 2 18 4
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the province-wise number of male and female patients of AIDs; (b) the steps being taken by the Federal Government in this regard; and (c) whether the said patients have the facility of completely free treatment?
Unstarred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 2 18 6
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state the names of operational and non-operational airports in the country at present?
Unstarred Aviation Division
National 2 18 6
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state: (a) the number of airports including Bannu and Sargodha Airports which are non-operational throughout the country; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration to make them operational; if so, the time by which same will be operational?
Unstarred Aviation Division
National 2 18 7
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the names of private banks working in the country at present?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 2 18 9
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) the names of countries included in TAPI Gas Project; (b) the reasons for delay in its completion; and (c) as to when it would be completed?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 18 9
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state as to why the rates of toll tax on Motorways in the country are being increased consistently?
Starred Communication
National 2 18 9
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state whether there is proposal under consideration to construct Motorway from Salam Interchange to Sargodha; if so, when?
Starred Communication
National 2 18 9
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state the quantum of electricity being generated and utilized at present?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 18 9
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state tehsil-wise total number of new letter boxes fixed so far by Pakistan Post in the country during the present Government?
Unstarred Communication
National 2 18 11
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) the number of automobile units closed or have become nonfunctional in terms of production during last two years; and (b) to what extent the un-employment has been increased as a result thereof?
Starred Industries & Production
National 2 18 11
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) whether bullet trains being plied in the country under CPEC; (b) whether the same is possible; (c) if so, when and the cities between which the bullet trains being plied?
Starred Railways
National 2 19 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total number of new residential sectors launched by CDA in Islamabad since the start of present Government till date?
Starred Interior
National 2 19 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total number of new trees planted in Islamabad in the last three years alongwith the locations thereof?
Starred Interior
National 2 19 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the reason to close the road from Blue Area to D-roundabout time and again; and (b) the time by when it will be opened?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether there is no oil and gas reserves in the seas of Pakistan; and (b) the reasons due to which Pakistan could not discover Oil and Gas reserves at Kekra-1?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) as to why oil and Gas reserves could not be discovered from Kekra-I, in the Sea; (b) if so, who is responsible for failure and the action taken by the Government in this regard?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state the name of countries including Saudi Arabia from which oil is being obtained on credit during the present Government tenure?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 10
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state the names of Maddaris which have been affiliated with the Ministry at present and the number of those which have not been affiliated with the Ministry?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 2 19 10
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state the year-wise amount spent on Roosevelt Hotel America during last ten years?
Starred Aviation Division
National 2 19 12
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the number of employees recruited in Islamabad Police against each post till date during the tenure of incumbent Government?
Starred Interior
National 2 19 12
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: 12 (a) the offices of Islamabad Capital Territory administration set up in rented buildings at present alongwith reasons therefor; and (b) the time by which their own buildings will be constructed?
Starred Interior
National 2 19 12
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the reason to close the road from Blue Area to D-roundabout time and again; and (b) the time by when it will be opened?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 20 1
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) as to why oil and Gas reserves could not be discovered from Kekra-I, in the Sea; (b) if so, who is responsible for failure and the action taken by the Government in this regard?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 23 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the number of employees recruited in Islamabad Police against each post till date during the tenure of incumbent Government?
Starred Interior
National 3 26 3
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state the names of the countries where the Government has not established Educational Institutions?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 3 27 1
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the names of countries whose citizens can proceed Pakistan without visa and Passport at present
Starred Interior
National 3 27 1
Starred Interior
National 3 27 1
Unstarred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 3 27 2
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 3 27 2
Unstarred Science and Technology
National 3 27 5
Starred Information and Broadcasting
National 3 27 5
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state whether the Government is taking steps to enforce uniform education curriculum in the country; if so, the time by which the same would be made possible?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 3 27 7
Starred Interior
National 3 27 7
Unstarred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 3 27 7
Unstarred Inter-Provincial Coordination
National 3 28 8
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the location- wise new national highways are under construction throughout the country at present?
Unstarred Communication
National 3 28 7
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the detail of locations, where cattle markets have been set up by the Government in Islamabad till date; and (b) whether facility of boundary wall alongwith inside streets and water is available in all said markets?
Starred Interior
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to increase domestic exports to Ethopia during the next financial year?
Starred Commerce
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.162 replied on 23-07-2020 and to state the number of persons which are living the life of poverty in the country at present?
Starred Planning, Development and Special Initiatives
National 3 28 4
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.98 replied on 27-07-2020 and to state: (a) the month-wise total amount incurred on said all vehicles of Federal Education Board, Islamabad during the last eight financial years till date; and (b) the details of authority with whom order and permission amount expended on said vehicles?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 3 28 4
Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to state the total month-wise expenditures of PTV and Radio Pakistan during the last five years to till date?
Unstarred Inform
National 3 29 2
(a) whether it is a fact that the vaccine for corona virus is being prepared in the country; (b) if so, the names of companies preparing the same?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 29 2
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the total number of persons inoculated with anti-corona vaccine in the country so far?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 29 2
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the total number of functional and non-functional railways boggies and locomotives available in the country, at present?
Unstarred Railways
National 3 29 2
(a) whether the land has been acquired for the construction of Cancer Hospital in Islamabad; (b) if so, the detail of total area acquired alongwith location of such land?
Unstarred National Food Security and Research
National 3 29 4
(a) the number of non-functional airports accross the country including Bannu and Sargodha airport; if so, the reasons thereof; (b) since when these airports are non-functional; (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to make functional to said airports; (d) if so, the time by which such airports will be made functional?
Starred Aviation Division
National 3 29 5
(a) the total number of Pay and Pension Committees constituted during the regime of present Government so far; (b) whether the said Committees have submitted its recommendations; if so, the details thereof; (c) if not, the reasons thereof; and (d) the time by which such committee will submit its recommendations?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 29 5
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the year-wise total value of our imports/exports with Bahrain during the last three years?
Unstarred Commerce
National 3 29 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the names of private banks working in the country, at present?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 2 22 2
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) the total number of those containers which were loaded with goods and cleared through Torkham border without imposing duties/taxes on it during the last eight months and uptill now; and (b) if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 2 22 2
the names of employees of the Ministry and its attached institutions who proceeded for visits abroad on Government expenditures during the last three years year-wise alongwith dates and justification thereof; and (b) the amount incurred on each of said employees separately?
Starred Economic Affairs
National 2 22 1
(a) the date on which Ehsaas Kafaalat Programme is being lunched along with names of cities; and (b) the number of persons to be benefited therefrom?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 2 22 1
(a) whether it is a fact that airports in Sargodha and Mianwali were functional during 1985 to 1988; and (b) as to why said airports were closed?
Starred Aviation Division
National 2 22 1
Will the Minister for National History and Culture be pleased to state the reasons behind the failure of implementation of Urdu as official Language?
Starred National History and Literary Heritage
National 2 22 1
(b) whether all of them are functional?
Unstarred Aviation Division
National 2 22 1
(a) whether the Ministry is working on the project of rehabilitation of forest in Kundian, District Mianwali; (b) the number of saplings which are planned to be planted in it alongwith the time by which it would be planted; and (c) the similar projects which have been initiated in the country?
Unstarred Climate Change Division
National 2 23 8
(a) whether dengue patients are visiting hospitals in Islamabad or not; (b) the steps being taken by the Government for protection from dengue during next season; (c) if not, whether dengue has ended?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 2 23 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony be pleased to state the locations where construction and extension of new minority worship places made in the country during the present regime till date and the amount incurred thereon?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 2 23 10
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state: (a)whether it is a fact that airports in Sargodha and Mianwali were functional during 1985 to 1988; and (b)as to why said airports were closed?
Starred Aviation Division
National 2 23 11
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state that the steps being taken by the Government to promote trade relations with Bangladesh?
Starred Commerce
National 2 23 11
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to increase the trade relations with Denmark?
Unstarred Commerce
National 2 23 11
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the fresh initiatives taken by the incumbent Government to enhance the trade relations with Belgium?
Unstarred Commerce
National 2 23 10
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a)the model-wise total number of vehicles available in Federal Educational Board, Islamabad; and (b)the details of persons using said vehicles?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 2 23 10
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state: (a) the total number of ART aircraft owned by PIA at present; and (b) whether all of them are functional?
Unstarred Aviation Division
National 2 23 10
Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state: (a)whether the Ministry is working on the project of rehabilitation of forest in Kundian, District Mianwali; (b)the number of saplings which are planned to be planted in it alongwith the time by which it would be planted; and (c)the similar projects which have been initiated in the country?
Unstarred Climate Change Division
National 2 23 6
(a) the offices of Islamabad Capital Territory administration set up in rented buildings at present alongwith reasons therefor; and (b) the time by which their own buildings will be constructed?
Starred Interior
National 2 23 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total amount incurred on the project of construction and extention of Islamabad Expressway from Faisal Mosque to Rawat so far?
Starred Interior
National 2 23 6
(a) the total number of Parliament Lodges under construction in Islamabad and when the construction was started; and (b) the time by which same will be completed?
Starred Interior
National 2 23 6
(a) the reason to close the road from Blue Area to D-roundabout time and again; and (b) the time by when it will be opened?
Unstarred Interior
National 2 23 12
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the location-wise total number of olive trees planted by CDA in Islamabad during the last one and half years?
Starred Interior
National 2 23 12
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the date on which the project regarding extension and construction of road from Faisal Mosque to Rawat, Islamabad started; and (b) when it will be finally completed and the total cost incurred thereof?
Starred Interior
National 2 23 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the names of countries whose citizens can proceed Pakistan without visa and Passport at present?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 2 23 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the names of countries whose citizens can proceed Pakistan without visa and Passport at present?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 2 22 2
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to increase the trade relations with Denmark?
Unstarred Commerce
National 2 22 2
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the fresh initiatives taken by the incumbent Government to enhance the trade relations with Belgium?
Unstarred Commerce
National 2 22 2
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the names of the countries with which Pakistan is bonded in trade relations at present?
Unstarred Commerce
National 3 31 3
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state: (a) the number of non-functional airports across the country including Bannu and Sargodha airport; if so, the reasons thereof; (b) since when these airports are non-functional; (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to make functional to said airports; (d) if so, the time by which such airports will be made functional?
Starred Aviation Division
National 3 31 4
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the year-wise total value of our imports/exports with Bahrain during the last three years?
Unstarred Commerce
National 3 33 6
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the project of construction of prison/Jail in Islamabad has been dropped?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 33 6
(a) whether cattle markets exist in Islamabad; if so, the respective locations thereof; and (b) whether boundary walls and gates have been installed around all of those?
Starred Interior
National 3 35 6
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that oil being provided by Saudi Arabia to Pakistan on deferred payment; (b) if so, the period for which oil will be provided on deferred payment basis; and (c) the details of quantity and the rates thereof;
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 3 35 7
Will the Minister for Water Resources be pleased to state the number of days for which water is reserved at present in the water reservoir/dam in the country?
Starred Water Resources
National 3 35 8
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.45 replied on 24-05-2021 and to state the hurdles in introducing uniform educational curriculum throughout the country?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 3 35 11
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the project of construction of prison/Jail in Islamabad has been dropped?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 35 12
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state the locations of the country where wind energy is being produced along-with the daily quantum of the same thereof?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 3 35 14
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the district wise number of persons died due to Covid-19 since 1st March, 2020 so far?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 35 14
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) the locations in the country at which hospitals and dispensaries of Railways exists at present; and (b) details of the capacity of beds in each of the said hospitals?
Starred Railways
National 3 35 15
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) the locations where Rest Houses were situated under the administration of Federal Educational Board, Islamabad, alongwith the number of rooms available therein; and (b) the names of individuals who were accommodated therein by the administration since five years?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 3 35 15
Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.75 replied on 24-5-2021 and to state the total amount available under the head of corona funds in Pakistan at present?
Unstarred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 4 36 1
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the grade-wise amount of medical allowance being given to each Federal Government employee?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 4 36 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the action being taken by the Government against foreigners residing illegally in Islamabad, at present; (b) if so, the number of said persons who are illegally residing in Islamabad so far?
Starred Interior
National 4 36 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the project of construction of prison/Jail in Islamabad has been dropped?
Unstarred Interior
National 4 36 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state the locations of the country where wind energy is being produced alongwith the daily quantum of the same thereof?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 4 36 4
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the number of Petrol Pums available along each Motorway routes at present and their respective locations thereof
Starred Communication
National 4 36 5
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state the names of the local companies which are manufacturing the cars alongwith details of their capability in Cubic Centimeters (CC)?
Starred Industries & Production
National 4 36 7
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the details of steps which have been taken or being taken by the Government for the eradication of usury (particularly in banks) so far in the country?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 4 37 4
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the vaccines being used in the country at present; (b) the countries which manufactured the said vaccines; (c) whether it has been confirmed that all of the said vaccines are not injurious to human health; and (d) whether all these are being provided as free of cost or have been purchased as well?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 4 37 4
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state the percentage of increase made in the prices of edible oil and ghee per kg so far during the last three years in present Government?
Unstarred Industries & Production
National 4 37 5
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state: (a) the percentage of decrease /increase occurred to Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) loss in recent regime; (b) the major reasons of PIA loss and whether these reasons will be addressed completely and the time by which such process will be completed ; (c) the steps being taken by the Government so far to control PIA loss completely; (d) whether benefits were got by any person illegally and the action taken so far; and (e) details of benefits in increase given to PIA during the present regime?
Starred Aviation Division
National 4 37 5
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government has declared the availability of at least two wheel-chairs mandatory in all the Government and private educational institutions of Islamabad; (b) if so, since when and whether it has been implemented in letter and spirit?
Unstarred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 4 37 5
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) the total number of new vehicles purchased by Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad, during the financial year 2020-21 till date alongwith the names of their models and types thereof; and (b) the names of persons who are using the above said vehicles?
Unstarred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 4 37 6
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the exact amount of debt against each Pakistani he owes as outstanding debt amount of Government of Pakistan at present?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 4 38 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the action being taken by the Government against foreigners residing illegally in Islamabad, at present; (b) if so, the number of said persons who are illegally residing in Islamabad, so far?
Starred Interior
National 4 38 2
Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to conduct a survey at Union Council levels in the country to know about the criminals involved in drugs and also the drugs users/addicts; (b) if so, the time by which the said survey will be started?
Starred Narcotics Control
National 4 38 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the project of construction of prison/Jail in Islamabad has been dropped?
Unstarred Interior
National 3 32 4
Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state: (a) the total number of Afghan Refugees in the country, at present; (b) whether it is a fact that the refugees from any other country, other than Afghan Refugees, are also present in the country; (c) if yes, the total number of such refugees?
Starred States and Frontier Regions
National 3 32 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether cattle markets exist in Islamabad; if so, the respective locations thereof; and (b) whether boundary walls and gates have been installed around all of those?
Starred Interior
National 3 32 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the project of construction of prison/Jail in Islamabad has been dropped?
Unstarred Interior
National 4 36 6
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) the names of airports functional throughout the country from 1985 to 1988; and (b) what is the latest position of above at present?
Starred Aviation Division
National 4 36 8
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the details of steps which have been taken or being taken by the Government for the eradication of usury (particularly in banks) so far in the country?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 4 36 9
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the action being taken by the Government against foreigners residing illegally in Islamabad, at present; (b) if so, the number of said persons who are illegally residing in Islamabad so far?
Starred Interior
National 4 36 9
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the project of construction of prison/Jail in Islamabad has been dropped?
Unstarred Interior
National 4 38 8
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to increase exports to Iran in the coming financial year?
Starred Commerce
National 4 38 8
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps taken by Government for better access to markets of European Union Countries during the last three years?
Unstarred Commerce
National 4 38 6
Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state: (a) the percentage of decrease /increase occurred to Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) loss in recent regime; (b) the major reasons of PIA loss and whether these reasons will be addressed completely and the time by which such process will be completed ; (c) the steps being taken by the Government so far to control PIA loss completely; (d) whether benefits were got by any person illegally and the action taken so far; and (e) details of benefits in increase given to PIA during the present regime?
Starred Aviation Division
National 4 38 6
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No. 45 replied on 24-05-2021 and to state: (a) the percentage of completion/enforcement of Single National Curriculum (SNC) in the country; and (b) the time by which the remaining part of Uniform Curriculum Project will be completed?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 4 38 6
Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division be pleased to state the district-wise steps taken by the Government during the last three years to reduce the Poverty under Poverty Alleviation Programme particularly in Balochistan and Sindh?
Unstarred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
National 4 38 5
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the vaccines being used in the country at present; (b) the countries which manufactured the said vaccines; (c) whether it has been confirmed that all of the said vaccines are not injurious to human health; and (d) whether all these are being provided as free of cost or have been purchased as well?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 4 38 5
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the number of Covid-19 patients are decreasing gradually; (b) whether it is also a fact that unfortunately third wave of Covid-19, has surfaced; (c) the time by which Government would completely control the Covid-19?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 4 38 5
ill the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state the percentage of increase made in the prices of edible oil and ghee per kg so far during the last three years in present Government?
Unstarred Industries & Production
National 4 38 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Gas connections in the country are not being given in time; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to provide the Gas connections in time at an earliest?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 4 38 4
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of Government to establish/set up further Pakistani consulates abroad; (b) if so, the names of countries alongwith their justification?
Unstarred Foreign Affairs
National 4 41 1
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Executive Committee of the National Economic (ECNEC) has given final approval of the construction of Ring Road i.e. Expressway in Rawalpindi; (b) whether tenders are being issued for the said period; and (c) when will the construction of said project will commence?
Starred Planning, Development and Special Initiatives
National 4 41 2
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the construction of the work of the 7th Avenue Interchange Islamabad, will be completed; and (b) detail of the total cost incurred thereon?
Starred Interior
National 4 41 3
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether the construction of Motorway has started to connect Khuzdar and Kuchlak, Balochistan; (b) when will it be started and cost to be incurred thereon; and (c) details of the length and width of said Motorway?
Starred Communications
National 4 41 4
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) names of the companies which are manufacturing the cars in Pakistan at present; and (b) the percentage of spare parts of the said cars being manufactured by each of the said companies in Pakistan?
Starred Industries and Production
National 4 41 4
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Angioplasty is not being carried out in Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad like PIMS; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) whether any proposal is under consideration to provide such facility; if not, reasons thereof?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 4 41 5
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) names of the companies which are manufacturing the cars in Pakistan at present; and (b) the percentage of spare parts of the said cars being manufactured by each of the said companies in Pakistan?
Starred Industries & Production
National 4 41 5
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Angioplasty is not being carried out in Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad like PIMS; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) whether any proposal is under consideration to provide such facility; if not, reasons thereof?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 5 51 1
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise total number and kind of animals imported and exported during the last three years alongwith kind-wise value thereof; and (b) details of the countries from which the animals were imported and exportd during the said period?
Starred Commerce
National 5 51 1
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) the total financial aid and foods received by Earthquake Regulatory Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) from abroad, since 2005 earthquake, till now; (b) what types of goods were received; and (c) the details of utilization of the above said aid as well as goods?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 5 51 3
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) details of the foreign countries where National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) staff is posted in Pakistan Embassies; and (b) the date of posting of each said officer/official of NADRA in these Embassies?
Starred Interior
National 5 51 3
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government for supplying of water to Islamabad from Terbella Dam; if so; the reasons thereof; (b) if so; the time by which it will be made possible and the details of estimated cost thereof alongwith the quantity of water which would be obtained daily therefrom?
Starred Interior
National 5 51 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) details of the percentage of increase registered in the prices of electricity and fuel price adjustments during the incumbent Government; (b) if so, the reason thereof?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 5 51 4
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) details of the total amount being collected from electricity consumers through electricity bills in the name of fuel price adjustment at present; (b) if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 5 51 5
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether any steps has been taken by the Government to make the country, polio free during the present regime; (b) if so, the results of said steps surfaced so far; and (c) the time by which Islamabad will be made polio free?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 5 51 5
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) the steps being taken by the Government to make Pakistan Steel Mills, Karachi fully functionals at present; (b) the steps being taken by the Government to eradicate its losses alongwith details thereof; and (c) the benefits incurred from the results thereof?
Starred Industries & Production
National 5 51 6
Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state: (a) the steps taken by Government to reduce the pollution in rivers and sea water till date alongwith the locations thereof; and (b) what results occurred from said steps already taken?
Starred Climate Change Division
National 5 51 6
Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state: (a) the annual percentage of air pollution caused by the usage of cigarettes in the country; and (b) the city-wise steps taken by the present Government to mitigate the air pollution caused by the usage of cigarettes?
Starred Climate Change Division
National 5 51 8
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise total number and kind of animals imported and exported during the last three years alongwith kind-wise value thereof; and (b) details of the countries from which the animals were imported and exportd during the said period?
Starred Commerce
National 5 51 8
Will the Minister for Commerce be please to state that: (a) the quantum of sugar imported till date and the total amount incurred on the import of sugar annually by the present Government; and (b) the names of the countries from which it has been imported?
Starred Commerce
National 5 51 9
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) details of the foreign countries where National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) staff is posted in Pakistan Embassies; and (b) the date of posting of each said officer/official of NADRA in these Embassies?
Starred Interior
National 5 51 9
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government for supplying of water to Islamabad from Terbella Dam; if so; the reasons thereof; (b) if so; the time by which it will be made possible and the details of estimated cost thereof alongwith the quantity of water which would be obtained daily therefrom?
Starred Interior
National 5 51 10
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) details of the percentage of increase registered in the prices of electricity and fuel price adjustments during the incumbent Government; (b) if so, the reason thereof?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 5 51 10
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) details of the total amount being collected from electricity consumers through electricity bills in the name of fuel price adjustment at present; (b) if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 5 51 10
Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state: (a) the names of mineral water (bottled drinking water) production companies/brands in the country at present; and (b) city-wise/location-wise detail of their production during last three years?
Starred Science and Technology
National 5 51 10
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state the percentage increase registered in the prices of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder from 2018 to 2021 and the reasons thereof?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 5 51 11
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) the overall percentage increase registered in ghee and cooking oil prices per litre during the period of 2018 to 2021; and (b) why?
Starred Industries & Production
National 5 51 11
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a large quantity of food is wasted in the country every year; (b) if so, the quantity of such food alongwith the reasons of said wastage; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 5 51 16
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the date on which Capital Development Authority (CDA) launched last one or latest residential sector in Islamabad; (b) the name of the sector alongwith the number of plots; (c) the reasons for not launching the new residential sector after the said sector by the CDA till date; (d) the time by which new sector will be launched; (e) if not, the authorities/names of the persons who are responsible for such failure?
Starred Interior
National 5 51 16
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the number-wise kinds of birds/animals available in Islamabad Zoo at present; and (b) the details of daily head-wise expenses thereof?
Starred Interior
National 5 51 18
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) details of the total number of Persons vaccinated against Covid-19 in country at present; and (b) the names of said vaccines?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 5 51 18
Will the Minister for National Health Services Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the locations in foreign countries where the hospitals have been established by the Government for Pakistanis; and (b) the locations where more hospitals are being established?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 5 51 19
Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state: (a) the air pollution spread due to the use of cigarettes every year in Pakistan, (b) whether any step has been taken by the Government to curtail the said pollution; (c) if so, the city-wise detail thereof?
Starred Climate Change Division
National 5 51 22
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the date on which Capital Development Authority (CDA) launched last one or latest residential sector in Islamabad; (b) the name of the sector alongwith the number of plots; (c) the reasons for not launching the new residential sector after the said sector by the CDA till date; (d) the time by which new sector will be launched; (e) if not, the authorities/names of the persons who are responsible for such failure?
Starred Interior
National 5 51 22
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the number-wise kinds of birds/animals available in Islamabad Zoo at present; and (b) the details of daily head-wise expenses thereof?
Starred Interior
National 5 51 23
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state the percentage increase registered in the prices of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder from 2018 to 2021 and the reasons thereof?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 5 51 23
Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state: (a) whether “National Hemp Policy” is being formulated in the country; If so, the time by which it will be framed; and (b) the benefits to be accrued to the country and nation therefrom?
Starred Science and Technology
National 5 51 23
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the date on which the construction of Sialkot-Kharian Motorway started; (b) the percentage of work completed so far; and (c) the time by which it will be completed alongwith detail of its cost; and the name of the firm constructing it?
Starred Communication
National 5 51 23
Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the district-wise total voters in the country at present; and (b) whether in upcoming all elections Electric Voting Machine (EVM) would be used?
Starred Parliamentary Affairs
National 5 51 23
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the oil and gas deposits have been discovered recently in Lucky Marwat, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; and (b) if so, when were discovered alongwith the quantity thereof?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 5 51 25
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) the authority who has approved to increase the prices of items at Utility Stores recently; and (b) the percentage of increase made in the prices of all the items at Utility Stores during the present Government till date?
Starred Industries & Production
National 5 52 1
Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state: (a) whether "National Hemp Policy" is being formulated in the country; If so, the time by which it will be framed; and (b) the benefits to be accrued to the country and nation therefrom?
Starred Science and Technology
National 5 52 1
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the thickness, length and width of Sialkot-Kharian Motorway; and (b) the number lanes will be made?
Starred Communication
National 5 52 2
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) the steps taken by Government for the complete revival of Pakistan Steel Mills Karachi and to curtail its losses; and (b) the details of benefits of above will be occurred?
Starred Industries & Production
National 5 52 3
Will the Minister for Climate Change and Environmental Coordination be pleased to state the names of cities which have become the most polluted with regard to air quality index?
Starred Climate Change Division
National 5 52 5
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the status of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Malaysia, China, Indonesia and Pakistan alongwith detail of trade volume of country with these countries during the last three years?
Starred Commerce
National 5 52 7
Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state: (a) whether the work of fencing on Pak-Afghan Border has been completed 100 percent; if not, the reasons thereof; and (b) the time by which the remaining work would be completed?
Starred Defence
National 5 52 7
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of District and Tehsil-wise Passport Offices exist in the country at present?
Starred Interior
National 5 52 9
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state the quantity of Gas and Petroleum products being extracted daily from each well in the country at present?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 5 52 10
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state what steps are being taken by the Government to promote seed production and research in each of cash crops, wheat, cotton and rice?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 5 52 10
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the total number of solar refrigerator available in each Federal Hospitals to store vaccines, so that in case of loadshedding of electricity, the stored vaccine may not get spoiled?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 5 52 12
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state the details of locations identified where new Government high level educational institutions have been established in the country so far, during the tenure of present Government?
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training

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