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Questions details of Sehar Kamran | 3702( 1 question asked )
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 1 5 5
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pl eased to state: (a) rhe de/ails regarding the current financial shortfall experienced by the Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGCL): (b) the number of times the prices of gas have been increased by the SSGCL during the past five years: (c) the details of salary, perks and privileges given to the Managing Director of the SSGCL: and (d) the complete information of the person currently holding the position of Managing Director at the SSGCL saharralongwith his qualifications previous experience and background thereof.
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 1 6 3
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state: (a) what was the total expenditure associated with the import, storage and processing of wheat; (b) the projected revenue to be generated from exports; (c) the anticipated overall profit or loss impact resulting from these operations; and (d) how will aforesaid import affect the procurement of locally produced wheat?
Starred Commerce
National 1 9 1
Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication be pleased to state: (a) the details of Broadband/Interent Service Providers (ISPs) across the country; (b) the year-wise and ISP-wise number of incidents of fault/disruptions of broadband/interent services in the countryduring the last five years alongwith the reasons for each incident; and (c) the steps being taken by the Pakistan TelecommunicationAuthority (PTA) against these ISPs in each case?
Starred Information Technology
National 1 9 3
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that over 300 Contingent Paid Staff (CPS) were appointed/engaged by Higher Education Commission (HEC) during the year 2021-2022; (b) whether it is also a fact that out of these (CPS) 39 were in BPS-06 to BPS-17; if so, the details thereof; (c) details of monthly salary of each CPS; and (d) the details of rules/policy under which these CPS were appointed/engaged by HEC? Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training
Starred Federal Education and Professional Training
National 1 9 4
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state: (a) update details on the situation regarding deportation of approximately one hundred Pakistani nurses from Saudi Arabia due to their forged documents verification; (b) what steps are being taken by the Government to address the concerns raised by the deported Pakistani nurses as well as ensure the protection of Pakistanis workers abroad; (c) the details regarding high level investigation initiated following the incident of the deportation of Pakistani nurses from Saudi Arabia; (d) what measures are being taken to prevent similar incidents involving forged documents verifications and exploitation of Pakistani workers by recruitment firms agencies in the future; (e) details of assistance or support being provided to the deported Pakistani nurses; and (f) details of their families to mitigate the impact of their sudden deportation?
Starred Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
National 1 9 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) what measures are being taken by the Directorate General of Immigration and Passports to address the reported nonpayment of salaries to employees serving in embassies abroad; (b) the details of accounts and reasons of delay in payments of salary to the aforesaid employees of the embassies; (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to ensure the assistance to employees affected due to the non-payment of salaries with immediate effect to alleviate their financial hardships; (d) whether investigations have been conducted by the Government to identify systemic, regarding non-payment of salaries to embassy staff; if not, the reasons thereof; and (e) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to settle the aforesaid issue?
Starred Interior

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