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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 3 23 3
Will the Minister for Education be pleased to state:- Total number of Primary and Middle Schools as well as number of active and non active schools from the said schools throughout Sindh?
Starred Education
Sindh 3 23 3
Will the Minister for Education be pleased to state:- District-wise number of Arts Colleges exist in the province alongwith number of new Arts colleges established during 2008 to 2013 upto June?
Starred Education
Sindh 3 23 3
Will the Minister for Education be pleased to state:- (a) District-wise number of teachers promoted through DPCs to qualify to be posted as Head Master/Head Mistress along with the number out of above got the posting according to their grade; (b) Is it a fact that 2000 posts of Head Master/Head Mistress have been created during 2013-14; (c) If answer to (b) above be in the affirmative, the criteria of selection along with policy to be adopted regarding those teachers who are in line of promotion to become Head Master/Head Mistress?
Starred Education
Sindh 3 23 3
Will the Minister for Education be pleased to state:- Number of private registered and un-registered schools exists in the entire province as on 31-12-2012?
Starred Education
Sindh 3 23 3
Will the Minister for Education be pleased to state:- Number of colleges throughout Sindh whose buildings have been constructed but SNE has not been approved as yet?
Starred Education

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