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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the laws have been enacted to strengthen and empower the women in the country during the last five years till date; if so, the details thereof; and (b) the steps taken by the Government to implement said laws?
Starred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the total amount of toll tax collected from High Ways in the country during the last three years alongwith the year-wise details thereof; 4 (b) whether it is a fact that the collection of amount of toll tax has been increased due to increase in the volume of traffic; if so, the percentage of increase thereof; (c) the total amount of income earned by weigh stations, fine collected by police and private business set on right of way of NHA during the said period?
Starred Communications
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) the number of projects initiated for the protection of the rights/ welfare of the women in the country during the last five years; (b) the total amount of funds allocated for the said projects; and (c) the area-wise total number of persons (women and girls) who benefited therefrom, so far?
Starred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to set up Special Courts to clear the back log of cases pending in the Courts for the last many years; (b) if so, when it will be implemented?
Starred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a portion of Karakoram Highway near Attabad village was damaged by massive land sliding during the year 2010; (b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to repair the damaged portion thereof?
Starred Communications
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to control adulteration in eatables alongwith the steps being taken to ensure compliance of manufacturing and expiry dates thereof?
Starred Science and Technology
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state whether any programme for the awareness of rights of women and children has been launched in FATA; if so, the procedure prescribed therefor?
Starred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the grade-wise total number of persons belonging to the Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa recruited in the Ministry during the years 2011-12 and 2012-13 on permanent and contract basis?
Starred Defence
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the number of cases of fraud/corruption registered during the last five years alongwith the action taken by the Government against the persons responsibles therefor; and (b) the amount of losses suffered by the Government therefrom during the said period?
Starred Communications
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that meters of natural gas have been installed at the houses of certain residents of Village Darkali Shar Shahi, Tehsil Kallar Syedan, District Rawalpindi; if so, the details thereof; (b) whether it is also a fact that utility bills are being issued by the concerned authority since the installation of said meters; (c) whether it is further a fact that supply of the natural gas has not been started to the said village; (d) if the answers to part (a), (b) and (c) are in the affirmative, the reasons thereof alongwith the steps being taken by the Government to supply natural gas to the said village?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that number of projects started by NHA during the last five years were delayed due to shortage of funds; if so, the details thereof; (b) whether it is also a fact that such delay is escalating the cost of such projects; (c) if so, the steps being taken in this regard?
Starred Communications
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) the names, qualification and relevant experience of the Government officers nominated for various Boards of Directors of companies and organizations working under the Ministry during the period from 1-3-2008 till date; and (b) the date-wise details of meetings attended by each one of them alongwith the remunerations received for each meeting during the said period?
UnStarred Petroleum and Natural Resources
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) the total number of cases of mismanagement, irregularities and corruption detected/registered in the Government departments and disposed of by each High Court including the Islamabad High Court during the last five years till date alongwith the details thereof; and (b) the total number of cases pending in each High Court at present?
UnStarred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) the name, designations and domicile of persons appointed in the Ministry, SNGPL, SSGPL and OGDCL on regular, contract and daily wages basis during the last five years; and (b) the names of persons appointed in the Ministry on deputation basis during the said period alongwith the salaries, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to them?
UnStarred Petroleum and Natural Resources
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) the details/title of cases of murder and kidnapping disposed of by each High Court during the last five years till date; (b) the details/title of said cases disposed of by the Islamabad High Court since its establishment; and (c) the total number of cases still pending in said Courts at present?
UnStarred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state whether it is a fact that members involved in the OGRA scam are still holding their official positions; if so, the reasons thereof?
UnStarred Petroleum and Natural Resources
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) the category-wise detail of cases pending in the Supreme Court and the High Courts at present alongwith the reasons thereof; and (b) the time by which said cases will be disposed of?
UnStarred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state the number of cases registered and disposed off by the High Courts and Supreme Court of Pakistan after enactment of section 498-B of the Pakistan Panel Code, 1860?
UnStarred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state the number of cases registered and disposed off by the High Courts and Supreme Court of Pakistan during the year 2013-14 in which the parents of victims are offenders or guilty of offences after the enactment of section 498-B of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860?
UnStarred Law, Justice and Human Rights
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the provincewise details of enemy property of the Ministry alongwith its attached departments at present?
UnStarred Communications
National 2 15 8
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state the grade-wise incentives/facilities other than salary being provided to the employees of Sui Gas at present?
UnStarred Petroleum and Natural Resources

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