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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 4 27 2
Will the Minister for Excise & Taxation be pleased to state:- Number of licensed wine shops exists in the province along with the names of their owners as well as the number of the same established during last three years?
Starred Excise & Taxation
Sindh 4 27 2
Will the Minister for Excise & Taxation be pleased to state:- Revenue earned by the department under all heads during 2009 to 2013?
Starred Excise & Taxation
Sindh 4 27 2
Will the Minister for Excise & Taxation be pleased to state:- Date on which the last meeting of D.P.C (Departmental Promotion Committee) held for promotion of Inspectors to AETOs along with names of officials promoted in the meeting as well as existing position of vacant posts of AETOs?
Starred Excise & Taxation
Sindh 4 27 2
Will the Minister for Excise & Taxation be pleased to state:- Quantity of chars, opium, ganja and heroin recovered in Sindh in various raids by excise police during 2009 to 2013?
Starred Excise & Taxation
Sindh 4 27 2
Will the Minister for Excise & Taxation and Narcotics be pleased to state: (a)Is it a fact that illegal Irani petrol is being sold at different places openly; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, steps being taken by the department in this regard?
Starred Excise & Taxation

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