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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state: (a) the number of doctors, paramedical and administrative staff working in the Cantonment Board Hospital Rawalpindi on regular and ad-hoc / temporary basis with department wise break up; (b) the number of departments established in the said hospital indicating also the number of beds available in each department; (c) the average number of operations carried out in that hospital on daily basis during the year 2015-16; (d) the average number of outdoor patients attended to in that hospital on daily basis during the said year; (e) the budget allocated for that hospital during the said year; and (f) whether any fee is being charged for check up from the outdoor patients or for provision of medicines or operation in the said hospital, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Defence
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the locations of water filtration plants installed in Islamabad; (b) the number of persons appointed / deputed for repairing and maintenance of the said plants; and (c) the details of monitoring of those plants as per the principle of hygiene indicating also the mechanism devised for the same?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to make the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) an independent body and give Constitutional protection to it and its Director General?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the steps taken / being taken by the Government to improve the overall performance of Federal Investigation Agency?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) the profit earned or losses suffered by Pakistan Railways during the fiscal year 2015-16; and (b) the steps taken / being taken by the Government to improve the financial position of Pakistan Railways?
Starred Railways
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to state the amount allocated for development projects of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, its attached departments, subordinate offices, autonomous and semi autonomous organizations / corporations during the fiscal year 2015-16 indicating also the details of project, amount allocated and spent and present status of the project in each case?
Starred Information and Broadcasting
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state whether the Pakistan Railway operation for Transit Trade to Afghanistan which was suspended in 2012 has been restored, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Railways
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of fake CNICs detected during the ongoing reverification programme in the country with province wise break up; and (b) whether officials of NADRA have been found involved in issuance of the said CNICs, if so, the number thereof and action being taken against them?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state: (a) the number of hospitals (MH, CMH, Airforce and Naval) working under the administrative control of the Armed Forces in the country with city wise break up; (b) the number of specialists / doctors, paramedical and administrative staff working in the said hospitals on regular contract basis with department wise break up; (c) the number of departments established in those hospitals indicating also the number of beds available in each department; (d) the average number of operations carried out in the said hospitals on daily basis during the year 2015-16; (e) the average number of outdoor patients being attended to in those hospitals on daily basis; and (f) the budget allocated for the said hospitals during 2015-16 and for current financial year?
Starred Defence
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Nareotios Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of cases of human trafficking registered by FIA in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during the last three years; and (b) the names of persons / travel agencies involved in the said cases and the action taken against them?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) the details of projects for upgradation of the existing railway lines and laying of new railway lines announced during the last two fiscal years in the country; (b) the details of the said projects on which work has been started indicating also the percentage of work completed so far in each case; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to expedite the work on projects for laying new railway lines in the country?
Starred Railways
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the registered Afghan Refugees are being harassed by police in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, if so, the steps being taken by the Government to ensure dignified repatriation of the said refugees?
Starred States and Frontier Regions
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the steps taken by the incumbent Government to provide safe drinking water to the residents of Islamabad; and (b) the steps taken by the present Government to prevent the spread of water born diseases in ICT?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the quantum of drinking water being supplied to Islamabad through various sources; (b) whether it is a fact that the water supply to sector I-10, Islamabad, often remains discontinued for several days for the last many years; and (c) the steps taken / being taken by the Government to solve the problem of water scarcity in various sectors of Islamabad particularly in sector I-10?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state the policy / plans of the Federal Government on the issue of Afghan refugees in the country?
Starred States and Frontier Regions
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state the amount allocated, released and utilized for development projects in FATA during the current fiscal year with Agency-wise and project-wise break-up?
Starred States and Frontier Regions
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state:— (a) the number of tea stalls established in front of the Government Polyclinic Hospital, Islamabad, indicating also the number of those allotted by CDA under the rules out of the same; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to take action against the said stalls which have been established illegally or established on area more than that allotted by CDA, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of CNICs blocked by NADRA since 1st June, 2013 indicating also the number of those restored out of the same so far with district wise break up; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to restore the remaining CNICs?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the names, designations, date of appointment and date of permanent absorption / induction of the persons appointed in Islamabad Police on deputation and mutual transfer basis since 2005 indicating also their designation and grades in their parent departments in each case; and (b) the steps taken / being taken by the Government to repatriate the said deputationists to their parent departments / provinces in the light of the orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether it is a fact that about one hundred Assistant Sub Inspectors were appointed in Islamabad Police in 2005 but neither any one of them has been promoted nor their Seniority list has been prepared so for, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the number of posts of Assistant Sub Inspectors, Sub Inspectors and Inspectors presently lying vacant in Islamabad Police indicating also the reasons for not filling the same so far and the time by which the same will be filled in?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to state the details of cultural programmes of various provinces / areas including FATA arranged by Pakistan National Council of Arts and Lok Virsa during the year 2016 indicating also the amount allocated and utilized on those programmes in each case?
Starred Information and Broadcasting
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of public sector slaughter houses in Islamabad Capital Territory indicating also the number of the food inspectors appointed in each of the same; (b) the number of visits made by the said inspectors to those slaughter houses to check the quality of meat during the year 2016; and (c) whether those inspectors submit any report about their visits to the higher authorities on monthly / quarterly basis, if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state the amount of financial assistance received from abroad for rehabilitation of the internally displaced persons of FATA indicating also the amount disbursed out of the same so far with agency wise break up?
Starred States and Frontier Regions
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to earmark / reserve any place in Islamabad for public gatherings and holding public meetings in order to avoid disturbance in the whole city, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state the steps taken / being taken by the Government to construct the places of worship for the minorities living in FATA?
Starred States and Frontier Regions
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the names of individuals, companies and cartels who were found involved in money laundering to foreign countries since 2010-11 indicating also the action taken against them; and (b) the steps taken / being taken by the Government control money laundering?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether it is a fact Coast Guard personnel deployed at coastal belt of Makran have been suffering from manpower and equipment deficiency, if so, the steps being taken by the Government to remove the same?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of drug addicts admitted in the Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers (TRCs) for drug addicts working under administrative control of the Government since 1st January 2015 indicating also the number of patients rehabilitated out of the same so far; and (b) the steps taken / being taken by the Government to eliminate drug addiction in the country?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the CNICs of a large number of Pakhtuns belonging to Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA have been blocked by NADRA, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for National History and Literary Heritage be pleased to state the steps taken / being by the Government for the promotion of Urdu Language?
Starred National History and Literary Heritage
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) the details of railway tracks upgraded or rehabilitated in the country during the last three years; (b) the details of new railway tracks laid in the country during the said period; and (c) the length of old railway tracks which remained closed / nonoperational during that period indicating also the reasons for closure of the same?
Starred Railways
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the number of Entry Points established on Pak-China Border indicating also the detail of the facilities provided on the same?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether-there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to improve the condition of the gate constructed at Pak-China border and establish proper reception point at that gate to facilitate tourists and travelers, if so, when?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the number of posts of the quota reserved for Balochistan which are presently lying vacant in NADRA with grade wise break up?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the number of persons working in BPS-I5 to 22 in FIA with province wise break up?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether it is a fact that NADRA center established in Buleda, Balochistan, has been closed down for the last one and a half year, if so, the time by which the same will be reopened?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a number of allottees in the Jammu and Kashmir Housing Society, Zone-V, Islamabad who have deposited the cost of land and development charges have been issued letters for allotment of plots but possession of plots have not been handed over to them so far, if so, the reasons thereof and the time by which they will be given possession of their plots; (b) whether it is also a fact that despite receipt of the cost of land and development charges, the said society has not started and development work so far, if so, the reasons thereof and the time by which the same will be started; and (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to take action against that society for the said delays, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state: (a) the amount allocated for the development projects in South Waziristan Agency during the last two fiscal years; and (b) the present status of word on the said projects and their expected date of completion in each case?
Starred States and Frontier Regions
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state that the steps being taken by the Government to systematize the traffic flow of in the ,federal capital as per the international standard?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan Railways has started transit trade operations, if so, the details thereof; and (b) the amount earned by Pakistan Railways from the said operations since 2014-15?
Starred Railways
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Islamabad police lacks modern and up-to-date training facilities, if so, the reasons thereof;and (b) the details of training courses arranged and conducted for personnel of the said policy during- the last four years?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to nab the persons involved in human trafficking in the country?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
Senate 14 257 2
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) the acreage of Railway land given on lease during the last five years with province wise break up; (b) the acreage of Railway land illegally occupied by trespassers during the said period with province wise break up; and (c) the acreage of land in possession of Pakistan Railways at present with province wise break up?
Starred Railways

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