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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 4 29 4
Will the Minister for Planning & Development be pleased to state:- Number of health schemes placed during 2012-13 as well as number of schemes approved and work not started from the said schemes?
Starred Planning & Development
Sindh 4 29 4
Will the Minister for Planning & Development be pleased to state:- Number of cities/districts of the province for which the development packages were placed and how much the same was implemented?
Starred Planning & Development
Sindh 4 29 4
Will the Minister for Planning & Development be pleased to state:- Number of ADP schemes completed, work in progress and work could not be started in Sindh during 2008-10?
Starred Planning & Development
Sindh 4 29 4
Will the Minister for Planning & Development be pleased to state:- (a)District-wise number of people presently living below the poverty line in rural areas; (b)Is it a fact that government intends to provide incentives/packages to improve their standard of life; (c)If answer to (b) above be in the affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Planning & Development
Sindh 4 29 4
Will the Minister for Planning & Development be pleased to state:- District-wise number of villages provided electricity by the planning and development department during 1st July 2009 to 30th July 2011?
Starred Planning & Development
Sindh 4 29 4
Will the Minister for Planning & Development be pleased to state:- Number of new schemes allocated during 2011-2012 along with detail of the schemes completed up to 30-06-2012?
Starred Planning & Development
Sindh 4 29 4
Will the Minister for Planning & Development be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that the government has announced to complete 293 development projects up to December, 2013 in the province; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the district-wise details thereof including the cost of the same?
Starred Planning & Development

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