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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 4 32 14
District-wise name and number of poor girls provided dowry fund in the province during 2016-17 upto April alongwith criteria followed for the same?
Starred Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 32 14
(a) Is it a fact that any fund is received by Sindh from Federation under the head of Zakat; (b) If answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, the fund received during 2008-2013 upto June?
Starred Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 32 14
Amount received in head of Ushr during 2008 to 2012?
Starred Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 32 14
Amount presently available in provincial Zakat fund along with number of registered beneficiaries presently being paid/not paid “Guzara Allowance”?
Starred Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 32 14
(a) Is it a fact that various funds have been allocated for vocational training institutes by the department; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details thereof along with areas where the same is utilized?
Starred Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 32 14
Whether officers are working on deputation in Zakat & Ushr Department, if so, number and detail thereof?
Starred Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 32 14
(a) Total budget allocated for Zakat to District Zakat officer Shikarpur during the year 2013-2014; (b) Details of the disbursement of Zakat during the period from 2013-14?
Starred Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 32 14
(a) How much amount have released on account of dowry funds for Orphans during the year 2013-2014. Taluka-wise details of Shikarpur District? (b) Name of persons who have been given dowry during the above said period?
Starred Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 32 14
(a) Is it a fact that Administrative Secretary is allowing Mr. Khalid Latif Chairman District Zakat & Ushr Committee Karachi to continue to work without any justification; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the reasons thereof and why this illegal appointment is not set aside?
Starred Zakat & Ushr

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