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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that work orders for Bifurcation of 11 KV PIDC, Talash, Exp Temergara, Old Temeragara and Ouch have been approved to improve the supply of electricity in those areas, if so, the original estimated dates of completion of the same; and (b) whether the said schemes have been completed on the scheduled dates, if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a project for provision of natural gas supply to Lower Dir was approved during the previous Shoaib.M 0000(17) Senate. 266th Session Government of Pakistan Peoples Party, if so, the amount allocated for the same so far with date wise breakup; (b) the names of Parliamentarians who have provided funds for the said project out of their development funds indicating also the amount provided by each Parliamentarian; and (c) whether the said funds have been fully utilized on that project, if not, the name of authority or Parliamentarians (sitting or retired) on whose advice the remaining amount/funds are being utilized on the same?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the details of the project for construction of Federal Lodges-II, Shami Road, Peshawar, indicating also the date of approval, estimated cost, date of starting the work, amount allocated and released during the fiscal year 2016-17 and expected date of completion of the same?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state the number of agreements made by the Petroleum Division and its statutory bodies with Foreign countries during the last five years indicating also the name of country and nature of agreement in each case?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the names of firms and contractors who have presently been awarded contracts for various construction and development works in sectors G-13, G-14, F-14 and F-15, Islamabad, indicating also the amount of contract and the details of work completed so far in each case?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to exempt mosques from payment of TV license fee in the electricity bills, if so, when?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state: (a) the names, designations and grades of the officers in BPS-16 and above of the Petroleum Division, its attached departments and subordinate offices who have been promoted to the next grades on the basis of their satisfactory performance during the last five years; and (b) the names, designations and grades of the officers in BPS-16 and above of that Division, its attached departments and subordinate offices who were not promoted to the next grades on account of their poor performance during the same period?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Water Resources be pleased to refer to the Senate starred question No. 153, replied on 18th April, 2017 and state the steps being taken by the Government to ensure strict enforcement of High Efficiency Irrigation System with collaboration of Provincial Governments in order to save water in the country?
Starred Water Resources
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state the details of cases of power theft detected in the country during the last five years with feeder wise and region wise break up?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state the details of proceeds from exports made from Reko Diq and Dudur projects since the commencement of the same with year wise break up?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state: (a) the number of Oil and Gas exploration companies operating in the country at present; and (b) whether it is a fact that said companies are required to spend a specific amount of their income for the development of the areas of their operations, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) the details of cases of mismanagement, irregularities and corruption in the Government departments disposed of by each High Court during the last three years; and (b) the number of the said cases pending in each High Court at present?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state whether is any proposal under consideration of the Government to upgrade those thermal power plants in the country which have completed their life-span, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) the number of sanctioned posts of judges in the Islamabad High Court indicating also the number of judges presently working against the same; and (b) the number of sanctioned posts of judges in sub-division East and West of the District Courts, Islamabad indicating also the number of judges presently working against the same?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state the amount disbursed under the head of Human Rights Revolving Fund with particular reference to funds disbursed for providing legal aid in hardship cases, deserving human rights violations cases and rehabilitation of the victims of human rights violations and their families during the period from 1st July, 2008 to 30th April, 2017 with year wise and province wise break up?
Starred Human Rights
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state the amount allocated for Diyat, Arsh and Daman Fund since 2008, with year wise breakup?
Starred Human Rights
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state: (a) the names, educational qualifications and relevant experience relating to oil and gas industry of the incumbent Managing Director, PSO, indicating also the salary, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to him; and (b) the details of the salary, allowances and other fringe benefits which were admissible to the last four Managing Directors of PSO?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Government has approved the selling of co-mingled petrol of lower grade (87 RON) with an imported grade (95 RON) in the market, if so, the steps being taken by the Government to check the quality of the same; and (b) the reasons for de-regulation of the new grade 95 RON rather than fixing the issue?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state the details of line losses in the power sector since 2013-14 with year wise and province wise break up?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state: (a) the estimated domestic gas demand in billions cubic feet per day at present in the country; (b) the estimated production of gas in billion cubic feet per day; and (c) whether it is a fact that OGRA has warned of increasing the gap between supply and demand in near future, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state: (a) the original date on which the country's second Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal was to become operational; (b) whether it is a fact that the said project has been delayed, if so, the details of liquidity damages to be paid to private investors due to that delay; and (c) the details of shipments of LNG which have been concelled or delayed due to the said delay in completion of that terminal?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the number of agreements made by the Ministry of Housing and Works and its statutory bodies with Foreign countries during the last five years indicating also the name of country and nature of agreement in each case?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state whether it is a fact that a debt surcharge is being charged from the consumers through electricity bills, if so, the amount collected through the same during the last five years?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a scheme for expansion and rehabilitation of Federal Lodge No. 1, Peshawar, was approved some years ago, if so, the details thereof; (b) the details of work completed on the said scheme so far and the time by which the remaining work will be completed; and (c) the amount allocated and released for that scheme so far and the details of utilization of the released amount?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state the names and designations of the officers of the Power Division, its attached departments, corporations, authorities, autonomous and semi autonomous bodies and subordinate offices who went abroad on official visits during the last three years indicating also the purpose of visit, name of country visited, duration of visit and expenditure incurred in each case?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister Incharge of the President's Secretariat be pleased to state the names, designations, grades and date of appointment of promotion to present grade of the officers working in the President Secretariat and its subordinate offices?
Starred President Secretariat
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state the quantum of electricity generated during the months of March and April, 2017 with source wise break up indicating also the per unit cost of production of the same in each case?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Water Resources be pleased to state: (a) the number of ongoing projects for construction of dams which are near completion in Balochistan and Punjab; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to construct dams in Balochistan during the next 2-3 years, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Water Resources
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the criteria laid down for allotment of Government accommodations to the Government employees on hardship basis; (b) the number of accommodations allotted on hardship basis during the tenure of present Government; (c) the number of applications pending for allotment of Government accommodations on hardship basis; and (d) whether it is a fact that meetings of the Committee for hardship cases are not being held, if so, the reasons thereof and the time by which the same will be held to finalize the said cases?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the details of the ongoing housing schemes for Government employees launched by the Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation indicating also the rate at which the plots have been offered to the employees in each scheme and the time by which the same will be completed?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the details of officials vehicles at the disposal of the Ministry of Housing and Works, its attached departments and sub ordinate offices indicating also the names and designations of officers and officials who are using the same at present; and (b) the amount spent by the said Ministry, departments and offices under the head of fuel since July, 2013?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister Incharge of the Prime Minister's Office be pleased to state: (a) the number of posts of Assistant Director BPS-17 reserved for direct recruitment under the quota prescribed for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which are presently lying vacant in the Prime Minister's Inspection Commission indicating also the dates since which the same are lying vacant in each case; and (b) whether it is a fact that the said posts are being filled in through promotion instead of direct recruitment, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the residents of Ghouri Town, Phase-III, Islamabad are not being provided gas connections despite the lifting of ban on provision of new gas connections in the country, if so, the time by which they will be provided gas connections?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Energy be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the residents of Ghouri Town, Phase-III, Islamabad are being provided low voltage electricity, if so, the steps being taken by the Government to resolve the issue?
Starred Energy
Senate 15 266 3
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state the number of cases of harassment of women at work place forwarded by the Federal Ombudsman to the President's Cell of harassment at work place for decision during the last three years indicating also the number of cases decided out of the same so far?
Starred Law and Justice

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