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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 15 269 15
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the amount spent by the Government on the war against terror in the country during the last ten years with year wise and head wise break up; and (b) the amount received by the Government from the United States of America for controlling terrorism in the country during the said period with year wise head wise break up?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 269 15
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state the details of estimated annual revenue to be accrued to Pakistan through various agreements between Pakistan and China made under the CPEC with project wise break-up?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
Senate 15 269 15
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state; (a) whether it is a fact that the Finance Division has launched a project for construction of fish landing jetty and allied harbor facilities at Surbandar, East Bay Gwadar, if yes, the details of the project; (b) how much amount has been spent on that project so far; and (c) the percentage of work completed on that project and the time by which the remaining work will be completed?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 269 15
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the names and fields of operation or activities of the foreign NGOs registered in the country at present; and (b) the mechanism evolved for monitoring the activities of the said NGOs?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 269 15
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the details of mechanism evolved by the Government to monitor the number and amounts of mobile phone cards and easy load being issued or sold by the Mobile Telephone Companies in the country for the purpose of collection of tax on the same?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 269 15
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the details of private institutions or companies, other than banks, which are legally carrying out money transactions indicating also the annual volume of their business in each case; and (b) the details of private institutions or companies involved in illegal business of interest indicating also the action taken by the Government against them so far?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 269 15
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the amount of short term and long terms foreign loans obtained by the Government during the last five years indicating also the name of lending country and organization and interest rate in each case?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 269 15
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the amount of aid received from USA during the last three years and the details of its utilization?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs

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