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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the amount spent by the Government on the war against terror in the country during the last ten years with year wise and head wise break up; and (b) the amount received by the Government from the United States of America for controlling terrorism in the country during the said period with year wise head wise break up?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms be pleased to state the details of estimated annual revenue to be accrued to Pakistan through various agreements between Pakistan and China made under the CPEC with project wise break-up?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state; (a) Whether it is a fact that the Finance Division has launched a project for construction of fish landing jetty and allied harbor facilities at Surbandar, East Bay Gwadar, if so, the details thereof; (b) the amount spent on the said project so far; and (c) the percentage of work completed on that project and the time by which the remaining work will be completed?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the details of mechanism evolved by the Government to monitor the number and amounts of mobile phone cards and easy load being issued or sold by the Mobile Telephone Companies in the country for the purpose of collection of tax on the same?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the details of private institutions or companies, other than banks, which are legally carrying out money transactions indicating also the annual volume of their business in each case; and (b) the details of private institutions or companies involved in illegal business of interest indicating also the action taken by the Government against them so far?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the amount of short term and long terms foreign loans obtained by the Government during the last five years indicating also the name of lending country and organization and interest rate in each case?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the amount of aid received from USA during the last three years and the details of its utilization?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the number of projects or entities mortgaged by the present Government against sukuk bonds obtaining loans since 2013; and (b) the terms and conditions set down repayments in the said agreements?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the employees of Pakistan Steel Mill are not being their salaries on regular basis, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Industries & Production
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state whether it is a fact that FBR has failed to achieve the target of revenue collection during the first quarter of the current fiscal year, if so, the details thereof and the steps being taken by the Government to overcome the same?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the steps being taken by the Government to control the smuggling of animals and other items to and from the country; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to improve the existing laws for the said purpose, if so, when?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the amount recovered by FBR from mobile phone companies in the country on amount of sales tax fraud during the last two years indicating also the name of company, amount recovered and action taken against them in each case?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the number of posts of Customs Inspectors became vacant in Customs Collectorate, Quetta during the last five year wise break up; and (b) whether it is a fact that despite conducting the departmental promotion examination for filling the post of customs inspectors, some 30 posts in the said Collectrate have still not been filled in, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the number of posts of Cutoms Inspectors became vacant in FBR during the last five year with year wise and collectorate wise break up; and (b) the number of the said posts filled through direct recruitment regular promotions and out of turn promotions, separately, during that period with year wise and collectorate wise break up?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the amount of circular debt at present; and (b) the head under which the said debt has been reflected in the annual report of the State Bank of Pakistan, 2016-2017?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Statistics be pleased to state: (a) the mechanism adopted for conducting the census, 2017 in the country indicating also the name of authority which supervised the same; and (b) whether any petition has been filed against the said census, if so, the name of court and the plea taken by the petitioner in each case?
Starred Statistics
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) the number of persons working in Pakistan Steel Mills on regular, contract and daily wages basis indicating also the expenditure being incurred on their monthly salaries, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to them; and (b) the number of employees of the said Mills who have been sacked during the last four years?
Starred Industries & Production
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the current account deficit of the country during the last two years with month wise break up; and (b) whether it is a fact that the said deficit has been increasing continuously during the said period, if so, the reasons thereof and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the amount of internal and external debt obtained by the present Government during its tenure; and (b) the annual amount of be repaid on account of the said debt during the next five years?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that cellular companies do not provide income tax certificate to the consumers so that they could file their tax returns, if so the reasons thereof; (b) whether Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) keeps the said record; and (c) the name of authority which directly collects the amount of tax being charged on using mobile cards?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the number of Non-Government Organization (NGOs) which applied for registration during the last four years with year wise break up; (b) the names of the said NGOs which were approved or cleared for registration; and (c) the names of those NGOs which were not approved or granted clearance for registration indicating also the reasons thereof in each case?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the amount of domestic debts as in June, 2013, June, 2014, June, 2015, June, 2016, and June, 2017 indicating also the sources from which the same have been obtained and the rates of interest at which obtained; and (b) the details of utilization of the said debt amounts with year wise break up?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the expenditure incurred on purchase of the software system for tax filing; and (b) the criteria adopted for the selection of the said system?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the details of pay, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to the Auditor General of Pakistan, indicating also the tenure of this post; and (b) the name, educational qualifications and experience of the incumbent AGP?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to reduce taxes on setting up of new Industries and businesses in order to encourage local investors to boost economy of the country?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Planning Development and Reforms be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to allow the use of Chinese currency in Gawadar, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Planning, Development and Reforms
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms be pleased to state the name of the CPEC project under which clean drinking water will be provided to the residents of Gawadar indicating also the amount for the project during the current fiscal year and the time by which the same will be completed?
Starred Planning, Development and Reforms
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state whether it is a fact that for the development of Science and Technology in the country, only Rs. 2 billion have been allocated during the current fiscal year, if so, the reasons for such a small allocation for the same?
Starred Science and Technology
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the post of Assistants in BISP have not been upgraded from BPS-14 to BPS-16 as was done in other Government departments, if so, the reasons thereof and the time by which the same will be upgraded to BPS-16?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister fro Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the allowances being paid to the Government Employees were freezed during the budget 2016-17, if so, the time by which the same will be de-freezed; (b) whether it is also a fact that the said employees are being paid those allowances on the basis of the basic pay scales of 2008; and (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to allow the payment of the said allowances to those employees on the basis of their current basic pay scales, if so, when?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economics Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the amount being paid by the Government as interest or mark up on foreign loans on annual basis indicating also the names of organizations to which the same is being paid; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to get rid of the foreign loans?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the target fixed for revenue collection and the actual revenue collected during the fiscal year 2016-17; and (b) whether it is a fact that the target for revenue collection could not be met during the said fiscal year, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms be pleased to state the number of Chinese and Pakistani workers presently working in various projects under the CPEC with area or province wise break up?
Starred Planning, Development and Reforms
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the number of Government Employees at present; (b) the number of the said employees being paid house rent allowance as part of their salaries at present; and (c) the estimated financial impact in case the said employees are paid rental ceiling with their salaries instead of house rent allowance?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
Senate 15 271 8
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economics Affairs be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to introduce interest free economic system in the country?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs

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