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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Capital Administration and Development be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Islamabad Model School for Girls, I-9/4, Islamabad was upgraded from Primary to Middle level three years ago; (b) if so, the sanctioned strength of teachers in the said school before and after up-gradation; and (c) whether it is also a fact that the strength of teachers has not been increased so far, if so, its reasons and the time by which it will be increased?
Starred Capital Administration and Development Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Government is facing fiscal deficit, if so, its reasons; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to reduce / control that deficit?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government has noticed decline in the GDP growth rate, if so, its reasons; (b) the steps being taken by the Government to improve it?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development,,be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that there is discrimination in payment of orderly / allowance admissible to the officers in BPS 21 who have retired in or before 2006 and those who retired after 2006, if so, its reasons; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to remove the said discrimination with regards to the payment of orderly allowance to the retired officers in BS-21, if not, its reasons?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the number of government quarters in Sector G-6/4 and Sector G-6/3, Islamabad, on which more than one hundred thousands rupees have been spent on repairing / maintenance during the last five years indicating also the details of work carried out and the amount spent in each case; and (b) the number of quarters in those sectors for which requests for maintenance / repairing are lying pending with CDA and the time by which required work will be carried out?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government for growth in economy and social sectors?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) whether the appointments made in the Customs Departments since January, 2011, were in accordance with the quota prescribed for each area; and (b) the number of persons appointed in Customs Department / Offices in Balochistan during the said period with province-wise break-up?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Co-ordination be pleased to state the number, make, model and price of the vehicles purchased for EPI / vertical programmes like Marlaria, HIV Aids, TB etc. since January 2011 and the names of officers presently using those vehicles?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the number of persons appointed in Zarai Taraqiati Bank during the last two years with province-wise break-up; (b) the names of the said persons who were appointed on deputation basis; and (c) the names of the persons promoted in that bank during the said period?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Co-ordination be pleased to state: (a) the functions of Pakistan Sports Board; (b) whether Board is responsible to monitor the affairs of Pakistan Olympic Association and Provincial Olympic Associations; (c) the mechanism adopted for checking / monitoring the utilization of grants being provided to the said Associations; and (d) the names of Provincial Olympic Associations the accounts of which have been checked recently
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state the details of cases of corruption, misappropriation and fraud surfaced in F.B.R. and its sub-ordinate ,departments during the last three years indicating also the names and designations of the persons found involved in the said cases and action taken against them?
Starred Finance
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the names of parliamentarians, Defence officers, judges, journalists and government officers with designation who have been allotted residential plots in Islamabad during the period of incumbent government indicating also the location and price of plot in each case; and (b) the procedure adopted for allotment of the said plots?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the number of Ministries/Divisions, Corporations, Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices which stood abolished due to devolution of their subjects to the Provinces; (b) the number of persons who were working in these Ministries/Divisions, Corporations, Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices at the time of devolution; (c) the number of these persons who were retained by the Federal Government and those transferred to the provinces; and (d) the number of the said employees absorbed in other Ministries/Divisions and those who are on the surplus pool?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the names/title and location of development projects launched or completed by the Federal Government in Karachi during the last ten years indicating also the amount spent on each project; (b) the criteria adopted for selection of site for these projects; and (c) whether audit of amount spent on the said projects has been conducted, if so, the details of lapses pointed out therein?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the inflation rate in the country during the financial years 2009-10 and 2010-11; and (b) the causes which lead increase in inflation and steps taken by the Government to control it?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the procedure laid down for awarding licenses to mobile companies; (b) the names of mobile companies to which licenses were issued by PTA during the last eight years; (c) the authority which gave approval of the licenses and the authority which is competent to give approval in each case; (d) the terms and conditions under which the said licenses were issued; (e) the details of violations of the terms and conditions committed by those companies and the action taken thereon; and (f) the details of cases, if any, pending in courts against the said companies?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the names and designation of CDA officers and officials who have their own houses in Islamabad but residing in Government accommodation; and (b) the names and designation of officers and officials who were allotted plots in Islamabad during their deputation in CDA during the last five years?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Capital Administration and Development be pleased to state: (a) the names and place of domicile of the doctors who applied for house job in PIMS and Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad, during 2012 indicating also the names of institutions from where they graduated and marks obtained in each case; (b) the names of the said applicants who were selected and awarded stipend; and (c) the criteria adopted for selection of the said applicants?
Starred Capital Administration and Development Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Establishment Division be pleased to state: (a) the names, designation, educational qualification and place of domicile of the persons appointed in Establishment Division on deputation basis during the last 10 years with year-wise and province-wise break-up; and (b) the names of the persons subsequently absorbed on permanent basis indicating also their grade and designation in their parent department and that given on or after absorption?
Starred Establishment Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Establishment Division be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Prime Minister has approved a new wedlock policy for the Federal Government employees, if so, the details thereof and the time by which it will be implemented?
Starred Establishment Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state the names, designation and names of departments of the government employees whose cases for pension / commutation are pending with AGPR since October, 2011 indicating also the reasons for not finalizing the case so far and the time by which the same will be finalized in each case?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the names of officers who applied for withdrawal of their GP Fund after retirement during the month of April, 2012; and (b) the names of the said officers who have not been made the payment of GP Fund so far indicating also the reasons for not making payment and the time by which the same will be made in each case?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Co-ordination be pleased to state: (a) the number of officials sent abroad by Pakistan Olympic Association in connection with international games and related meetings during the last ten years; and (b) the names of the said officials who belong to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state the details of mega projects of infrastructure development funded by the Federal Government during the last four years indicating also the present status of each project, with province-wise break-up?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state the names and portfolio of Cabinet Members including their spouses holding dual nationality indicating also the names of countries the nationality of which they hold?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state the names and designation of the officers in BPS-17 and above in the Ministry, its attached departments and subordinate offices who themselves or their spouses hold dual nationality indicating also the names of the countries of their nationality?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Capital Administration and Development be pleased to refer to the Senate starred question No. 108 replied on 26th January, 2012 and state: (a) the present status of the cases of regularization of services of remaining 181 junior lady teachers working on daily wages basis in the institutions under administrative control of Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad and the time by which those cases will be finalized,. and (b) whether it is a fact that some junior lady teachers whose services have been regularized have not been allowed to join their duties so far, if so, its reasons and steps taken to allow them to join the duties?
Starred Capital Administration and Development Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Capital Administration and Development be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Federal Directorate of Education regularized the services of Contractual English Teachers working on fixed pay in Federal Government Schools, w.e.f 1st July 2008, as TU.G.T. in BPS 14 in pursuance of Establishment Division’s Notification No. 10/30/2008-R-II, dated 29-08- 2008; (b) whether it is also a fact that the AGPR has raised objection against regularization of services of the said teachers due to which their pay has not been fixed so far; and (c) the steps taken by the Government to remove the said objection?
Starred Capital Administration and Development Division
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state whether it is a fact that approval of revised PC-1 of the project of “ 12 Minister Apartment” has been delayed, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance. Revenue and Planning and Development, be pleased to state whether the annual increment granted to Government / Civil servants is linked with their performance?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state the names and place of domicile of members and advisors / consultants working in the Planning Commission?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the number of sanctioned posts (regular and contract) in the Planning Commission with grade-wise break-up; (b) the number of persons working in the Commission with province-wise and grade-wise breakup; and (c) whether it is a fact that number of persons working in the Commission hailing from Sindh Province is below the prescribed quota, if so, the steps taken to make up for?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the tax to GDP ratio during the last four fiscal years; and (b) the target of tax collection estimated and the tax collected directly and indirectly, separately, after making all refunds / adjustments during each of the said years?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 203 4
Will the Minister Incharge of the Establishment Division be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Government is considering to introduce a uniform policy of time scale promotion for all the Government employees, if so, its details?
Starred Establishment Division

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