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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Education and Trainings be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that some cases of financial embezzlement, official mismanagement and ghost schools have surfaced in the Basic Education Community Schools Project of the National Education Foundation, if so, the details thereof; (b) the steps taken by the Government against the persons responsible for the said irregularities; (c) the budget allocated for these schools during the last four years; (d) whether the performance of the schools was assessed during the said period, if so, the details thereof; and (e) the fate of the said Project after the 18th amendment in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan?
Starred Education and Training
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Education and Trainings be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Basic Education Community School Project (BESCP), of National Education Foundation prior to devolution under the 18th Constitutional Amendment had been given millions of rupees; and (b) whether it is also fact that the said amount was allegedly misappropriated by transferring it into a private account by the concerned officials, if so, its details and the steps taken by the Government to recover the amount?
Starred Education and Training
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state the names, parentage and place of domicile of the retired judges who were re-appointed on adhoc basis in the Supreme Court of Pakistan and High Courts in the country during the last five years?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state the number of suo moto actions taken by the Supreme Court of Pakistan and High Courts in the country during the last five years indicating also the number of such cases disposed off and those pending at present?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) the number of cases registered / filed in the Supreme Court of Pakistan and each High Court in the country during the last five years; and (b) the number of the cases which have been disposed off, transferred and those still pending with court-wise breakup?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) the amount recovered by NAB in various cases during the last four years; and (b) the amount paid to the officers and officials of the said Bureau as reward out of that amount indicating also the names and designation of recipients and the amount paid to each of them?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Information Technology & Telecommunications be pleased to refer to the Senate starred question No. 37, replied on 5th September, 2012 and state: (a) whether the National Telecommunications Corporation is authorized to lay submarine cables, if so, the Specific provision in Act/Rules which empower the Corporation to do so; and (b) whether the said Corporation can negotiate with any national or international financial institution for seeking funds for their projects without the approval of Economic Affairs Division, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) the salary, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and High Courts in the country; (b) the rate of pension admissible to the Judges after retirement; (c) the details of pension and other facilities provided to the widows of Judges; and (d) whether residential plots are allotted on ownership basis to the Judges, if so, the procedure adopted for that purpose and the areas where the plots are allotted?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the funds allocated for NHA for the current financial year with project-wise and province-wise breakup?
Starred Communication
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state: (a) the total strength of officers / officials on regular, contract and reemployment basis in National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) with province-wise break-up; (b) is there any plan with the NDMA for extending basic trainings in the field of disaster management to the people of the remote areas of the country, if so, the details thereof (c) number of officers have been sent for various trainings to the foreign countries at government expenses during the last five years and the expenses occurred thereon each visit; and (d) the total number of projects for the welfare for the people of various affected areas and the progress of each project so far made during the last five years?
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to refer to the Senate starred question No.34 replied on 5th September, 2012 and state the steps taken by the Government to improve the condition of M 3?
Starred Communication
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the details of rescue service available on motorways and national highways in the country to meet any emergency and to facilitate the commuters indicating also the location of such facilities?
Starred Communication
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Government of USA will provide financial Assistance for the re-construction of Peshawar-Turkham Highway, if so, the amount to be provided by that Government, indicating also the progress made in this case?
Starred Communication
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the number of vehicles with Motorway Police and the names and designation of officers / officials under whom these vehicles in use?
Starred Communication
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to impose a ban on cutting all kinds of trees in the country, if so, when?
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the names, location and length of National Highways in Sindh, the construction of which was started during 2009-10 and 2010-11 indicating also the total cost of project, name of contractor and date of completion in each case?
Starred Communication
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the date of completion of M-2; and (b) whether it is a fact that some portions of the said road have become bumpy, if so, the action taken in this regard?
Starred Communication
Senate 10 206 5
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis be pleased to state: (a) the number of housing schemes launched by the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis or Overseas Pakistanis Foundation so far indicating also the location, date of launching, land acquired and possession taken, number of plots developed and alloted to the Members in each case; (b) the amount deposited by the Overseas Pakistanis in the said scheme; and (c) whether any of the said scheme has been abolished, if so, the names of such schemes, the reasons for abolition and present status of the money deposited by the Members for those schemes?
Starred Overseas Pakistanis

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