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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the names, educational qualification, experience, present assignment, date of appointment and seniority position of Members of the CDA board; and (b) the procedure laid down for appointment of the said members?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Economic Affairs be pleased to state the names and designation of the officers in BPS-17 and above in the Ministry, its attached departments and subordinate offices who themselves or their spouses hold dual nationality indicating also the names of the countries of their nationality?
Starred Economic Affairs
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the number of files of maintenance Directorate of CDA misplaced during the last five years; and (b) the details of action taken against the officials found responsible of the said lapses?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the number of non-custom paid vehicles confiscated in the country during the last five years; (b) the number of persons arrested on the charges of using those vehicles and action taken against them; (c) the number of said vehicles returned upon payment of custom duty; and (d) the amount of customs duty collected from the said persons?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the names of the departments / institutions carrying out economic research in the country; (b) the steps being taken by the Government for promotion of the research; and (c) the amount spent for the purpose during the last five years with year-wise break-up?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the number of CDA employees who have been allotted Government accommodations since 15th March, 2012; and (b) the procedure adopted for allotment of the said accommodation?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise total amount of money that Pakistan has received from IMF during the fiscal years 2008-09 to 2012-13; (b) the year-wise total amount of money that FBR has waived-off/exempted under the head of certain tax waivers / exemption to various entities during the same period through statutory regulatory orders (SRO’s); and (c) the year-wise total amount of money that FBR has estimated under the head of tax evasion during the said period?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Capital Administration and Development be pleased to state: (a) the number of officers working on regular, contract and deputation basis in the Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad, with province-wise breakup; and (b) the number of officials working in the said Directorate with province-wise break-up?
Starred Capital Administration and Development Division
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state the revenue collected as taxes on export of cotton garments during the last three years?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the number of plots allotted to the employees of CDA in Federal Capital Area on ownership basis so far; (b) the criteria adopted for allotment of the said plots; (c) the names, designation and nature of appointment of the employees of CDA who were allotted plots on ownership basis during the last five years indicating also the size and location of plot allotted in each case?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the amount of loan obtained by Pakistan from China during the last five years; (b) the purpose for which loan obtained; and (c) the terms and conditions and rate of interest/markup on the said loan?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the role of the State Bank of Pakistan with regard to uplift economy of the country; (b) whether it is a fact that State Bank of Pakistan has statutory limit for printing of currency notes in a financial year, if so, the details thereof; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to revise role of the said Bank in order to control inflation, provide resources to private sector and make the economy prosper?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development be pleased to state: (a) the intervals at which house and population census is conducted; and (b) the benefits of the said census?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the date of creation of plot No.29-G (4089 Sq yard) in sector G-9, Islamabad, and the purpose of its creation; (b) the date of auction of the plot, to whom auctioned along with price of auction and the amount paid by the allottee so far; (c) whether it is also a fact that the said plot was further devided into further sub-plots, one measuring 2000 sq. yard and remaining piece bifurcated into plot numbers 29-A, 29-B, 29-C, 29-D and 29-E; (d) whether it is further a fact that the said 2000 Sq. yard plot was allotted or auctioned again, if so, the procedure adopted for allotment of the same; and (e) the names and other particulars of the parties to whom other portions i. e. 29-A, 29-B, 29-C, 29-D and 29-E allotted indicating also the price at which allotted?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the details of initial Floor Area Ratio of plot of 2000 Sq. yard created from plot No. 29-G (measuring 4089 Sq. Yard) in G-9 sector, Islamabad, and the FAR of the same at present and whether amount was received according to the present FAR or otherwise; (b) the date on which the said 2000 Sq. yard plot was allotted/handed over to the allottee and the date on which its price was received from him; (c) the date on which allotment letter of the plot issued; (d) the total amount received for the said plot and mode of payment / receipt; (e) the date on which the said plot was transferred from original successful bidder to the new allottee; and (f) whether all the dues in respect of that plot were cleared at the time of its transfer or otherwise?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the details of billboard installed on Kashmir Highway near PSO petrol pump, opposite Sector G-13, Islamabad, indicating also the date of approval and installation of each billboard and the name of persons in whose name approval was granted; and (b) the amount received by CDA for the said billboards so far?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 10 210 6
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the amount spent on renovation of CDA headquarters during the last four and half year with year-wise break-up; (b) whether pre-assessment of the said work and its cost was conducted, if so, the details thereof; and (c) whether it is a fact that the said work was carried out on over and above the estimated cost, if so, its reasons?
Starred Cabinet Division

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