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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the names, designation, place of domicile and length of service of the employees of KESC retrenched or compulsorily retired since privatization of the company indicating also their salary at the time of retrenchment / retirement and the amount paid to them at that time; and (b) the terms and conditions of privatization of KESC under which the said persons were retrenched / compulsorily retired?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Works be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the road constructed by Pak PWD in Street 2, Bani Gala, Islamabad, out of my development funds for the year 2011-12, is in dilapidated condition; and (b) whether any inquiry has been conducted into the sub-standard work of the said road, if so, the action taken against the contractor / officials responsible for the sub-standard work, if not, its reasons?
Starred Works
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) the number of Government Employees registered so far for the housing scheme launched by the Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation with year-wise and category-wise break-up; and (b) the amount collected as registration fee from the said employees with yearwise break-up?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to enhance rental ceiling of the Government employees for hiring residences, if so, when?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) the estimated number of homeless families in the country; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to provide housing facilities to the said families?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) the names and designations of Officers in BPS-22 who have been allotted one kanal plots under the Prime Minister package since its inception indicating also the number and location of plot in each case; (b) whether it is a fact that the apex Court has recently struck down some of the said allotments, if so, the details of such allotments with names of the allottees; (c) the reasons for striking down the said allotments and steps taken to allot them plots; and (d) the names and designation of the officers in BPS-22 who have not been allotted plots under the said package so far indicating also the reasons thereof and the steps being taken by the Government to allot them plots?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) whether it is fact that the Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation initiated a housing scheme at Bara Kahu, Islamabad, in 2009; (b) whether it is also a fact that the Supreme Court of Pakistan has taken notice of the scheme, if so, the findings of the court; and (c) the steps taken by the Government for provision of plots to the employees who have been retired after the initiation of the Bara Kahu housing scheme or retiring till the finalization of the case by the Supreme Court?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for National Heritage and Integration be pleased to state the total amount spent on the celebration of cultural week in Islamabad in December, 2012?
Starred National Heritage and Integration
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the quantum and value of electricity stolen or wasted during the last five years with year-wise breakup; and (b) the reasons for the theft and wastage of electricity?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation (FGEHF) collected registration fee from Government employees in connection with allotment of plots in a housing scheme in 2010, if so, the name of the bank authorized to collect that fee; (b) the time by which the scheme will be launched indicating also the sector earmarked for the purpose; and (c) the criteria adopted for determining priority / seniority for allotment of plots in the said scheme?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Human Resource Development be pleased to state: (a) the initial amount of contribution made by the Government to the Workers Welfare Fund; and (b) the steps being taken by the Federal Government for further contribution in the Workers Welfare Fund alongwith its details?
Starred Human Resource Development
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) has recently negotiated and executed daily sale of 120 tons of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) with Sui Northern Gas Company Limited (SNGPL) in violation of prescribed rules, if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) the method adopted for the said sale agreement?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state the daily demand and supply of gas in the country at present and steps taken to explore new reservoirs?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the details of technical and ground threats being faced by Tarbela Dam to its life and remedial steps taken thereof?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) the date on which summery for allocation of Sector F-14, Islamabad for Housing Scheme for Government employees was submitted to the Prime Minister of Pakistan; and (b) the steps taken by the Ministry of Housing so far to pursue the case with the Prime Minister and make arrangements for early development of the siad sector for Government employees?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) the date on which development work was started on officer’s Housing Scheme, Kurri Road, Islamabad; (b) the number of interruptions in the development work took place since its start indicating also the reasons for each interruption; and (c) the name of officers / officials found responsible for interruptions in the development work and action taken against them?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to refer to Senate starred question No. 34, replied on 10th October, 2012, and state: (a) the names and parentage of persons who have applied for gas connections in village Dhalla, Adiala Road, Rawalpindi; (b) the names of those applicants who have been issued demand notices for provision of gas connections indicating also the names of those persons who have deposited the amount / fee for connection with date wise breakup; (c) the names of the said applicants who have been provided gas connections and the time by which the remaining applicants who have deposited the demand notices will be provided gas connections; and (d) the time by which demand notices will be issued to those applicants who have not been issued the same so far?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether accounts of WAPDA have been audited during the last five financial years, if so, the details of irregularities, if any, pointed out in those audit reports; and (b) the names and designations of the persons found involved in the said irregularities and action taken against them?
Starred Water & Power
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) the total amount deposited so far by the allottees of the Officer’s Housing Scheme, Kurri Road, Islamabad; (b) the amount utilized out of the same so far with head wise break up; and (c) the balance amount indicating also the head of account where it has been kept?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state: (a) whether it is fact that a number of allottees of the Officer’s Housing Scheme, Kurri Road, Islamabad, are not depositing their installment in time due to inordinate delay in development work of the scheme; and (b) whether it is also a fact that the terms of the said scheme provide for 2% penalty on late payment, if so, the steps taken by the Government to remove this penalty and reconsider / revise the schedule for payment in view of the slow pace of development work on the scheme?
Starred Housing
Senate 10 210 11
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) the quantum of natural gas produced in the country since January 2012 with month-wise break-up; (b) the quantum of natural gas supplied for power generation, fertilizer companies, commercial and domestic users, separately, during the said period with month-wise break-up; and (c) the shortage of gas noticed during the winter season 2012-13, and steps taken to supply more natural gas to domestic consumers?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources

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