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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the NAB conducted an inquiry into privatization o f Muslim Commercial Bank, if so, the findings thereof; and (b) the steps taken by the Government in the light o f said inquiry report /findings?
Starred Law Justice & Human Rights
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) the number o f cases decided / disposed off by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) so far; (b) the number o f persons convicted in the said cases indicating also the cases in which they were convicted; (c) the amount recovered by that Bureau from offenders and deposited in public exchequer so far; and (d) the number o f cases presently lying pending with NAB?
Starred Law Justice & Human Rights
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education be pleased to state: (a) the number o f public and private Universities awarding M. Phil and Ph. D degrees in Islamabad; (b) the number o f students who were awarded M. Phil and Ph. D degrees by the said universities during the last five years; (c) the names and educational qualification o f the teachers who supervised the thesis o f students; and (d) whether the local and foreign degrees o f the said teachers have been got verified, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the number o f persons working in the National Highways Authority; (b) the number o f persons appointed in the said Authority during the period from March, 2008 to November, 2013; (c) the procedure adopted for the said appointment; (d) whether the educational certificated / degrees o f the said persons have been verified, if so, its details; (e) whether it is a fact that a number o f irregularities were committed in those appointments, if so, the details thereof; and (f) whether any inquiry has been conducted in the said irregularities, if not, the time by which the same will be conducted?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education be pleased to state the amount o f foreign assistance and donations received by the Higher Education Commission on account o f stipends for students since 2009 and details o f its utilization with year-wise and head-wise break-up?
Starred Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad has adopted the Federal Government rules for appointment, promotion, regularization and retirement o f its employees; (b) the details o f persons working in the said university whose services have been regularized under the said rules during the last five years; and (c) the details o f the persons working on contract and daily wages basis in that university whose services have not been regularized so far indicating also its reasons?
Starred Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the date on which work was started on Lowari Tunnel Project; (b) the original estimated completion date o f the said project; and (c) whether it is a fact that completion o f the said project has been delayed, if so, its reasons and the time by which the same will now be completed?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the date on which project for construction/widening o f Dir-Chakdara-Chitral road was launched; (b) the estimated cost o f the said project indicating also the amount released for the same so far with year-wise break-up; and (c) the percentage o f work completed on that project and the time by which the remaining work will be completed?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that maintenance and repairing work o f Chakdara-Timargar road was carried out in 2012-2013; (b) whether it is also fact that the said work was sub-standard and the condition o f that road has become deteriorated again; (c) whether any inquiry has been conducted into said sub-standard work, if so, the findings thereof and (d) whether any action has been taken against the contractor concerned and officers responsible for the said sub-standard work, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that as per law / rules is compulsory to hold the meeting o f Drug Regulatory Board once in a month; and (b) the date on which the last meeting o f the said Board was held?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the number of applications for registration o f new drugs pending before the Drug Registration Board at present indicating also the date since which each application is pending?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the details o f criteria laid down by PMDC for establishment o f new medical colleges in the country?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that per acre yield o f major crops i.e. wheat and cotton in the country is less than the average yield o f the same in the world, if so, its reasons; (b) whether any study has been conducted or being conducted to in this regard, if so, its details; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to bring the yield o f those crops at par with international standards?
Starred National Food Security and Research
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Ports and Shipping be pleased to state: (a) the acreage o f land owned by Port Qasim Authority; and (b) the details o f the said land allotted/leased out to public and private societies, firm or persons etc. so far indicating also the details o f allottee and land allotted in each case?
Starred Ports and Shipping
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the details o f ongoing projects for construction o f roads in the province o f Balochistan indicating also the date o f launching, amount spent so far with year-wise break-up, percentage o f work done and expected date o f completion in case o f each project?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the details o f assistance received from foreign countries for health sector during the last three years; and (b) the names of project being funded by the foreign countries in that sector?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education be pleased to state: (a) the main functions o f the Ministry o f Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education after devolution o f the subject o f education to the Provinces after 18th amendment in the Constitution; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to improve literacy rate and standards o f education in the country?
Starred Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state whether it is a fact that WHO has shown its concern over 800% increase in polio cases in Pakistan, if so, the details thereof?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan has become a wheat importing country from wheat exporting country during the last four years, if so, its reasons; and (b) the quantum and value / cost o f wheat imported by Pakistan during the current financial year?
Starred National Food Security and Research
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to refer to Senate starred question No.84 replied on 3rd December, 2013 and state whether the work on Gawader-Ratodero road has restarted, if not, its reasons and the time by which the same will be restarted and completed?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the annual fee structure during the last three years ofprivate Medical Colleges, approved by the PMDC, in the country with year wise and college wise break up?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) the details o f hybrid seeds o f various crops produced / developed by Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) during the last five years indicating also per acre yield o f each o f the same; (b) the details o f those hybrid seeds which were introduced in the domestic market; (c) whether it is a fact that PARC has failed to introduce those seeds in the domestic market, i f so, the reasons thereof, and (d) the steps being taken by the Government to ensure introduction o f the said seeds in the domestic market?
Starred National Food Security and Research
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) the statutory mandate o f Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) after the passage o f 18th amendment in the Constitution; (b) whether it is a fact that PARC and the Provincial Government do not have proper coordination with regard to initiating projects o f agricultural research; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to redefine the role o f PARC to ensure coordinated agricultural research and development amongst the Federal and Provincial Governments?
Starred National Food Security and Research
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Army Welfare Trust (AWT) has paid cost o f construction of motorway interchange near their housing scheme at Sangjani, Sector D-18, Islamabad, if so, the amount paid by them for that purpose; (b) the present status o f the said project; and (c) the time by which the said interchange will be completed?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Ports and Shipping be pleased to state: (a) whether the project o f Gawadar Port has been completed, if not, its reasons; and (b) the time by which the said project will be completed?
Starred Ports and Shipping
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the number o f patients o f Hepatitis B and C, Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/Aids in the country at present with province-wise and District-wise breakup?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is fact that the construction work o f Larkana-Qambar road was started last year; and (b) whether it is also a fact that the said work has not been completed so far; if so, the reasons thereof and the time by which the construction work o f the said road will be completed?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that NA-95 from Chakdara to Fatehpur is in dilapidated condition, if so, the time by which the same will be repaired/ reconstructed; (b) whether any amount has been allocated in the current budget for repairing o f the said road, if so, its details; and (c) whether any foreign aid is expected for the said project / work?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the estimated cost o f the project for construction o f road from Fatehpur to Madain, Swat, and the time by which the same will be completed; (b) the estimated cost o f the project for construction o f road from Madain to Kalam, Swat, indicating also the time by which tender o f the same will be called and work will be started; and (c) whether Asian Development Bank has given any funds/grant for the said projects, if so, its details?
Starred Communication
Senate 12 223 2
Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the number ofpersons working in the Election Commission o f Pakistan with gradewise and district-wise breakup; and (b) the number o f posts presently lying vacant in the said Commission?
Starred Parliamentary Affairs

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