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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, Raja Pervez Ashraf, approved funds for provision of natural gas to Lower Dir, Talash, Timergarah, Malakand, Kuhary, Rabat Mandesh and Hajiabad, if so, the name of Parliamentarian on whose recommendation the same was approved; (b) the amount approved for the said scheme indicating also the amount released out of the same so far; (c) the percentage of work completed so far on that scheme; and (d) whether it is a fact that remaining amount out of the approved estimate for the said scheme has not been released so far, if so, its reasons and the time by which the same will be released and the work will be completed?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to the refer the Senate starred question No. 74, replied on 12th February, 2014 and state: (a) whether it is in the knowledge of the Government that the Indian Government has recently signed an agreement with Qatar Government for import of LNG, if so, the terms and conditions of that agreement and the rate at which LNG will be provided under the same; (b) whether it is a fact that the Government is trying to get LNG from Qatar on terms and conditions more lenient to the terms and conditions of the said agreement, if so, the details thereof; (c) the present stage of negotiations for import of LNG from that country; and (d) whether the Government of Pakistan and Government of Qatar have prepared draft terms and conditions for the said purpose and exchanged the same with each other, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the details of reasons /grounds on account of which the Pakistan mission are authorized to refuse issuance of Passports or CNICs to overseas Pakistanis; and (b) whether it is a fact that the Embassy of Pakistan in Athens has recently refused to renew passports / CNICs of a number of overseas Pakistanis including Mr. Javaid Aslam, Ex-President of Pakistani community in Athens, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Foreign Affairs
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) the names of countries / companies with which the Government of Pakistan is negotiating for the import of LNG; (b) the terms and conditions and price quotation under consideration for the import of LNG; and (c) the comparison of the said terms and conditions and price quotation with the terms and conditions and price quotations of import of LNG by India and other regional countries?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state the quantity of POL products being imported annually by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources and its subordinate departments / organizations indicating also the quantity of the said products being imported / shipped through Pakistani and foreign ships / tankers separately?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state whether any irregularity has been surfaced on account of payment of salaries, allowances and other benefits to Ex-MD. and present MD. of PSO, if so, the action taken thereon?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister Incharge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Government has singed agreements with USA for investment in the country during the year 2013-14, if so, the present status of those agreements?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the number of plots developed for Government Employees in the Bara Kahu Housing Scheme, Islamabad, so far with category-wise break-up?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to abandon the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project, if so, its reasons; (b) the legal implications of abandoning the said project and penalties in dollars likely to be imposed on Pakistan in such case; (c) the cost of the said project for Pakistan; (d) the percentage of work completed by Iran on the said project so far to meet the obligations of the project as per the agreement made between the two countries; and (e) whether it is a fact that Pakistan is not embarking on the said project, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to improve the performance of Pakistan embassies with regard to resolving the problem of Pakistanis living / working abroad?
Starred Foreign Affairs
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government for promotion of sports in the country?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the number of applications received for allotment of category I and II plots / flats by the members of Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation up to 31.12.2013; (b) the names and date of application of the employees who were registered up to 10.09.2009 for allotment under the said categories with seniority-wise and categorywise break-up; and (c) whether allotments of same will be made in phases-wise, if so, the estimated number of applicants who will be allotted plots /flats in the first, second and third phase indicating also the expected date / time of the same?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the date on which the project for Construction of Suspension / Arch Bridges at District Dir was approved and launched; (b) the amount allocated and released for the said project during the current fiscal year; and (c) the details of the work done on that project so far and the time by which remaining work will be completed?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the number of equivalent certificates issued by the Inter Board Committee for certificates of foreign educational institutions during the last five years with country-wise and year-wise break-up; (b) the number of applications for issuance of equivalent certificates to foreign educational certificates rejected by that committee during the said period; and (c) the procedure being adopted for verification of foreign educational certificates before issuance of equivalent certificates by the said committee?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that large reservoirs of gold have been discovered in Gilgit Baltistan with collaboration of USA, if so, the year during which the same were discovered; and (b) the estimated volume of the said reservoirs?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state whether the Government has taken any step in consultation with the provinces for the revival of the executive magistracy / magisterial / powers, if so, its details?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that US National Security Agency (NSA) is / has been carrying out cyber surveillance of Pakistani documents, data, communications (metadata) and other information from computer and telephone networks; and (b) whether the said issue of violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and the breach of official and private cyber security has been raised with US Government at any level or with any office bearer of that Government, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Foreign Affairs
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and inter-Faith Harmony be pleased to state the details of funds released for Zakat and Ushr during last five years with province-wise and year-wise break-up?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to sate the salary, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to the Managing Directors of OGDCL?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) the names, designation and place of domicile of the persons working in Barkhan exploration Field in District Barkhan, Balochistan; and (b) the steps taken for socio-economic development of the local area of that field?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister, for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) the procedure adopted for awarding contract of Saindak Project to the Chines firm; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government and the said firm for development and uplift of socio-economic condition of the local people of that area?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be please to state: (a) the criteria and procedure laid down for appointment of Managing Director and other officers in Saindak Project; and (b) the names, designation, grade, educational qualifications and place of domicile of the persons presently working in the said Project?
Starred Petroleum and Natural Resources
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination has close liaison with the Provincial Governments to control prices of essential commodities in the country, if so, the steps taken by the Federal Government in this regard?
Starred Inter-Provincial Coordination
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister Incharge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state the details of development funds provided to the Parliamentarians by the Prime Minister since June, 2013, indicating also the names of Parliamentarians concerned and the amount provided to each of them?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony be pleased to state the names, parentage, place of domicile and place of present posting of the non Muslims appointed in the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony, its attached departments, subordinate offices, autonomous / semi autonomous bodies etc. since 2011-12?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
Senate 12 223 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the details of steps taken by the Government of Pakistan to improve relations with Russia since 2000; (b) whether cooperation between the two countries in the nuclear field is under consideration; and (c) the key challenges to enhance relations with that Country?
Unstarred Foreign Affairs

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