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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 1 4 3
Will the Minister for Information, Science & Technology be pleased to state: District wise number of training centers for promotion of I.T in Sindh along with terms of admission, cost of admission and tuition in the same?
Starred Information, Science & Technology
Sindh 1 4 3
Will the Minister for Information, Science & Technology be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that Provincial Government approval earns no fees or income from mobile phone towers set up in Sindh? (b)If answer to (a) above is affiramtive,the reasons thereof?
Starred Information, Science & Technology
Sindh 1 4 3
Will the Minister for Information, Science & Technology be pleased to state: The Number of Sindh Government Departments maintaining a web-site as on December 31, 2017 along with the URL of the web-site?
Starred Information, Science & Technology
Sindh 1 4 3
Will the Minister for information, Science & Technology be pleased to state: Is it true that Supreme Court has ordered 10,000 cameras to be installed in Karachi City, if so what is the current status of installation?
Starred Information, Science & Technology

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