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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 1 4 16
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state: The funds and other relief good distributed in Tharparkar District during July 1, 2017 till June 30, 2018?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 16
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that Government has integrated flood relief Commissioner, Civil Defense, Fire and Relief Departments under the direct command of PDMA; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the reason thereof?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 16
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state: The rate at which 50 acres was allotted to the Peoples Housing Cell at Deh Nagan, Karachi and the current status of the project?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 16
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that a project of creation of GIS for Land Administration and Revenue Management Information System Sindh with cost of Rs. 648.860 millions was to be completed by June, 2018; (b) If answer to (a) above be in affirmative, details of work completed to date?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 16
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that a project of preservation of Land Revenue Record and Revamping of Survey Settlement department Board of Revenue Sindh with cost of Rs. 486.889 millions was to be completed by June, 2018; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, details of work completed and amount spent?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 16
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that a scheme of automatic of stamps and registration in 21 districts of Sindh with cost of Rs. 1946.624 millions is to be completed by June 2019; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, details of work completed and amount spent?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 16
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state: The complete list of judicial cases that are pending over 3 years on the land of Board of Revenue?
Starred Revenue & Relief

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