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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 16 287 7
the make and model of cars owned by Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 16 287 7
use of plastic shopping bags in Islamabad
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
revival of forestry resources in Pakistan
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
details of climatic changes taken place in Pakistan during the last ten years
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
civil service reforms
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 16 287 7
task force for restructuring of Civil Services
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 16 287 7
Exports from Pakistan to Iran
Starred Commerce and Textile
Senate 16 287 7
the age limit for Government job
Starred Establishment Division
Senate 16 287 7
volume of trade between Pakistan and Bangladesh
Starred Commerce and Textile
Senate 16 287 7
Contract for provision of food items in PIA
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
Peshawar Airport
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
volume of trade between Pakistan and Srilanka
Starred Commerce and Textile
Senate 16 287 7
PIA flights
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
private and commercial airline licenses
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
persons appointed in the PIA
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
technical posts on regular and contract basis in PIA
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
persons working in the Ministry of Climate Change,
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
the number of persons working in the Textile Division
Starred Commerce and Textile
Senate 16 287 7
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has decided to suspend its flights to Tokyo,
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
The persons appointed in the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 16 287 7
steps taken by the Government to help farmers and fishermen to adapt to climate change in the country
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
details of changes in length of seasons, rainfall and temperature in coastline (sea level) and tidal activity caused by climate change in the country.
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
impacts of climate change on level of underground water table
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
the number of trees planted in Balochistan under the Green Pakistan Project
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 16 287 7
PIA flights on the Karachi-QuettaZhob route
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
renovation and up-gradation of the Bacha Khan Airport, Peshawar
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
details of taxes, being charged from passengers
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
PIA is suffering a loss of about Rs. 100 million per day
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 16 287 7
PIA pilots
Starred Aviation Division

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