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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 1 4 31
Will the Minister for Industries & Commerce be pleased to state: The number of operational industries in S.I.T.E. Sindh as on June 30, 2017 and on June 30, 2018?
Starred Industries and Commerce
Sindh 1 4 31
Will the Minister for Industries & Commerce be pleased to state: The assets and liabilities statement of the Sindh Sugar Corporation as on December 31, 2017 along with the last audited accounts of the Corporation?
Starred Industries and Commerce
Sindh 1 4 31
Will the Minister for Industries & Commerce be pleased to state: When will the World Bank Group on Trade & Competitiveness finish its study on the Industrial climate in Sindh?
Starred Industries and Commerce
Sindh 1 4 31
Will the Minister for Industries & Commerce be pleased to state:- (a) Whether the Department has taken any measures to address the shortage of water, gas and electricity in all industrial zones of Karachi; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Industries and Commerce
Sindh 1 4 31
Will the Minister for Industries & Commerce be pleased to state: District-wise number of Industries in the province along with number of new industries established and number remained closed during last five years?
Starred Industries and Commerce

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