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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 1 4 38
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that a scheme of settlement of pending liabilities under completed project (LARMIS) with cost of Rs. 110.700 million was to be completed by June, 2018; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, details of work completed and amount spent?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 38
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state: The property valuation rates in each District as on July 30, 2018 and the last time they were increased?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 38
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state: Total land that has been under Sindh board of revenue along with progress made on digitization of the same and whether the said land has been digitally mapped?
Starred Revenue & Relief
Sindh 1 4 38
Will the Minister for Revenue & Relief be pleased to state: District-wise number of Tapedars, Junior Clerks, Senior Clerks, Mukhtiarkars appointed during the last five years alongwith procedure for same?
Starred Revenue & Relief

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