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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the estimated loss in financial terms to the economy due to each sit-in and lockdown in different cities of the country during the last seven years?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state the particular steps being taken by the Government to solve/easeout the problems faced by the business community, for positive impact on business activity?
Starred Commerce
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the total value of currency notes printed, so far, during present Government regime?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) whether any gender-based labour survey has ever been conducted by any Government agency during the last six years in order to assess the number of women and men involved in our labour force all over the country; (b) if so, its details indicating also the percentage share of both genders in different fields of economy like agriculture, mining, industry etc.?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the volume of outstanding external debt on Pakistan till 2019 and the steps being taken by the Government to resolve serious economic issues; and (b) the detail of outstanding internal debt on the Government of Pakistan?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether credentials of the present Governor, State Bank of Pakistan were got verified by the relevant agencies of Pakistan; if so, whether these agencies cleared him for the appointment; (b) if no clearance was sought, the reasons thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that imports, from India, continue un-abated even after Pulwama attack; (b) whether it is also a fact that the Pakistan’s export to India is suspended because of 200% duty imposed by India on imports of Pakistani goods;(c) whether it is also a fact that imports of tomato and potatoes, from India, continue despite a ban in fear of disease; (d) whether it is also a fact that some Indian products are being imported from Dubai; (e) if the answers to part (a), (b), (c) & (d) above are in affirmative, the details and reasons thereof; and (f) is there any plan to ban or impose heavy duty on Indian products?
Starred Commerce and Textile
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) foreign debt on 18th August, 2018 in US Dollars; (b) foreign loan obtained from 18th August, 2018 to 30th June, 2019 in US Dollars; (c) foreign debt returned from 18th August, 2018 to 30th June, 2019?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state what steps have been taken to attract/improve the foreign direct investment?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state whether the Government intends to increase import duty on luxury items to discourage their import; if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Commerce and Textile
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state: (a) whether the interests of Pakistani industrialists have been taken into account in the Free Trade Agreement with China; and (b) the details of Trade Balance between Pakistan and China?
Starred Commerce and Textile
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the system developed for biometric verification of the Overseas Pakistanis, having bank accounts in Pakistan; (b) whether it is a fact that such bank accounts have been blocked due to biometric non-verification choking the transfer of foreign exchange to Pakistan; and (c) the steps, being taken by the Government to solve this pressing issue as Overseas Pakistanis cannot come to Pakistan just for biometric verification; if no, reasons thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state what steps are being taken to ensure women’s accessto financial services/assistance programme securing their participation in the economy?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the reasons for devaluation of rupee during the last ten months alongwith the action, being taken by the Government, against the responsible therefor?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) the expected schedule of release of 2017 Population Census data relating to Education Attainment Levels of the population,School Enrollment Rates (Gross Enrollment Ratio and Net Enrollment Ratio etc.) and the Literacy Rates; (b) the alternative strategy of the Ministry for provision of reliable information and data on the key social and economic indicators of the country, desperately needed for the evidence-based planning of development interventions at national and provincial levels; (c) if official release of Population Census 2017 data is delayed further due to political reasons?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state:(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to investigate tax Amnesty Schemes initiated in the recent years including the one announced by the present Government, in order to determine whether these were availed fairly or otherwise; (b) if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistani rock salt is exported to India in raw form; (b) whether it is also a fact that some countries are making a lot of money from our salt by refining, packing and marketing it as their own product; (c) is there any plan to lodge a complaint against the countries who are marketing Pakistani Rock Salt as their own product, claiming it to be the Himalayan Pink Salt;(d) is there any plan to ban export of Pakistani rock salt in raw form; (e) if answers to part (a) to (d) are in affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Commerce and Textile
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the impact, on the daily life of a common man, of IMF package and other financial packages, which the present Governmenteither have sought or to be sought in near future, particularly with reference to price-hike of different essential commodities and services; (b) whether any study has been conducted to determine the exact magnitude of such impact on a common man; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to uplift the living standard of a common man?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the benefits and total income accrued from the Amnesty Scheme?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state whether the Government has any plan to legalize the border trade, specifically, in Balochistan along its borders with Iran and Afghanistan?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) the details of Memoranda of Understanding signed regarding foreign investment in Pakistan after the 18th August, 2018; and (b) the status of above said investment?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state how many individuals availed the Amnesty Scheme and how much money it earned to the national exchequre?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan has been importing large quantities of honey, vegetables, clothes and agricultural products like raw cotton, edible oil etc. since 2010 till date; (b) if so, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to reduce the imports of foreign luxuries, in the form of basic items, that are already available in Pakistan?
Starred Commerce and Textile
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has taken notice of the fact that some companies, registered with SECP, including Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation (FGEHF) are not dividing the amount of profit—they receive from banks on the principal/actual amount collected against different schemes—among the concerned customers/members; (b) if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons; and (c) the steps, being taken to make the said companies answerable in this regard?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state the steps, being taken to improve trade relations between Pakistan and the United States of America?
Starred Commerce and Textile
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the important conditions agreed, in principle, by the Government of Pakistan during negotiations with IMF for loans; and (b) how these conditions of IMF are different from the packages signed by the previous Government?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) the number of complaints, registered in the Citizens’ Portal so far; (b) the number of complaints solved/addressed by the relevant authorities concerned so far; (c) the benchmarks, designed to determine whether a complaint has been solved or otherwise; (d) how does Prime Minister’s Office or line authority, of the portal, follow up a complaint to take it to its logical end; (e) whether Government has taken notice of the hampering attitude of functionaries of different Government institutions, while solving such complaints; if so, the details thereof; and(f) what steps are being taken to make the portal more efficient, particularly by holding the functionaries, failing to address such complaints within an appropriate time frame, accountable?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that in its first 100 days plan, the incumbent Government has promised to reduce dependence on foreign debts; (b) if so, whether Government could implement its promise or not in its first 100 days; and (c) up to what extent, the incumbent Government plans, in its long term plan, to reduce country’s debts in its tenure?
Starred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Commerce and Textile be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Pakistani exports have decreased in the international markets since 2013; if so, reasons thereof?
Starred Commerce and Textile
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) the present status of development in the following 9 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC); (i) Rashakai Economic Zone, M-1, Nowshera; (ii) China Special Economic Zone Dhabeji; (iii) Bostan Industrial Zone; (iv) Allama Iqbal Industrial City (M-3), Faisalabad; (v) ICT Model Industrial Zone, Islamabad; (vi) Development of Industrial Park on Pakistan Steel Mills Land at Port Qasim near Karachi; (vii) Special Economic Zone at Mirpur, AJK; (viii) Mohmand Marble City; (ix) Moqpondass SEZ Gilgit-Baltistan; and (b) the status of basic utilities such as electricity, water and gas in the above said zones?
Unstarred Prime Minister’s Office
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the budget allocations, for higher education, in the last financial year and this one?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state how much development funds have been given, by the PTI Government, to MNAs?
Unstarred Planning, Development and Reform
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs be pleased to state the steps, being taken by the Government to control the price-hike which has worsened the sufferings of the poor?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the complete list of the entities, nationalized in the past alongwith the names of their owners;(b) the entities which were returned to the actual owners including their names and dates of return; (c) the entities which were given in the possession of persons other than the actual owners alongwith their names, particulars; and (d) the list of remaining entities?
Unstarred Privatization
National 1 13 5
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) whether Government intends to conduct audit of the recent Census; if so, the reasons for its delay; and (b) the reasons for not holding inquiry in connection with the alleged irregularities in the Census in Sindh to bring the responsibles to book?
Unstarred Planning, Development and Reform

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