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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- Name of buildings declared cultural heritage in district West Karachi including steps taken for repair & maintenance during 01-01-2018 to 30-06-2018 with amount spent?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- Number of cultural events conducted by the Department in the province during last 3 years?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- Which initiatives taken by culture department to promote Sindh culture across Pakistan and abroad, especially in neighbor and friendly countries?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- (a) Whether there is any STDC website functional for booking online accommodation; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, details of travel alongwith packages to encourage tourists?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- When Lakhi House Museum will be opened for the public?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- Number of Historical places exist in Sindh province which are under supervision of the department?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- (a) Is it fact that the Tourist Guide Regulatory Committee is to be constituted under Section 3 (1) of the Sindh Tourist Guides Act, 2011; (b) If answer to (a) above be in affirmative, reasons of delay for not constituting the Tourist Guide Regulatory Committee as of August 17, 2018?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- Number of saints in the Province who’s Urs is celebrated every year?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that department arranged some National & International cultural events during 2013 to 2017; (b) If answer to (a) above be in affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities
Sindh 2 6 24
Will the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities be pleased to state: (a) Is it a fact that Sindh government allocated some endowment fund for the preservation/conservation of heritage sites of the province; (b) If answer to (a) above be in affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Culture, Tourism & Antiquities

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