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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) the procedure to give administrative approval for new schemes of natural gas supply; (b) number of schemes of supply of natural Gas approved for NA-91, Sargodha (old NA-67) since 2011; (c) number of schemes completed and pending in the said Constituency so far alongwith reasons thereof; and (d) as to when physical work will start on pending and new schemes of Gas in said Constituency?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether the concerned authorities of Power Division and NEPRA have taken notice of electrocution of dozens of innocent citizens recently; if so, the details thereof (b) whether the concerned electricity provider or Federal Government has financially compensated the killed and injured citizens in such incidents of electrocution; if so, the details thereof; and if not, the reasons thereof; (c) time by which, each of above will be financially compensated; and (d) what steps are being taken to improve infrastructure particularly with reference to ensure safety of people?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the number of villages electrified in the country during the last 14th months with province wise break-up; and (b) the number of villages in the country proposed to be electrified during 2019-2020 with province-wise break-up?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state whether it is correct that the Federal Government has decided to bring Federal Shariat Court and Council of Islamic Ideology which are purely constitutional bodies under the ambit of Ministry of Law by annulling or lowering their constitutional status and including them in the list of autonomous bodies with regard to restructuring of organizations; if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Law and Justice
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that ninety million were released by Federal Government in March, 2013 for the then NA-94 (Now NA-113) to FESCO for electrification of development schemes; (b) whether it is also a fact that those funds were transferred to FESCO but were not utilized; (c) the detailed statement of utilization of said funds and where those funds were utilized; if not, utilized the status thereof?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the details of assistance provided by Directorate of Consular Affairs of the Ministry to Pakistanis who want to go abroad and reside abroad, as per functions of the said Directorate?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) what was the total accumulated circular debt on 1st March, 2018; and (b) what was the accumulated circular debt on 1st December, 2019?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) hospitals/doctors on the panel of the Ministry and its each attached department at present; and (b) the total monthly amount paid to the said each hospital/ doctor during the last five years?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to refer to the Starred Question Nos.166 and 176 replied on 13-01-2020 and to state: (a) details of those new schemes of provision of natural Gas to different parts of Balochistan upon which physically work has been started or approved; (b) the estimated time of the completion of each scheme and whether or not, each of above scheme is moving forward as per its schedule; (c) the budget reserved, released and utilized for each scheme since its inception; and (d) what steps are being taken by the Government to ensure timely completion of such schemes?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether all private courier companies in the country are registered; (b) if so, the names thereof alongwith the authority registering said companies?
Starred Communication
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that according to the International Renewable Energy Agency’s Report, namely, Renewable Readiness Assessment, thousands of villages in Pakistan do not have access to electricity; if so, the estimated population, which do not have access to electricity at present; and (b) the year-wise road-map of the Government for electrification of this rural population?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the criteria adopted to fix toll tax for Highways and increase made in toll tax rate from 25th July, 2018 to 25th July, 2019 alongwith the names of Highways and comparison of toll tax thereon; and (b) whether facilities provided in Rest Areas of the Highways have been increased or reduced during the said period?
Starred Communication
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that low pressure of natural Gas is being observed in the city of Sargodha particularly in the this winter; (b) if so, whether relevant departments of the natural Gas have taken notice of such low pressure and identify real causes thereof; if so, the details thereof; and (c) steps which are being taken by the Government to maintain the pressure of the natural Gas in the aforesaid city?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.28 replied on 13-09-2019 and to state: (a) the total expenditure incurred upon conducting third party audit of excessive Gas billing; (b) when was audit report presented to the Prime Minister and what action has been taken upon it; and (c) the time by which excessive billing will be refunded and adjusted to the consumers?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state the number of projects started in order to cater the demand of gas in the country at present alongwith the detail of Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline Project?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Government has failed to convene the OIC Summit or even its Foreign Minister’s Conference on Kashmir; and (b) the reasons for not effectively involving OIC on the plight and suffering of our valiant Kashmiris?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state what is our strategy to revive Kashmir issue on international forum?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) what steps are being taken by the Government to introduce new technology in the transmission and distribution system of electricity; and (b) whether it is a fact that total circular debt has increased since June, 2018; (c) what was the total circular debt in June, 2018; and (d) what was total circular debt in December, 2019?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that District Karak is a main hub of Gas production and the people of District Karak are deprived from such basic facility of Gas; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) the time by which the basic facility of Gas will be provided to the people of Karak; if not, reasons thereof?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the total number of Pakistani prisoners in Afghanistan at present and number of those released during the present regime till date from the jails of Afghanistan?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) the shortfall of natural Gas in this winter i.e 2019-20 and the figure of the same in the winter of 2018-19; (b) the improvement made in the supply chain of natural Gas across the country since the inception of the Government; (c) whether it is a fact that people are facing shortage of the natural Gas across the country in this year winter i.e. 2019-20; (d) if so, what remedial steps are being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state the steps taken or being taken by the Government during the last five years in order to provide rehabilitation to the persons with disabilities in Islamabad Capital Territory under the Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance 1981?
Starred Human Rights
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state whether electricity loadshedding across the country has ended completely?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the steps being taken by Government to defuse highly tense situation in the Gulf after the assassination of General Qasim Sulemani of Islamic Republic of Iran?
Starred Foreign Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state whether the earning of the Pakistan Post is gradually increasing or decreasing?
Starred Communication
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise detail of amount deposited as retention money in PSDP projects during the last five years; (b) the profit earned each year thereon and the bank in which the said amount was deposited; and (c) the reasons for not keeping the said amount in National Bank of Pakistan with detail thereof?
Starred Communication
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government or National Commission on Human Rights has taken notice that large number of persons remain in jails for years without a final decision of court of law; (b) if so, is there any data compiled of such inmates; if so, the details thereof; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to address such issue expeditiously?
Starred Human Rights
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the increase in overall collection of power sector due to addition of electricity in the national grid during last five years; and (b) whether such addition of electricity to national grid is sufficient to overcome loadshedding in the country?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the area bordering with India, Rajasthan has been ignored for Exploration and Production (E & P) activities for oil and gas; (b) whether it is also a fact that since oil and gas in districts Sanghar, Sukkur, Ghotki, Kasur, Bahawalnagar and Rahim Yar Khan are not being explored, the Pakistan’s oil and gas migrating to the Indian-side; (c) whether it is also a fact that there is no Hydrocarbon Exploration Licensing Policy of the Government; (d) if the reply to (a) and (d) is in affirmative, the details thereof and reasons for not issuing exploration licenses in the area bordering with India?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state whether wind energy is being generated in the country?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Sui Gas was approved by the Government for village Khalifo Haryah, Union Council Sami, Taluka Sobhodero, District Khairpur Mirs, Sindh and pipes etc. were, staked on the site of work and Gas is still not supplied; (b) if so, the reasons thereof and action taken by the Ministry against the responsible?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state: (a) the role of National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) to stop sea intrusion; (b) the budget reserved, released and utilized for the purpose during the last 7 years; (c) whether it is a fact that NIO has failed to play its role in stopping of sea intrusion in recent years and engage all stakeholders in this regard; if so, the reasons thereof; and (d) what steps are being taken by the NIO in this regard and engage all stakeholders for formulating a comprehensive strategy to stop sea intrusion?
Starred Science and Technology
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether the present Government intends to facilitate those MNAs and fix quota for them in PIA for their arrival and departure, those who have to travel from far-flung areas to attend the session; (b) if so, the details; if not, reasons thereof?
Starred Parliamentary Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether there is no oil and gas reserves in the seas of Pakistan; and (b) the reasons due to which Pakistan could not discover Oil and Gas reserves at Kekra-1?
Starred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Peshawar High Court through its directions in 2011 and a decisions of the Federal Cabinet asked for dissolution of PEPCO; if so, the reasons for nonimplementation of the above said decisions for dissolution of PEPCO; (b) the legal status of PEPCO at present; (c) the role and mandate of PEPCO in the energy sector; (d) how far PEPCO has been successful in overseeing management of DISCOs; (e) the specific role of PEPCO in the light of “Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997 and amended Act of 2018 when GENCOs, NTDC, CPPA & DISCOs have their independent BoDs; (f) the role of Power Division, PEPCO & BoDs of DISCOs in appointment and transfers of CEOs of DISCOs; and (g) the role of NEPRA as a Regulator in DISCOs?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the NTDC/ HESCO to lay new 132 KV Circuit from Thar Coal Power House, Islamkot, to 132/66 KV Grid Station, Islamkot, to facilitate the people of Thar who are presently facing low voltage and load shedding since long; if so, as to when the said proposal will be implemented and if not, the reasons thereof?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the names of Ministries Divisions and other Government 3 Departments/ Organizations against which electricity bills are outstanding at present indicating also the amount pending against each; (b) the time by which the said amount will be recovered?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether Government intends to introduce Solar System in view of electricity theft/line losses of all DISCOs; (b) the total number of companies working for installation of Solar System in our country at present alongwith the details of expenditure incurred on Solar System of 1 to 5 kilowatt thereon; and (c) the time by which Government will install the Solar System for small domestic consumers to control the further losses alongwith details thereof?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) the reasons for very low gas pressure in the Constituency NA-85 District Mandi Bahauddin particularly in areas of Mandi Bahauddin City; (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to address the problems of gas pressure at an earliest so that the difficulties of the people may be reduced as the people belonging to the said constituency NA-85 are protesting daily on the said problem?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that as per rules the officers who have last year of service towards retirement are to be posted at their home stations; 5 (b) if so, whether it is being implemented in WAPDA/NTDCL/ DISCOs and GENCOs; if not, the reasons thereof?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the locations where fencing alongside of Motorways are damaged across the country alongwith steps taken by the Government in this regard?
Unstarred Communication
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise budget reserved, released and utilized for Metro Bus Project from Peshawar Morr to New Islamabad International Airport since its inception; (b) whether it is a fact that if the project is not executed within stipulated time, its cost will be escalated manifold; if so, the details thereof; and (c) the steps being taken to complete the project at an earliest keeping in view the problems being faced by the commuters?
Unstarred Communication
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state the justification of allowing marriage grant to employees from BPS 1-16 and withdrawing such facility from employees in BPS-17 and above in WAPDA, NTDC, PEPCO, GENCOs and DISCOs?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state the details of disciplinary cases not yet finalized during last one year in WAPDA, PEPCO, GENCOs NTDC and DISCOs after lapse of prescribed period as per rules, their impact on the promotion and retirement of such officers and the time by which these cases will be finalized?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that despite submitting applications under the Customer Account ID. 8144042818 dated 27-04-2017 of a resident of Jinnah Colony, Chak No. 328/JB, Tehsil and District Toba Tek Singh, the authorities concerned have failed to issue them demand notice for the provision of natural Gas; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) steps being taken to provide natural Gas to aforesaid applicant at an earliest?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state the details of meter reading and bills charged by the HESCO, Hyderabad against meter number 01371811333500 installed at HDA Flats Block-A, Qasimabad, Hyderabad, Sindh since 2012 month-wise?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that names of a large number of Voters are missing in the new electoral lists; (b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to include the names of missing voters in the electoral lists?
Unstarred Parliamentary Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that in view of being signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had prepared a draft bill for effective implementation of BWC in Pakistan; (b) whether it is also a fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after having such draft Bill vetted from the Ministry of Law submitted it to the Cabinet for approval of introduction in the National Assembly; (c) if the answer to part (a) and (b) are in affirmative, the time by which such law shall be introduced; (d) if not, the reasons/justification thereof?
Unstarred Foreign Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) number of applicants of the recently advertised vacancies of Bill Distribution and Assistant Lineman in Islamabad Electric Supply Company with qualification required to apply for; (b) details of marks obtained in NTS test of each candidate appeared in tests of aforesaid vacancies; and (c) complete details in all aspects including NTS and SSC marks of shortlisted candidates for interview of aforesaid vacancies with the criteria adopted in shortlisting?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that late sitting claims for weekends and public holidays are provided to employees, specifically Chowkidars of schools of National Special Education Islamabad; (b) whether it is also a fact that late sitting claims are not provided to Chowkidars of National Special Education for hearing impaired children H-9, Islamabad, for the year 2018-19 despite of provision of the said in previous years; (c) if so, the steps being taken by the Government for provision of late sitting claims to poor Chowkidars of aforesaid schools?
Unstarred Human Rights
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the relations of Pakistan with Qatar and Egypt?
Unstarred Foreign Affairs
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government for the welfare and betterment of the transgender community in the country during last two years?
Unstarred Human Rights
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state: (a) as to why oil and Gas reserves could not be discovered from Kekra-I, in the Sea; (b) if so, who is responsible for failure and the action taken by the Government in this regard?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the construction of Karachi to Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) was substandard; (b) if so, the reasons for charging the toll tax on the rate of Motorway from the vehicles passing thereon?
Unstarred Communication
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) the demand and consumption of electricity of Garhi Khata Division, Phalili Division and Latifabad Division of HESCO separately alongwith the industrial, commercial and domestic demand; and (b) month-wise amount received under the head of fines in bills issued during 2018 and 2019?
Unstarred Energy (Power Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.44 replied on 2-1-2020 and to state the domiciles of laborers working in the construction project of Jamshoro Sehwan Road?
Unstarred Communication
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to state the name of countries including Saudi Arabia from which oil is being obtained on credit during the present Government tenure?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Energy (Petroleum Division) be pleased to refer to the Un-Starred Question No.24 replied on 13-01-2020 and to state: (a) the details of inhabitants of the area, who have got stay order due to which commenced work of laying new pipelines have been stopped; (b) the date of last hearing of the case; and the date of next hearing of the case; (c) what steps are being taken by the relevant authorities for early disposal of the case; and (d) what steps are being taken by the relevant authorities to improve the pressure of natural gas in existing network?
Unstarred Energy (Petroleum Division)
National 2 19 7
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a resident of Chak No.271-RB, District Faisalabad in UAE, namely, Mr. Muhammad Usman Khan was sentenced to imprisonment of 25 years by a court of UAE; (b) if so, whether the Government had provided legal assistance to him; if so, the details thereof alongwith charges, which were levelled against him; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Government to provide further assistance to said person in order to get relief from higher courts of the UAE?
Unstarred Foreign Affairs

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