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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 18 302 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) The names and designations of employees of Estate Office, who have been working on same subject/seat for more than 3 years in Estate Office, Islamabad; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to fix a certain period for holding one post at one station by the employees of the said Office and rotate them on different subjects/seats at different stations, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reason thereof?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 18 302 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state:(a) the details of allotments Government accommodations, made by the Estate Office since 2011 with category wise breakup indicating also the name of Government employee, name of department, seniority number/position in General Waiting List, date of issuance of offer/consent letter, date of submission of consent by the employee, date of allotment, date of expected/supposed and actual occupation of the accommodation in each case; and (b) whether it is a fact that a number of the said allottees could not get possession of their allotted accommodations,if so, the reasons thereof indicating also the steps being taken by the Government to give them possession at the earliest?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 18 302 8
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 18 302 8
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
Senate 18 302 8
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 18 302 8
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 18 302 8
Starred Establishment Division
Senate 18 302 8
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 18 302 8
Starred Cabinet Division

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