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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 1 12 5
District-wise number of youths trained in construction trade during 2011-2013 as well as the amount spent thereon?
Starred STEVTA
Sindh 1 12 5
Number of departments merged in STEVTA along with the number of employees working therein?
Starred STEVTA
Sindh 1 12 5
Detail of the Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority after its establishment along with responsibilities of the same?
Starred STEVTA
Sindh 1 12 5
(a) District-wise number of persons benefited from Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program; (b) Number of said persons provided opportunities of employment in public/private sector; (c) Is it a fact that above persons also provided opportunities to get employed abroad after training; (d) If answer to (c) above is affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred STEVTA
Sindh 1 12 5
Procedure of training fixed under BBSYDP along with period of training?
Starred STEVTA

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