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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 3 17 2
Will the Minister for Mines & Mineral be pleased to state:- District-wise number of mines on lease in the Province along with number of mines available for lease as well as criteria to get the lease?
Starred Mines & Mineral Development
Sindh 3 17 2
Will the Minister for Mines & Mineral be pleased to state:- Number of lease of Granite at Karonjhar and Thatta has been given to parties along with names of the said parties?
Starred Mines & Mineral Development
Sindh 3 17 2
Will the Minister for Mines & Mineral be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that a scheme of environment mapping of mining areas of Sindh for conservation of minerals and natural resources (Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Thatta, Jamshoro, Khairpur, Thar, Dadu, Sanghar and Kambar) is at purview of your dept.; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, date of start and completion of the same?
Starred Mines & Mineral Development
Sindh 3 17 2
Will the Minister for Mines & Mineral be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that a scheme of study of identified minerals in terms of quantity and quality leading to market ability is at purview of your department; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, current status, date of start and completion of the same?
Starred Mines & Mineral Development
Sindh 3 17 2
Will the Minister for Mines & Mineral be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that there are legal platforms in the Province from where sand and gravel is being picked illegally; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details & reasons thereof?
Starred Mines & Mineral Development

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