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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- Percentage of the allocated amount by the department for the provision of loan to skilled needy women to start their own small business including number of women facilitated during January 2018 to November 2018?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- Funds allocated by Government for women crisis centers during financial year 2017-18 along with detail of its utilization?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- Number of vacant posts at Day Care Center, Karachi and Sales and Display Resources Center, Karachi as well as recruitment procedure?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that Women development complexes are being established in various districts of the province; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the detail thereof?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- The sanctioned strength of the Department and the number of these who are women?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that department offers no assistance to those women trying to access higher grade jobs in civil service; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, number of women government employees Promoted/Posted with the assistance of the department?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that 62.5 million rupees earmarked during 2017-18 for construction of Women Complex in Karachi; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, current stage of the same?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- (a)Whether there is any plan to promote business run by women under Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SAMEDA). (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, steps taken from May 31, 2015 to May 30,2018?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- District wise number of development projects for the welfare of women started during 01-01-2017 to 30-11-2018?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- District wise and grade wise number of women appointed in the department during 01-01-2017 to December, 2018?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that Women Development department has signed MOU with JICA to start some programs for skill development; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- Cases of “Karo Kari” reported in the Province during Jan 1, 2019 to-date including steps Government intends to take to stop the same in future?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- District-wise details of women complaint centers working in the Sindh Province as on 1-01-2016 to 31-12-2018 alongwith facilities available in each center?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- District wise details of Legal Advising Centers working for providing legal assistance to Women in Sindh as on 15.03.2019?
Starred Women Development
Sindh 3 17 9
Will the Minister for Women Development be pleased to state:- District wise Community Muhalla Schools and Training Centers for Women working in Sindh as on 15.03.2019?
Starred Women Development

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