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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 3 28 5
(a) whether all the Advisors and Special Assistants to the Prime Minister have filed the tax return; if so, the names of such Advisors and Special Assistants, who have filed tax return alongwith the detail of each tax financial year for which, each one filed the first and the last tax return; (b) name of those Advisors and Special Assistants, who did not file tax return; if so, the reasons thereof; and (c) what corrective measures being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.182 replied on 14-02-2020 and to state preparations plan and time period required by Federal Government for calling upon CCI meeting to create consensus with federating units for release of 3% share for merged districts of erstwhile FATA out of federal divisible pool as approved by Federal Cabinet on 2nd March, 2017?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) whether State Bank of Pakistan, being a regulator, has taken notice of vulnerability of Banks, to get stopped increasing trend of online fraud cases; (b) whether losses of billions of rupees occur every year to the public due to above; (c) if so, the detail of same with year and bank-wise break-up of volume of losses accrued during the last five years; and (d) what protective measures are being taken by the Government to improve the vulnerable cyber security infrastructure for saving the citizens from such online frauds and also detail of steps being taken for improving the ratio of digital banking system?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) the detail of percentage of reduction in imports and increase in exports, respectively contributed to narrow down overall trade deficit by the incumbent Government; (b) detail of industries, whom imports have been reduced in the corresponding period details; and (c) whether Government has assessed the decline of imports of such industries; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Commerce
National 3 28 5
(a) the debt to GDP ratio during the fiscal years 2018-19 and 2019-20; (b) the detail in clear terms, the additional burden of debt, which have been saved due to revenue mobilization rationalization of expenditure, restructuring of public sector enterprises alongwith details thereof; and (c) the year-wise expected downfall of debt to GDP in next three years?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) steps taken or being taken by the Division to prepare subjectwise list of titles of all laws and rules of subject matters made with reference to business allocated to the said Division and its attached departments under the Rules of Business, 1973; (b) present status of provision of subject-wise list of titles of said Laws/Rules; (c) what steps have been taken by said Division to update consolidate/amend said Laws/Rules to keep pace with changes in modern Society; if so, details thereof; if not, reasons thereof; (d) the steps taken or being taken by said Division to determine anomalies, inconsistencies and difficulties in the administration and implementation of said Laws and Rules; if so, details of the latest post legislative scrutiny of laws made by Division; and (e) names of offices/branches appointed or designated in this regard?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to increase domestic exports to Ethopia during the next financial year?
Starred Commerce
National 3 28 5
(a) the funds approved by the Prime Minister during the year 2013 to 2018 for provision of Gas to NA-68 (currently NA-92) alongwith the amount spent so far; and (b) the time by which the remaining amount will be made available?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) whether it is a fact that all the banks used to issue funds transaction statement for few days alongwith the mini statement; if so, the reason of termination of such statement; (b) the date from which the same has been terminated and the action taken against the responsible banks which have taken the said illegal steps alongwith the details; and (c) the time by which banks will be reopened for the convenience of pensioners which used to open on Saturdays?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives be pleased to refer to Starred Question No.98 replied on 26-01-2017 and to state: (a) the names and location-wise details of those 08 dispensaries established in District Buner with expenses made thereon alongwith present status thereof; and (b) date on which those dispensaries were made functional?
Starred Planning, Development and Special Initiatives
National 3 28 5
(a) whether the smuggling of non-custom paid items are being controlled in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; and (b) the details of incentives being offered by the Government as alternative business for the inhabitents after controlling smuggling in the interest of national exchequer?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) whether Ministry has taken notice of failure of Financial Adviser, designated to each Division and Chief Finance and Accounts Officer thereof to play their due role as enshrined in the financial rules in the administrative and financial matters; (b) whether it is a fact that consequently, numerous administrative and financial irregularities of millions of rupees are reported in each Division on annual basis, which ultimately end up with audit paras; (c) if so, the details thereof; (d) what steps are being taken to ensure true role of Financial Advisor’s and Chief Financial and Accounts Officers in letter and spirit; and (e) if they have failed to play their due role, what action is taken by the Government to make them accountable on such matters?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the names of national departments or organizations of country will be privatized on 30th June, 2021; and (b) the detail of income to be accrued therefrom?
Starred Privatization
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the value of Produce Index Unit (PIU) was fixed in 2015 as Rs.4000/- by the Finance Division; (b) whether it is also a fact that PIU of land is associated with the type and nature of cropping pattern, cropping intensity and falls in crop production zone; (c) whether it is further a fact that PIU is strongly related to the land rent and land productivity of an area; (d) whether it is also further a fact that conditions mentioned in Para (b) and (c) have changed since 2015; (e) if answers to part (b) and (d) are in the affirmative, as to whether the Government will enhance PIU value in consultation with SPB, ZTBL and all Provincial Government?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the amount of loan taken from the Asian Development Bank by the incumbent Government; and (b) the purpose for which the above said loan was taken?
Starred Economic Affairs
National 3 28 5
(a) the total loss faced by the domestic industry due to pandemic Corona Virus (Covid-19) and the steps taken or being taken to control the same; (b) whether Pakistan has imported the masks, ventilators, and other equipment relating to Health; (c) if so, the detail of impact on the domestic economy by such imports?
Starred Commerce
National 3 28 5
(a) whether it is a fact that the incumbent Prime Minister has constituted number of Task Forces to revamp different public sector entities; (b) if so, members of each Task Force alongwith expertise of each member of such Task Forces in the relevant field; (c) the terms and reference of each Task Force; (d) the mandate of each Task Force; (e) whether such Task Forces were given a time frame for giving their reports; if so, the details thereof; (f) expenditure incurred upon each of the above Task Force so far; (g) whether each of above Task Force has given its report to the Government; if so, the details thereof; and (h) steps being taken by the Prime Minister’s Office in light of the recommendation thereof?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) being a Custodian of Dam Fund established through Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan; if so, the detail of collection of dam funds, which are collected through different cellular phone companies, Pakistan Railways in its tickets and by other means periodically reconcile; and (b) is there any amount withdrawn from the funds since its creation; if so, the details thereof alongwith purpose thereof?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) the year-wise exact amount of funds, which were required to transfer to each province and other entity in light of NFC Award, and other law statues during the last two financial years including the current financial year; (b) whether such amount of funds was in light of aforesaid statues; (c) if not, the reasons thereof; (d) what steps are being taken by the Government to transfer outstanding amount of funds, pending with the Federal Government at present against the aforesaid years to the provinces; and (e) what further steps are being taken to ensure timely transfer of funds in future to provinces and other entities thereof?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the amount of imports and exports with Afghanistan during the last ten years?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) the steps being taken by the Government to enhance trade with the Arab countries; and (b) the complete detail of steps being taken to export poultry production and beef in particular?
Starred Commerce
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to increase exports of textile products?
Starred Commerce
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives be pleased to refer to the Starred Question No.162 replied on 23-07-2020 and to state the number of persons which are living the life of poverty in the country at present?
Starred Planning, Development and Special Initiatives
National 3 28 5
(a) the impact of 2nd phase of Free China-Pakistan Trade Agreement on Industry of the country; and (b) what steps are being taken by the Government to mitigate such impact; if it is found negative on the indigenous industries?
Starred Commerce
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the steps being taken by the present Government to encourage trade through Karachi, Muhammad Bin Qasim Port and Gwadar Port indicating also the details of available facilities being provided by FBR to the traders at the above mentioned ports?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) when was the current pay and Pension Committee constituted and the time by which committee have to submit recommendations for the financial year, 2020-21; (b) whether the committee has submitted its recommendation within the stipulated time for the said year; if so, details thereof; (c) whether it is a fact that Government has failed to act upon such recommendations; if so, the reasons thereof; (d) whether committee did not submit its recommendation for the aforesaid year; if so, the reasons thereof; and (e) what steps are being taken to increase the pay and pension of Government employees keeping in mind, the increasing ratio of inflation in the country?
Starred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Youth Task Force of Quetta has not been notified so far?
Unstarred Prime Minister’s Office
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to increase in the basic pay of Government employees?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to conduct inquiry regarding obtaining loans and their use during the last three years; if so, the time by which same will be conducted; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to make the economy self sufficient?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the volume of internal and external debts on the country is rising; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) the department and year-wise usage of the said loans taken by the Government during the previous three years to till date?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) whether the Government intends to grant permission to the Federal Government employees who wanted to make their G.P Fund account interest free from the first day of their employment; (b) if so, the time by which it would be implemented; if not, the reasons thereof?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
National 3 28 5
(a) whether it is a fact that Intellectual Property Organization (IPO) has taken action to curb the menace of pirated audio visual stuff; (b) if so, its details of the last five years?
Unstarred Commerce

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