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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD Be pleased to state: (a) Is it a fact that funds have been embarked during 2018-19 for economic support to handicapped women in the province; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, district wise expenditure to date and criteria for selection?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state: Number of handicapped children registered in district Tharparkar along with steps taken for their welfare during 2013 to-date?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that department is addressing the issues of low pay and innovation of Special Education Teachers; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that training programs have been introduced by the government for Special Education Teachers; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that department has made plans to improve access to Special Education in rural areas of the province; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the detail thereof?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that department is addressing the issues of low pay and motivation of Special Education Teachers; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details thereof
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- Number of Centres for the rehabilitation of disabled persons working in the Province along with details/numbers of staff working therein?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- Number of Trainings conducted for blind and deaf persons in province and explain the nature of Trainings?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- Laws passed by Sindh Assembly related to Special Education during May, 2008 to May 2018 as well as status of implementation of the same as of August, 2018?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that recruitment rules of the department are not yet framed; (b)If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the reasons there of including the period of Abeyance?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- (a)Is it a fact that measures have been initiated to computerize the record of the employees and their salaries; (b)If answer to (a) above is in affirmative, the details there of?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities
Sindh 3 19 4
Will the Minister for DEPD be pleased to state:- What is the timeline to constitute a Provincial Advisory Council?
Starred Department of Empowernment of persons with disabilities

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