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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 2 13 3
District-wise number of Industries exists along with the number of new Industries established during 2009 to 2013 as well as the number of the same closed during above period?
Starred Industries
Sindh 2 13 3
Number of Poly-technic institutes/vocational schools established in Sukkur, Shikarpur and Thatta along with number of persons graduated from these during the period from 2008-2013?
Starred STEVTA
Sindh 2 13 3
District-wise number of technical training centres exist along with subjects taught at each centre as well as number of students enrolled there as on 2012-2013 under the SBBYDP?
Starred STEVTA
Sindh 2 13 3
(a) Is it a fact that lanes equivalent to water pipe lines of KW&SB are being laid in SITE Phase-I; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the law under which the same are being laid?
Starred Industries
Sindh 2 13 3
(a) Is it a fact that the department has any plans for the development of small/medium size industries in rural areas according to its relevant culture; (b) If answer to (a) above is in affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Industries
Sindh 2 13 3
District-wise number, name and address of persons appointed in industries department in BPS-1 to 15 during 2012-13?
Starred Industries

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