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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
KP 3 18 7
steps taken by the Government to sort out the issue of land grabbing
Starred Auqaf and Hajj
KP 3 18 7
List of total Minority , Female and other special employees working in the department
Starred Unalloted
KP 3 18 7
Appointments made in the department
Starred Environment
KP 3 18 7
Names and number of hotels and organization granted with the Permit and Licenses for Alcohol
Starred Revenue
KP 3 18 7
Development Funds allocated to the department for District Kurram(Ex-Fata)
Starred Environment
KP 3 18 7
Nuumber of Staff appointed since 2015 in the department
Starred Environment
KP 3 18 7
Number of registered and unregistered Rickshaws,Taxi's in the Province
Starred Relief, Rehabilitation & Settlement Department

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