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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that some buildings of the departments in Karachi districts have been declared unsafe; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the reasons thereof; (c) Whether any of these buildings are protected heritage sites; (d) If answer to (c) above is affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that a project of consolidation/improvement and provision of missing facilities at dargah Sakhi Dad Wahi, district Nausheroferoz with cost of Rs. 12.000 million is to be completed by June, 2019;\ (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, detail of work completed and amount spent?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- The procedure to sanction expenditure from donations received in shrines in Sindh and whether such donations are used solely for the upkeep of the shrine or transferred to the Government accounts?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- Year-wise number of foreign pilgrims visited the shrines of Sufi saints from 2013 to 2018?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that schemes for expansion, renovation and rehabilitation of Sufi shrines in order to facilitate pilgrims have been allocated during 2018-2019; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that has Auqaf Department recently organized a fair namely “Me Raqsam” in Hyderabad; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, expenditure incurred in this regard?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that Government has allocated any program to help the dis-abled persons; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the detail thereof?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- Revenue generated by the Auqaf department through waqf properties, contacts, rents lease, etc during the last 5 years?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- Location-wise number of shrines under government control in Districts of Karachi as on 31st December 2018 alongwith donations received from each during 2016 to 2018?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- Amount spent from Zakat fund under the head of marriage of poor and heirless girls during 2017 to 2018?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- The expenditure on maintenance of the Historic Mosque at Khudabad, District Dadu from July 1, 2018 to date?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that donation is being collected from Shrines on daily basis; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the name of Authority Conducting audit of the same?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- District-wise amount of rent collected from the buildings or land property owned by Auqaf department?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr
Sindh 4 24 4
Will the Minister for Auqf, Zakat & Ushr be pleased to state:- Number of shrines under Auqaf Department in the province including where the Donation collected from them are spent?
Starred Auqaf, Zakat & Ushr

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