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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- (a) Is it a fact that darul-aman for rehabilitation of destitute women exist in few districts only; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the reasons thereof?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Number/names of local and foreign NGOS working in the province along with amount disbursed to the same by Sindh government?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Amount earmarked during 2017-18 for economic support to handicapped women and amount actually spent along with criteria for selection?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- District-wise number of offices and staff of the Department as on 31 August, 2018?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Number of Dar-ul-Amans operational in the province along with their capacity for females?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Number of schools for disabled children working under Social Welfare department in the province?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Number of Jobs created in Social Welfare department during 2018-19?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Number of Jobs created in Social Welfare department during 2018-19?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Post wise number of vacancies in the Social Welfare Department as on September 4, 2018?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Number of Social Welfare centers exist in Keamari Town Karachi along with their functions as well as number of employees working in the said town? ANSWER
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
ill the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- (a) Whether any scheme for group marriage of poor girls and give hand to arrange dowry for them is under consideration of the government; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the detail thereof?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 4 24 6
Will the Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state:- Year in which Benazir women support program started under social welfare department with its aims and objects and year in which the same closed with reasons of its closure?
Starred Social Welfare

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