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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the details of agreement under which Pakistan received $ 3 billion from Saudi Arabia in December 2021, indicating also the interest rate and the time frame and the number of tranches fixed for return of the said loan?
Starred Finance & Revenue
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the import Bill/expense on oil and commodities were increased by 78 percent during the period from July to November 2021 as compared to last year, if so, the steps taken by the Government for reducing the import Bill/expenses?
Starred Commerce
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the names, posts, grades, domicile, pay and allowances and perks of all the employees working in the State Bank of Pakistan on contract, regular, deputation and daily wages basis?
Starred Finance & Revenue
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the year -wise income tax collected from industrial sector in Sindh province during the last three years?
Starred Finance & Revenue
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Prime Minister of Pakistan has Constituted a Three Members Committee for Southern Balochistan, if so, its detail; (b) it is also fact that the above Committee has announced huge development fund during the visit of Southern Balochistan, if so, its detail; and (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration to take on board the elected Representative of Balochistan in the allocation of these funds?
Starred Planning, Development and Special Initiatives
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the year-wise regulatory duty collected on imports of goods imported through Karachi Port during the last three years?
Starred Finance & Revenue
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state that whether it is a fact that 1.5 Billion dollar difference has been reported in the imports statistics of State Bank of Pakistan and Pakistan Bureau of Statistics in November 2021, if so, reasons of the difference thereof?
Starred Finance & Revenue
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state whether it is a fact that, according to the report released by Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, only 39% of water in Pakistan is drinkable while 61% water is contaminated which is causing rise of cancer cases in Pakistan, if so, the steps being taken by the Government to secure under -ground water from contamination and purify the already contaminated underground water to make it safe for the purpose of drinking?
Starred Science and Technology
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) the criteria for selection / appointment of the present Governor State Bank of Pakistan indicating details of monthly salary, perks and other privileges drawn by him; and (b) whether it is also a fact that the present Governor State Bank of Pakistan is former employee of IMF, if so, the period during which he remained associated with IMF?
Starred Finance & Revenue
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Economic Affairs be pleased to state: (a) the number of times Pakistan was placed in Black, Grey and White categories of FATF, during last 10 years (January 2011 to 31st December 2021); (b) the date and category wise details of placing Pakistan in Black, Grey, and white categories of FATF during the said period indicating the longest period Pakistan remained in any of the said category?
Starred Economic Affairs
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the details of training programs conducted by Trade Development Authority of Pakistan under “Trade Facilitation for Women Entrepreneurs” during last three years indicating details of fields/business, institutions wherein trainings conducted and the number of woman participants/beneficiaries?
Starred Commerce
Senate 19 317 17
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state: (a) the number of visits, indicating details of countries visited, duration of stay, purpose and expenses incurred on each visit, undertaken by the incumbent Secretary Commerce since assuming the office; and (b) outcomes of these visits for promotion of commerce and trade of the country with country wise breakup?
Starred Commerce
Senate 19 317 17
Starred Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development

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