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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether the concerned authorities have taken notice of the fact that the benefit of adjustable General Sales Tex (GST), which is levied on the raw material or otherwise at the time of manufacturing of any product, is not passed to general public, though it is later on refunded to the individuals or companies concerned because the price of an item is determined based on the cost involved in its manufacturing; (b) if so, whether the institutions like FBR has formulated policies to levy taxes that are more regressive to the general public; (c) whether the FBR has assessed such regressive impact on the people at large in recent years; if so, the details thereof; (d) total value of adjusted GST collected during the last three financial years including the current financial year; and (e) how much adjustable GST has been refunded during the last three years alongwith break-up of each year and how much during said period is shown as pending?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Ministry had referred the question of Riba to the Advisory of Council of Islamic Ideology in March, 1963; (b) whether it is also a fact that the Council of Islamic Ideology had prepared its recommendations to the Ministry; (c) if the answers to part (a) and (b) above are in affirmative, the recommendations of the Council alongwith details of recommendation-wise implementation status?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Ex-Federal Minister for Finance claimed that certain elements, involved in speculative trade, are responsible for depreciation of rupee against US Dollar; (b) if so, the details of such elements; (c) if the claim of above said functionaries is deemed true then what steps has been taken to hold such elements accountable; (d) whether it is also a fact that speculative trade of such elements is tantamount to failure of responsible departments; and (e) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) details of the total Pakistan’s foreign debts at present; and (b) the details of amount in billion dollars which the Government has to pay under the head of foreign debts?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) how much a user actually receive balance in rupees on recharge of Rs.100/- after deduction of all applicable taxes, duties, service charges etc. either being charged at the time of recharge or charged separately on calls or messages; (b) whether the Government has taken notice of the fact that imposition of withholding tax on mobile users is unjustified as 98% of them including students, daily wagers, beneficiaries of Ehsas Programme etc., whom income does not exceed the minimum threshold for filing tax return to claim such a tax adjustment or refund; if so, the details thereof; (c) what steps are being taken by the Government in this regard; (d) whether it is a fact that a person who obtains a certificate from the Income Tax Commissioner stating that his income does not exceed the minimum threshold for filing tax return during the tax year, then such person is exempted from such deduction; (e) if so, details for the people how currently such certification is given; and (f) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that currently imported cell phones are taxed at a price set by the phone manufacturer, instead of the actual receipt of purchase; (b) if so, if is not, that tantamount to an injustice to Pakistanis living abroad; (c) whether there is a proposal to collect tax on actual receipt of purchase of every phone, including setting up a system to allow overseas Pakistanis to bring at least one mobile phone with them each year considering the record remittances from them in the country in recent years; (d) if so, the details thereof; and if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the details of total monthly salary alongwith perks of Governor State Bank of Pakistan?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the details of the audit paras against the ministries/divisions during the last three years and the action taken against the responsible functionaries/financial advisors for such negligence?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) the total value of cripto currency purchased by Pakistanis during the last three years; and (b) the impact evolved on country economy from the purchase of cripto currency?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the Government policy to provide relief to salaried and middle class people keeping in view the increased inflation at national and international level?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state: (a) the salient features of the policy of the Government for export of Rice and its local price at present; and (b) whether it is a fact that the price of Pakistani Rice is lowest in the World as compared to the Rice of equivalent quality being produced by other countries?
Starred Commerce
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state: (a) the number of textile factories alongwith their attached industries working in the country at present; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to protect the same from energy crisis?
Starred Commerce
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the present Government to Constitute a Committee or a Panel of Economists for the purpose of devising plan for elimination of Interest from Pakistan’s Economic System; (b) if yes, the Terms of Reference and Composition of such Committee or panel; if not, the reasons thereof; and (c) the time by which such Committee shall be constituted?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state: (a) the details of net import and export with Australia; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to enhance trade relations with Australia?
Starred Commerce
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) the number of employees including Auditor General of Pakistan which are working on deputation in the provinces of the country or outside the country during the last five years; and (b) the name of each officer who was appointed more then one time on deputation alongwith the interval between the first and last deputation of each officer?
Starred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state the details of the audit paras of the Ministry and it’s attached departments/ organizations, amount involved, the action taken against the responsible functionaries for their ineffectiveness and negligence, during the last three years?
Unstarred Finance and Revenue
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the complaint cell is ignoring the complaints till several months; (b) how much complaints are admitting on daily basis; and (c) how much complaints have been solved till-date?
Unstarred In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office
National 4 42 9
Will the Minister for Finance and Revenue be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Banks of Pakistan are processing the cases for loans under NAYA Pakistan Housing Scheme, very slowly and the peoples are waiting for six to ten months; (b) whether it is also a fact that cases in Meezan Bank Ltd, Tulsa Road Branch, Rawalpindi are pending for 6 to 10 months in particular the case of Muhammad Aamir, Sanitary Worker of Chaklala Cantonment Board, Rawalpindi; and (c) what steps are being taken by the Ministry of Finance for monitoring of the above mentioned (b) bank for speedy process of the cases in particular the case of Muhammad Aamir?
Unstarred Finance and Revenue

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