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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state the details of steps taken / being taken by the Government to enhance the system of transmission lines in the country?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that PSDP funds have been allocated for transmission line from Karachi to Lasbela, if so, its yearwise details during the last five years; and (b) the mode of utilization of these funds, indicating also the present status of completion / progress of work on the said transmission line?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) the number as well as details of all those corruption cases involving Government servants where the accused volunteered to return embezzled funds and was granted the option of plea bargaining by NAB from 2002 to 2013; and (b) total amount recovered in these plea-bargained cases with case-wise details?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be please to state: (a) the names / details of those districts / areas of Balochistan which are deprived of electricity transmission lines / electricity infrastructure at present; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to earmark any project to install micro-grids in those areas of Balochistan having great potential for renewable energy resources, if so, its details?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is fact that average wind speed of 5-7 meters per second, suitable for wind power generation, exists in most of the areas of Balochistan, such as Naushki, Naukundi, Ormara, Turbat, Pasni, Lasbela and Khuzdar, if so; (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to build stand alone wind-power units / small wind electric systems connected to isolated systems in order to provide electricity to those areas which are not connected to the national grid?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that there are lot of areas in the province of Balochistan at present which are not linked with the national or regional grid systems, if so, the details or these areas; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to build new electricity transmission infrastructure in such areas so that they may be connected with grid systems, if so, its details?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) the number of children recovered from forced labor during past three years in Islamabad particularly in construction sector and mechanical workshops; and (b) steps taken by the Government to create child friendly society and meet obligations under United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child (UNCRC)?
Starred Human Rights
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state whether it is a fact that as per latest report of the transparency International, the ratio of corruption has increased in the country, if so, the reasons thereof and the steps taken / being taken by the Government to control the same?
Starred Law and Justice
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Human Rights be please to state the name of authority / Government department at Federal level that maintains the record of cases related to human rights violation, including rape cases against women and girls across the country?
Starred Human Rights
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state whether it is a fact that National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) has failed to pay compensation amount to the affectees of Neelum - Jehlum Transmission line in Muzaffarabad, AJK, if so, reasons thereof and steps taken / being taken for early payment of compensations to the affectees?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state the details of legislation made by the present Government during its tenure so far indicating the number of laws passed in the joint session separately?
Starred Parliamentary Affairs
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Energy (Power Division) be pleased to state month-wise details of decrease / increase made by NEPRA in electricity tariff in the name of Fuel Adjustment during the last four months?
Starred Energy (Power Division)
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state: (a) the names of the members of the Child Protection Advisory Board established under section 6 of the ICT Child Protection Act, 2018; and
Starred Human Rights
Senate 20 318 2
Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state: (a) the procedure and merit criteria laid down for the appointment of Registrar Supreme Court of Pakistan; and (b) whether the Federal cadre officer is eligible for appointment as Registrar, if so, under which rule / law?
Starred Law and Justice

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