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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Balochistan 5 61 2
Complete details of grade 1 to 15 employees posted in planning and development department during the year 2018 to 2021.
Starred Planning & Development
Balochistan 5 61 2
Details of the total expenses in terms of diesel, petrol and oil on the vehicles used by the officers of he planning n development departments.
Starred Planning & Development
Balochistan 5 61 2
In which year the Bagh diyala road muslim bagh project was included in PSDP and after approval how much money was released for its construction during the year of 2021.
Starred Planning & Development
Balochistan 5 61 2
during the financial year f 2020-2021,the federal government has released the total amount of funds for which projects to the government of Baluchistan, give details.
Starred Planning & Development
Balochistan 5 61 2
In the budget of the financial year 2020-2021,details of the total amount allocated for the ongoing schemes of the departments of labor and manpower of the Washik district.
Starred Labour and Manpower
Balochistan 5 61 2
complete details of the appointed employees in department of labor and manpower from 2019 till now.
Starred Labour and Manpower

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