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Sitting Question Details

Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 5 31 7
Number of doctors working in Civil Hospital, Larkana along with detail of sanctioned posts?
Starred Health
Sindh 5 31 7
What is the current status of Rs 50 million grant for Muno Bhai Thalassaemia Care Centre Badin?
Starred Health
Sindh 5 31 7
Location-wise new hospitals constructed in Karachi during last five years alongwith amount spent?
Starred Health
Sindh 5 31 7
(a) Is it a fact that spell of dengue has again raised in Karachi; (b) If answer to (a) above be in affirmative, the steps taken for the prevention of the same?
Starred Health
Sindh 5 31 7
Annual budget allocation of each BHU in Taluka FaizGanj and Mirwah District Khairpur along the number of closed BHUs with reason of closure?
Starred Health
Sindh 5 31 7
Number of RHCs up-graded in Sindh during 2018 to 2020?
Starred Health

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