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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Sindh 5 33 4
(a) Is it a fact that there is any program to construct rest houses for aged persons in Karachi; (b) If answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, the details thereof?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
Number of officers and other staff of department currently working in each district of Karachi?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
District-wise number of officers and other staff of department currently working in each district of Karachi?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
(a) Is it a fact that YMCA registration No. DSW-494 is registered under Social Welfare Ordinance, 1961; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the detail thereof?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
Report of corruption in YMCA for implementation was sent to Social Welfare Department and what action taken against YMCA?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
Requirements to register an organization under Social Welfare Ordinance 1961?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
Number of children shelters established by Sindh government existing in the province?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
(a) Is it a fact that the registration of eunuchs was started from last many years under social welfare department; (b) If answer to (a) above in affirmative, the number same registered upto July, 2018?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
How much quota implemented of disabled person in the department along with the number, name and designation of disabled persons appointed during last five years?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
District wise name and number of NGO’s currently working in the province including the nature of their work?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
(a) Is it a fact that Medical Social Work project has been closed; (b) If answer to (a) above is affirmative, the reasons thereof?
Starred Social Welfare
Sindh 5 33 4
Grade-wise jobs provided to the persons on disabled quota during 2015 to 2018?
Starred Social Welfare

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