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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state the losses suffered by PIA during the last five years indicating also the grants provided by the Government to the Airline during the said period?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the names, parentage, CNIC No., Designation, place of domicile, name of current and previous department, details of previous allotment, if any, and length of service of the Government employees who have been allotted Cat-IV/D-Type Government accommodation by the Estate Office in Islamabad during the last two years indicating also the address of the accommodation and rule under which the allotment has been made in each case?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Climate Change and Environmental Coordination be pleased to state the details of Climatic challenges being faced by the country at present indicating also the steps being taken by the Government to tackle the same?
Starred Climate Change and Environmental Coordination
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister Incharge of the Establishment Division be pleased to state the number of officers in BPS-20 and above working in the Federal Government departments with grade-wise and province-wise breakup indicating also the salaries, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to them?
Starred Establishment Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that PIA has earned profit in first quarter of 2023 i.e. from January to March, if so, its details; (b) the details of operational profits earned by PIA during the period from 2019 to 2023 with year-wise break up; and (c) whether it is a fact that despite yielding considerable profits the Government has announced to privatize the national carrier, if so, its reasons?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Government has signed an advisory service agreement in March, 2023 to hand over operations of three Pakistani international airports to a foreign country, if so, the details thereof indicating also the names of the airports, the name of the country to which the same have been outsourced and the period for which outsourced; and (b) the amount earned/expected to be earned from the outsourcing of those airports?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to refer to Senate starred question No.25-A replied on 31st March, 2023 and state whether the Government has taken / initiated any action against the brick kiln owners in Islamabad capital territory who have not yet converted to environment friendly zigzag technology, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be please to state: (a) the names, designation, name of department of the members registered in Federal Government Employees Housing Authority’s membership Drive-I who have been issued consent letters for allotment of plots indicating also the number of those who have deposited the required amount against the said letters and have been issued provisional allotment letters and handed over possession with category wise and year wise break up; (b) the number of those members who have deposited the required amount against the consent letter but have not been handed over provisional allotment letters and possession indicating also the time by which the same will be handed over to them; and (c) whether any action has been taken against official of said Authority found negligent in issuance of provisional allotment letters and handing over of possession to those members who have deposited the required amount, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the details of persons appointed in the Federal Government Employees Housing Authority during the last two years with grade wise break up; (b) whether it is a fact that the said persons were appointed after conducting tests/interviews by the NTS, if so, the number of candidates appeared for those posts and payment made to NTS for the same; (c) whether it is also a fact that the Government has discontinued the practice of selection of candidates for appointments in Government/semi Government departments through NTS, if so the reasons for hiring the services of NTS for the said appointments in the Authority; and (d) whether any officer of the Ministry of Housing and works was part of the selection/interview Committee for appointment of those persons, if so, the reasons thereof
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any policy regarding postings of PIA Officers/staff abroad, if so, details thereof; and (b) the mechanism devised / measure adopted by PIA to ensure equal opportunities to the officers/staff belonging to all provinces of Pakistan in respect of foreign postings?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications be pleased to state the details of development projects lunched through Universal Service Fund during the last three years in backward areas of the country with province wise breakup including erstwhile FATA?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications be pleased to state the functions and responsibilities of the Special Communication Organization indicating also the details of the ongoing projects and those projects completed by it during the last 5 years?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the numbers of vehicles deputed for security duty of VIPs in Islamabad during the period from 10th April, 2022 to 8th August, 2023 indicating also the expenditure incurred on the same with month wise breakup ; and (b) the number of the said vehicles remained deputed with the then Ministers, Ministers of State, Advisors and Special Assistants to the Prime Minister for security duty during that period?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the names and locations of residential projects/schemes initiated by Federal Government Employees Housing Authority during the period from January, 2001 to July, 2023 indicating also the amount collected from the same; (b) whether the applicants/allottees who have deposited the required amounts in the said schemes have been allotted plots / flats / houses, if not the reasons thereof; (c) whether it is a fact that the said authority has neither removed the encroachments nor have allotted plots to the applicants in Bara Kahu, Thalian, and Sectors F-14 and F-15 schemes despite the fact that it received the required amounts from the applicants, if so, the reasons thereof indicating also the time by which the same will be completed; and (d) the amount collected from the said schemes indicating also the annual interest being accrued / received on the same and the head under which utilized?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) the criteria laid down for allotment of space to public and private offices, airline companies, protocol offices of various departments, cargo services, exchange companies and eateries etc. at all international airports in the country; and (b) whether any rent is charged on account of the said allotments, if so, the procedure laid down for assessment of the rent indicating also the income generated from the same during the last five years with year wise and airport wise breakup?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state whether guidelines under climate change policy, 2021 have been issued to all stakeholders including multinational firms to take measures for the promotion of green environment, if so, the details thereof indicating also the present status of implementation of the same?
Starred Climate Change Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications be pleased to state whether it is fact that dues of some of the PTCL Pensioners have not been paid so far, if so, the details and reasons thereof?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that due to low runway capacity at Quetta Airport, the Civil Aviation Authority has imposed ban on airlines to reduce passenger load of various airlines, if so, the time since then the same restriction has been in place; (b) the quantum of annual revenue losses being incurred to the airlines due to the said restriction; and (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration to enhance the runway capacity at Quetta Airport and encourage airlines to start flight operations for Quetta, if so, details thereof, indicating tentative completion deadline?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister In charge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the make, model and category of the vehicles imported by the Government during the period from May, 2022 to July, 2023 indicating also the expenditure incurred on the same; and (b) the names of Government departments / agencies for which those vehicles were imported?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state: (a) the names of tourist spots in Northern Areas of the country indicating also the amount spent on the development of the same during the last one year; (b) the estimated number of local and foreign tourists who visited those spots during the said period; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to promote tourism in the said areas?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the names and locations of the ongoing housing schemes of the Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation (FGEHF) indicating also the number of plots, date and year of starting the work, present status of work and expected date of completion of the same separately in each case?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety be pleased to state whether it is a fact that a number of beneficiaries, who were excluded from the Kafalat Program in December 2019, have now been reinstated in the said program through Appeal Policy, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety be pleased to state: (a) whether the process of payments in emergencies has been made end-to-end automated, as envisaged earlier; and (b) whether the process of emergency payments in Tirah Valley and District of Harnai has been closed?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that illegal construction/ encroachments have been made in the government accommodation in F-6, G-6, G-7, G-8, G-9, G-10 and G-11 during the last 10 years; and (b) the action taken for removal of the said illegal constructions and against the responsible officials.
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) the ratio of employees to aircraft in five top airlines in the world; (b) the ratio of employees to aircraft in PIA during last five years; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to bring the said ratio in PIA at par with the international standards?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state the details of the action taken against the inactive / dormant Oil Marketing Companies and Oil Refineries by OGRA, indicating also the capacity of oil refineries separately, during the last five years?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister In-charge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state the number of vehicles being purchased for protocol duties during the April 2022 to February 2023 indicating make and model-wise price of each car and total expenditure made on the purchase?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the details of officers/officials who have been allotted plots in housing schemes launched by Federal Government Employees Housing Authority and Pakistan Housing Authority during the last five years but have not yet been handed over possession of their plots?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the details of defaulters of Federal Lodges and at present Chumri lodge indicating also the action taken for the recovery of dues from them?
Starred Housing & Works
Senate 20 334 1
will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications be pleased to state the legal status and Government policy regarding social media apps offering online interest based loans indicating also the reasons for not blocking such apps?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that various Federal Government departments / organizations owe huge amount to PIA for its services, if so, the details thereof indicating also the names of the organizations, amount is outstanding period since which the amount is outstanding and reasons for delay in each case; and (b) the steps taken / being taken by the PIA Management for recovery of the outstanding amount from the said organizations so far?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state the number of PIA female staff who have submitted harassment complaints since 2015 to 2022 and action taken in this regard with details?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister Incharge of the Establishment Division be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any legal cover available for provincial quota in Federal Government jobs after the expiry of the time period prescribed in constitution the same, if so, the details thereof; and (b) whether the provinces provide similar quota in provincial services to the residents of the Islamabad Capital Territory, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Establishment Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Cabinet Division had approved the Summary titled “Establishment of Special Courts (Overseas Pakistanis Property)” in 2022, if so, the present status of implementation of the same?
Starred Cabinet Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety be pleased to state whether any action has been taken against the BISP agents who involved in paying amount to irrelevant persons other than genuine and without biometric verifications, if so, then please state the details of the action taken during the last two years?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) had imposed a ban on National Airline over safety concerns in 2022, if so, the details thereof; (b) whether it is also a fact that the said ban has still not been lifted, if so, the reason thereof; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to get this ban lifted by ICAO?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety be pleased to state: (a) the number of persons who have gone below the poverty line after one year of the catastrophic floods in Pakistan in 2022; (b) the factors, besides floods, that have contributed to worsen poverty situation in Pakistan at present; and (c) whether the Government has taken any sustainable measures to increase the income level of lower middle classes during the last two years, if so, its details?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Information Technology & Telecommunications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that in March 2022, the Government launched seven projects with an estimated cost Rs. 8 billion through Universal Service Fund to provide broadband service to over 2.5 million people in un-served and underserved areas of four provinces including projects of worth Rs. 3.5 billion in Balochistan, if so, the amount released so far for those projects with province wise break up; (b) the names of those districts in Balochistan which benefited from the said projects so far indicating also the names of districts which are still deprived of the broadband services; and (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to launch more projects to provide digital infrastructure / broadband services to those districts, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) in collaboration with the Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP) has been working on uplifting the most marginalized rural communities in Balochistan since 2021, if so, the number of projects launched in this regard indicating also the names of implementing agencies and funds allocated for these projects?
Starred Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications be pleased to state: (a) the number of broadband and mobile Internet (3G/4G) users in the province of Balochistan at present; (b) the names of those districts of Balochistan where 3G/4G services are available, indicating also the names of companies which are providing the same; (c) the names of those districts/areas of Balochistan where PTCL/DSL is available, indicating also its average cost; and (d) the steps being taken by the Government to provide broadband and PTCL/DSL facilities in rural areas of the province?
Starred Information Technology and Telecommunication
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be please to state the names of countries / destinations where PIA does not operate its flights but is maintaining its offices there indicating also the names and designations of the officers and officials working in each of those offices?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister for Aviation be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that two aircrafts of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) have been parked at Jakarta Airport since September, 2021, if so, the details thereof (b) whether it is also a fact that the parking fee of the said aircrafts has mounted to 15 million, if so, the monthly breakup of the same; and (c) whether any disciplinary action has been taken by the Government against the officials responsible for this negligence and loss to the national exchequer, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Aviation Division
Senate 20 334 1
Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state the details of the allocation under the Regional Competitive Energy Tariff and its utilization during the last 3 years, with sector wise break up?
Unstarred Cabinet Division

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